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Party bomb should be available to everyone, not only level X social ppl.


First because farming social points is extremely annoying and hard.


Second because EA likes ppl spending money, even if it is virtual money, so put the damn thing on a vendor already!!! :mad:

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I do miss my party bomb. I did my first raid since the party bomb was removed and I missed being able to drop a disco ball over the boss after we downed them. I miss the days of raid groups dancing on the corpses.
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Hitting space bar during a conversation should void social point gain for the next dialogue choice (and apply some penalty to the dialogue roll, as well).


Yes, I'm that guy who will sit and watch the conversations on Esseles/Black Talon in full on his 537th run through. :cool:


This is a terrible idea. That would be like being punished for not wanting to watch reruns.

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Farming BT and space barring through the conversations may sound like it's easy and like you're not working for your social points, but I would disagree. It still prompts you to reach out to other players to run it with you, and the more people you have the better. Sometimes if you were really lucky, the group was full of all 50's and you could run through on speeders and not even kill everything. But chances are, you also had low levels which required you to wait for them, kill everything, and if you were nice kill the bonus boss so they could get gear. And sometimes you had to wait while the lower level character sat through the conversations and cut-scenes because it was his first BT.


I used to run social BT's for my guild, and would pick up non-guild players to fill the group whenever possible. For each BT run, I'd wear a different social outfit, and sometimes morphed different outfits (my favorite being the robot superhero look). You can bet there'd be a party instigator thrown down along with my rhythm augmentation droid (I'm social VII and was working towards party bomb). Whoever had a rhythm droid would drop them down as well. These were great guild events because any level could go.


Anyway, I digress. I just wanted to comment for those that didn't farm BT that getting social rank didn't come quick and easy, even with BT. It was a time sink just like anything else. It was like dailies- only without any immediate rewards. Your reward could take weeks.

Edited by Bitters
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Finally, a response.



@Rockjaw Could you or someone please address the party instigator? swtor.com/community/show…


Rockjaw Stephen Reid

@xxxxxxxxx Being discussed. More next week.

Apr 14, 11:10 AM via Twitter for iPhone

Edited by Ashlov
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Thanks for posting. I had spent almost an hour looking for things on social vendors and not understanding why I couldn't find them.


It seems that even with all the MMO's out there that Bioware is destined to make all the same mistakes the hard way.

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Do you "social butterflys" have any idea how annoying your party bombs were to other players who would have to sit on their speeder all day long, indoors building up massive carbon monoxide and doing significant damage to their lungs, to avoid your stupid emote spam?


Hail the downfall of the party spammer.





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Finally, a response.


Thanks for the info. I'm not a Twitter bug so would have missed this. I'm looking forward to seeing how they are going to address it.


It seems that even with all the MMO's out there that Bioware is destined to make all the same mistakes the hard way.


Isn't that the truth? You'd think the developers have at least played MMO's themselves and would at least take all the failures before them to have as a standard of what to avoid doing.

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Social points are a joke anyway. I assume they're intended as a reward for playing with others and engaging in roleplaying through conversations, but in practice they promote repeated speedruns through esseles normal with spacebaring through conversations since no other flashpoint gives a decent amount of social points.



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  • Dev Post
Hi everyone, we had recently discovered an issue that allowed these items to be used in ways detrimental to other player's gameplay and have taken the temporary step of removing them from availability. We are in process of determining further steps and will likely alter their functionality before putting them back in or replace them with a different but still cool reward. In the meantime, their value has been changed so that they can be sold back to the vendor at no loss. We apologize for any confusion. Edited by Wekeltes
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Hitting space bar during a conversation should void social point gain for the next dialogue choice (and apply some penalty to the dialogue roll, as well).


Yes, I'm that guy who will sit and watch the conversations on Esseles/Black Talon in full on his 537th run through. :cool:


That's silly, why punish people who don't enjoy playing *your* way (which most would agree is pretty oddball, watching the cinematics a millionth time and forcing other members to wait in a multiplayer situation)?

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Hi everyone, we had recently discovered an issue that allowed these items to be used in ways detrimental to other player's gameplay and have taken the temporary step of removing them from availability. We are in process of determining further steps and will likely alter their functionality before putting them back in or replace them with a different but still cool reward. In the meantime, their value has been changed so that they can be sold back to the vendor at no loss. We apologize for any confusion.


Couldn't they just not be useable when flagged or in PVP areas? That would probably fix the main issue... Or just not automatically make people dance.


I had gotten them the day before 1.2 so it was incredibly depressing to pop on for this and I loved the Galactic Party Bomb :( it was like a partying vanity pet

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Hi everyone, we had recently discovered an issue that allowed these items to be used in ways detrimental to other player's gameplay and have taken the temporary step of removing them from availability. We are in process of determining further steps and will likely alter their functionality before putting them back in or replace them with a different but still cool reward. In the meantime, their value has been changed so that they can be sold back to the vendor at no loss. We apologize for any confusion.


I don't get it. All they did was make you dance while in the area, and you could easily break the effect by moving. LOTRO has even worse items, where you can make people stop moving for a second as you slap them down, or make them cower or cheer.


Unless there was something more heinous behind the party bomb, I kindly request you put it back in place, and let people just deal with their characters dancing.

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Hi everyone, we had recently discovered an issue that allowed these items to be used in ways detrimental to other player's gameplay and have taken the temporary step of removing them from availability. We are in process of determining further steps and will likely alter their functionality before putting them back in or replace them with a different but still cool reward. In the meantime, their value has been changed so that they can be sold back to the vendor at no loss. We apologize for any confusion.


You could have programmed in a button under Social that would make your character immune to the effects. I went to a Video Game Design school, this isn't something astronomical in terms of doing.



You response is appreciated.

Edited by Rutrict
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Hi everyone, we had recently discovered an issue that allowed these items to be used in ways detrimental to other player's gameplay and have taken the temporary step of removing them from availability. We are in process of determining further steps and will likely alter their functionality before putting them back in or replace them with a different but still cool reward. In the meantime, their value has been changed so that they can be sold back to the vendor at no loss. We apologize for any confusion.


Being forced to dance when all I want to do is visit the bank is detrimental to my gameplay. Feel free to keep these things nonfunctional and/or unavailable.

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Being forced to dance when all I want to do is visit the bank is detrimental to my gameplay. Feel free to keep these things nonfunctional and/or unavailable.


Yes, because it stopped you from going into your bank, or doing anything. You're posting on forums is detrimental to my gameplay, I want the Devs to ban you. See how that works? Instead I can just ignore you and we both continue to play. The same feature could be implemented in the game so both of us are happy. Instead you want the game to adhere to just YOU.

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Hi everyone, we had recently discovered an issue that allowed these items to be used in ways detrimental to other player's gameplay and have taken the temporary step of removing them from availability. We are in process of determining further steps and will likely alter their functionality before putting them back in or replace them with a different but still cool reward. In the meantime, their value has been changed so that they can be sold back to the vendor at no loss. We apologize for any confusion.


Then have a quick look at WoW, because there is an item similar to the party bomb, however it does not force people to dance, but allow people to click it which then starts the dance. Or remove the autodance just entirely (people can always use one of the dance-emotes anyway).

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Hi everyone, we had recently discovered an issue that allowed these items to be used in ways detrimental to other player's gameplay and have taken the temporary step of removing them from availability. We are in process of determining further steps and will likely alter their functionality before putting them back in or replace them with a different but still cool reward. In the meantime, their value has been changed so that they can be sold back to the vendor at no loss. We apologize for any confusion.


Thanks for the update on what was going on with it. Sadly without items like these at Social 10 there is not much reason to aggressively pursue leveling social levels. Hopefully it comes back sooner rather than later.

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Thanks for the update on what was going on with it. Sadly without items like these at Social 10 there is not much reason to aggressively pursue leveling social levels. Hopefully it comes back sooner rather than later.


I really think that "aggressively pursuing" social levels is the problem with the whole social system in the first place. Gaining social levels should be as painless as gaining legacy xp... surely the developers did not intend for players to have to run 500 Black Talon/Esseles runs in order to be "social".


I think that a vastly superior solution would be to give social points any time XP is gained while you are in a group and within X range of at least one of your party members. This would encourage players to group up, and allow players to gain social points for, go figure, actually being social.


Back on Topic: My guess is that party bombs were being used to interrupt other players' actions in pvp, or something like that, much like warlocks in wow would summon demons that placed the PVP group in combat, thus not allowing them to mount up and thereby forcing everyone to start at a disadvantage. In other words... Griefing your own faction. Just my guess. I've never actually used a party bomb myself.

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I really think that "aggressively pursuing" social levels is the problem with the whole social system in the first place. Gaining social levels should be as painless as gaining legacy xp... surely the developers did not intend for players to have to run 500 Black Talon/Esseles runs in order to be "social".


I think that a vastly superior solution would be to give social points any time XP is gained while you are in a group and within X range of at least one of your party members. This would encourage players to group up, and allow players to gain social points for, go figure, actually being social.


Back on Topic: My guess is that party bombs were being used to interrupt other players' actions in pvp, or something like that, much like warlocks in wow would summon demons that placed the PVP group in combat, thus not allowing them to mount up and thereby forcing everyone to start at a disadvantage. In other words... Griefing your own faction. Just my guess. I've never actually used a party bomb myself.


Just want to clarify that I am not encouraging people to speed run Esseles or Black Talon. I meant aggressive in the sense of grouping up more than normal for say dailies.


I do agree that how to obtain social points needs to be expanded upon in general though.

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Yes, because it stopped you from going into your bank, or doing anything. You're posting on forums is detrimental to my gameplay, I want the Devs to ban you. See how that works? Instead I can just ignore you and we both continue to play. The same feature could be implemented in the game so both of us are happy. Instead you want the game to adhere to just YOU.


If me getting banned from the forums means these stupid things stay broken, I'll take it. :p

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Do you "social butterflys" have any idea how annoying your party bombs were to other players who would have to sit on their speeder all day long, indoors building up massive carbon monoxide and doing significant damage to their lungs, to avoid your stupid emote spam?


Hail the downfall of the party spammer.


So tell me...how did party bomb kill TOR to you?

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Why does bioware hate us cool kids who decided to farm Social X. First the Korrealis Baron becomes available to everyone, and then today I log in to see my Galactic Party Bomb and Party instigator no longer exist. Why do you hate us for being social butterflies...why why why? Hopefully this is just premature anger and I find out theres something cool out there I can get new with 1.2 that cant easily be bought by everyone for credits, but i doubt thats the case.

By social butterflies, you mean folks who are willing to run Black Talon or Esseles ad nauseam? :o


Social Points are one of the most poorly implemented features of this game. That said, I'm bummed about this change. I liked the parties.

Edited by IlexGlabra
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