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Put a fork in it, it's done


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I have to agree with the Fadizzle here, I played WoW for about seven years on and off, then my brothers convinced me to play SWTOR much like Cwild's friend did to him, I really enjoyed the PvP in this game and chose not to participate in the QQ of class rebalancing in 1.2 I only kept one of my accounts active to que 8 man groups, I could care less about rated without cross server because everyone on the server knows who the best are, I merely wanted to que with my 3 brothers and a friend or two at the same time. I will try out some other gamez in the future but the deception that BW is using is really not worth my 15$ a month, while that is a tiny ammount of money I can use it for better things.


I am not a fanboi of any games just enjoy spending time with friends and family and making people cry in PvP is my drug of choice.

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I agree with most said here I thought SWTOR was great to begin with then the exploits/hacking started in pvp and as usual people are getting away with it. It's no longer fun anymore and with 1.2 it just made it that much worse. I already started playing EQ2 last night again so that's where I'll be..
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I have to agree with the Fadizzle here, I played WoW for about seven years on and off, then my brothers convinced me to play SWTOR much like Cwild's friend did to him, I really enjoyed the PvP in this game and chose not to participate in the QQ of class rebalancing in 1.2 I only kept one of my accounts active to que 8 man groups, I could care less about rated without cross server because everyone on the server knows who the best are, I merely wanted to que with my 3 brothers and a friend or two at the same time. I will try out some other gamez in the future but the deception that BW is using is really not worth my 15$ a month, while that is a tiny ammount of money I can use it for better things.


I am not a fanboi of any games just enjoy spending time with friends and family and making people cry in PvP is my drug of choice.


Are they still playing kim or they done too? What new games you going to try, you guys playing anything at the moment? Steph and I were doing mad research yesterday but could not find 1 game we thought looked decent. So he's playing nhl and im playing nba...I know for sure my girlfriend is liking this but forget her, i need my games damnit.




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Aw, im a unique snowflake? Thanks qt. I think you are too.

Acknowledgement! That is, after all, why I came to these forums. For acknowledgement. For others to see my words and respond to them. Oh joyous day! I have connected! I am no longer... alone.


Seriously though, ranked warzones didn't come out. The warzones that are available are messed up. State of the game is not ideal. But you'll be back. They'll fix it, update it, and will release new stuff, and then you'll feel left out and will cough up another $15. You know it. I know it. And they know it.


See you in the supplicant bin, brother. :p

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In the last month I have probably played about 3 hours total of this game. Had great promise, now with the server sizes, class imbalances, and no ranked warzones. I finally hit the button. "you have 26 days to play before your game subscription ends."


I'm pretty sure people will just say "k bye" or "**** loser" etc etc but my question to you guys is...


Do you really think in a few months with gw2, tera, pandamania, and diablo 3 all coming out that this game will really survive.


I honestly don't, and it is a shame because I did really enjoy this game for about 2 months. After those 2 months, there was literally nothing to do, and the only reason I didn't cancel was ranked warzones.


It just blows cause there are no games out right now worth a damn to play...so this is really the only option if you want to play an MMO...however, I'm just going to play nba2k12 until D3 I guess.


Blows =(


Oh, I didn't realize TOR was finished because you have lost interest and have only played 3 hours in the past month. Thanks for clearing that up.

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Amazed at all the fanboys in this thread holding onto a dying game. The op had it right. SWTOR had its run but for a vast majority of players (no, not the fanboys who circulate the forums defending this game) it's nearing its end.


Tera will fail? Tera is garbage? Hmm have you played Tera other than looking at the Elin class in disgust? Open Beta starts the 20th and the combat is amazing and fresh considering it knocks tab targeting out of the water... and the game is stunning with the best graphics of any MMO I have ever played. Don't let the fanboys who can't see something is over with hold you back. If you are ignoring your chance to experience something new then I won't feel sorry for you in the least. Enjoy future months of poor content releases and unfulfilled promises...

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Acknowledgement! That is, after all, why I came to these forums. For acknowledgement. For others to see my words and respond to them. Oh joyous day! I have connected! I am no longer... alone.


Seriously though, ranked warzones didn't come out. The warzones that are available are messed up. State of the game is not ideal. But you'll be back. They'll fix it, update it, and will release new stuff, and then you'll feel left out and will cough up another $15. You know it. I know it. And they know it.


See you in the supplicant bin, brother. :p


Nah, the difference between me and the normal player, is I was forced to play this game due to my irl friends playing. I hate space, absolutely hate space, I think star wars is stupid, I hated the movies, I think aliens are dumb, and lightsabers are for losers.


I have no idea why I think this way, I just always have since I was a little kid. For whatever reason I could be a giant ogre and think it was ******, but if I am an alien, im dumb. I did enjoy aspects in this game, I enjoyed rolling my server in pvp, that was this games saving grace. BUT since all my friends quit also, there is abo****ely no reason what so ever I would return to star wars simply because of the things i've stated before.


I dont know why I think that way, I just never liked space lol.

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Nah, the difference between me and the normal player, is I was forced to play this game due to my irl friends playing. I hate space, absolutely hate space, I think star wars is stupid, I hated the movies, I think aliens are dumb, and lightsabers are for losers.


I have no idea why I think this way, I just always have since I was a little kid. For whatever reason I could be a giant ogre and think it was ******, but if I am an alien, im dumb. I did enjoy aspects in this game, I enjoyed rolling my server in pvp, that was this games saving grace. BUT since all my friends quit also, there is abo****ely no reason what so ever I would return to star wars simply because of the things i've stated before.


I dont know why I think that way, I just never liked space lol.

You sir, are my hero

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Amazed at all the fanboys in this thread holding onto a dying game. The op had it right. SWTOR had its run but for a vast majority of players (no, not the fanboys who circulate the forums defending this game) it's nearing its end


Actually, it's just the opposite. Remember, there are plenty of people that are playing TOR because they played Bioware's single-player games. They don't post in these forums. They don't care about high-end raiding. They just enjoy playing a SW game.

Edited by irdc
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Please be joking.


The good news is there are several lowbie guilds that will be gunning to replace you and with the new gear system it won't take them long to be up to par. It will suck to see some of the good guilds die though. Which are the 2 other guilds?


3/4 of Exile the biggest Republic guild unsubbed last night even the Guild leader...And Feds is Done so that leaves Rogue Squadron? man that server will be a ghost town come April 27th after the sub fee comes up for the month.

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I feel for you man. We've lost over 3/4th of our Guild already. Nobody is coming back for 1.2. I'm not leaving because, as you said, this is the only game in town. But once something else catches my interest, well...


Well its the only Star Wars game in town, wich is the only reason im not hitting the unsub button, why the hell did their give the best ip in the world to such a bunch of incompetent muppets....:mad:

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Actually, it's just the opposite. Remember, there are plenty of people that are playing TOR because they played Bioware's single-player games. They don't post in these forums. They don't care about high-end raiding. They just enjoy playing a SW game.


But is that enough to keep it going for a long time? I mean it's only been what 3-4 months and people who play that aspect and playstyle have like 4 50's. Will that not get old just like any other single player game?


Yeah I've played ff7 like 5 times...but i'm not paying to play it anymore.


I'm not saying 15 dollers is a lot of money. It's cheaper then my radio monthly fee for sirius, cheaper then 2 days worth of lunch at work, cheaper then taking my girlfriend out whenever she wants, cheaper then going to the movies, cheaper then 4 gallons of gas. People make a big deal about paying for something that is only 15 dollers a month. But would you do it for a single player game?

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WoW just WoW ranked WZ's did not come out because BioWare wants to make them worthwhile and you leave along with so many others? I mean really if ranked WZ's was the ONLY thing keeping the majority of you it is a good thing you all are leaving now.


Oh and SWTOR will survive all those games you mentioned they are all crap games (with the exception of GW2) but if you actually think there will be no class imbalance and pvp issues with GW2 you are jaded.


I like a lot of the fixes and (as some call) nerfs as they were needed.


Enjoy yourself in other games this one is just not for you, but please stop assuming this game will fail JUST because a few people are unhappy.


"a few" are you a paid bioware poster? Scan thru the Realm forums and look at all the goodbye threads....a few...I lol'd. And thats not counting the 300 pages 2 locked threads of the PvP section unsubbing because no ranked wz in 1.2 either...

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Actually, it's just the opposite. Remember, there are plenty of people that are playing TOR because they played Bioware's single-player games. They don't post in these forums. They don't care about high-end raiding. They just enjoy playing a SW game.


I will firmly disagree. The "vast majority" of players are not part of this particular audience that plays for story exempt of high end raiding and PvP. I don't doubt that Bioware will retain a player base (however small) but they are failing for their particular crowd that is used to a more polished MMO experience. Like the probably million or so that joined as a result of other failing titles, hoping TOR would be their saving grace. :mad:

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I canceled my sub.


The only way to make them understand you're pissed of, is to vote with your wallet.


I hope they quickly fix this mess, untill then... I have 7 days to find another game.

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GW2 is free to play... so you can buy it and play it any time without an additional monthly fee. I think people will get bored with it just as fast as any P2P MMO if not faster since you can do the competitive PvP that boosts you to max level with all your abilities at any level. So I think replay value will suffer.


Yet another person who sees GW2 gets scared over the hype and trys to bash it without even looking into GJ artard why don't you do some research on it before you bash go check out the trait and ability system in it :rolleyes:

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Amazed at all the fanboys in this thread holding onto a dying game.

The game will be here for years. Far too much money has been spent to allow it to die, especially not because people leave during vanilla.


Everyone "leaves" during vanilla. When Warcraft launched with no PvP of any kind except world PvP (no battlegrounds, honor or rewards) and the servers went down for whole weekends, you would not believe the number of threads they had that were just like this one.


"I have nothing to do". "This game has no future". "This game is dying".


No one explained to these people that vanilla games are like this. However, all this is moot since the OP has basically stated that he hates pace and Star Wars, so seriously, who gives a crap from this point on? OP was just looking for a game to play with his friends, and now he has no reason to.


Cool story.

Edited by Blistrich
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I definitely empathize with you OP. It's ridiculous how BW has treated PvP and the PvP community, borderline shameful really. I am set to unsub in two weeks, but had made the decision prior to the release of 1.2.


My main has been there, done that in SWTOR PvP. RWZs and the promise of some good fights were the only thing really remaining to keep me interested. With the renewed emphasis on Instanced PvP in this game (bleh) and the complete truncation of OPvP, I hit the jettison button a little over a week ago.


Still going to try out 1.2 and see what it has. Maybe something will amaze me and I'll resub. I started playing LOTRO again for a PvE fix. Sorry, but aside from a good leveling experience, this game offers nothing PvE-wise. Have D3 pre-ordered as well for next month so I definitely won't be around then.


Perhaps BW will eventually get their PvP ducks in a row. I don't know. There is just nothing left for me to do in this game now except roll alts and that's pretty dry after the first couple toons even when the stories are good.


Anyway, good luck to all who stick it out. I will probably return down the road if they ever get their act together. It was fun being a Jedi for a bit.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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TERA will be a beautiful train wreck. It's a Korean MMO... they don't fair well in NA/EU. This one will be no different. The combat with the hitboxes is probably the worst decision they could have made from a PvP standpoint.


Having tested it, PvP requires skill over gear since you have to actively aim. The PvE and story are boring like WoW's, though. Run up, read mission objective, run away but the PvP is amazing.


I'll be rolling both games, one for PvE, one for PvP.

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Well its the only Star Wars game in town, wich is the only reason im not hitting the unsub button, why the hell did their give the best ip in the world to such a bunch of incompetent muppets....:mad:


Remember, a bunch of the same PvP people at BW did also screw the Warhammer IP.


SWTOR is worse than WAR at this point. At least there was good RvR in WAR. Same PvP team, same results.

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