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Also I have to agree with the suggestion some people mentioned. I am sure some people were annoyed by these social items and I appreciate those who have come in and actually discussed rather than just say they are stupid I am happy they were removed. I think adding a simple box that defaults to on to make social items not effect you in a much better solution. But what do we know, we aren't bioware. We only play they game, we don't know what would be fun for us, only the developers know what we think is fun. I am very happy that bioware is around to tell me what is fun and what isn't fun. I thought the party bomb was great and had lots of fun using it, thank you bioware for letting me know I wasn't actually having fun. Standing around using my doublelaser emote while I wait for a WZ to pop is so much better than a dance party. I had many people ask me what the party bomb was and how to get it and how it was pretty cool. I have had exactly zero people ask me what to do to get the doublelaser emote.
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my agent has seriously been in a depressed funk


first her giggle...now THIS?!

the fleet is so...cold... and barren... and... just... cold...

i used to throw up that thing every time we finished a boss in ops, or at the begining or WZs... or when i drunk dialed the fleet.... but now..nothing...


compaion dance is cute..but..dosen't cut it

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The easiest solution to the party bomb and the party instigator is super simple.... make it only affect people in your party. See what I did there? play on words. But seriously, cant grief people if it only affects friends or party members
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The party bomb and instigator were 1000 times less annoying than the giant land speeders parked on mail boxes, banks, npcs, elevator buttons etc. I would much rather see the instigator and bomb than those annoying vehicles any day. I have 3 of said annoying vehicles that I don't even use.
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If you have an ability that allows you to force other characters into behaving in a way that they don't want, why would you think something of that order would last? It doesn't matter what tells you've received, it doesn't matter how you perceive it was taken. The fact remains, you forced people to do things they otherwise might not have done. RP or otherwise, it's an annoyance and should have never been coded.


There's a reason why the train bombs were eventually stomped by another ability, because the effect was boring, a nuisance, and pestered people against their will.

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If you have an ability that allows you to force other characters into behaving in a way that they don't want, why would you think something of that order would last?


- Because similar items have been in other MMOs and lasted, too.

- Because it is fun, not just for the one with the item.

- Because if it were really considered too annoying, the auto-dance could have simply been removed from it, not the entire thing

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- Because similar items have been in other MMOs and lasted, too.


Similar items in other MMOs always resultes in the same discussion, and even if all your friends said they found it fun (wich doesn't even mean that they truely think it's fun, see the next point) and thus are no real reason pro.


- Because it is fun, not just for the one with the item.


Have you asked everyone about the item? And are you sure that everyone said the truth to you? Or maybe some of them simply hold back their true opinion, just to not ruin the fun for you? Social pressure is a "funny" thing, you know. I was often in the situation participating in some activities mainly "for the team". I'm not saying I didn't like it, but not for the activity as such, but because I like to do my part for a happy team.

Well, and as I already said, there must have been a reason for taking it out, and there must have been quite some numbers of ppl not being happy with these things for a company like Bioware to react to that, wich renders the "not just for the one with the item." part of your reason pretty obvious invalid.


- Because if it were really considered too annoying, the auto-dance could have simply been removed from it, not the entire thing


I already agreed to that. I'd preferred an option under social, with wich you'd have to activate participating in things like the party bomb and even rally and similar things. This would have been the best solution to that issue imho.

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The easiest solution to the party bomb and the party instigator is super simple.... make it only affect people in your party. See what I did there? play on words. But seriously, cant grief people if it only affects friends or party members


I would make it only work in rest areas, and only work on people you have on friends list.

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Yes, it was awesome when used as intended. Unfortunately non-RPers used it as a griefing tool against role-players, and was taken away.


Interesting. I've seen much QQ on these forums but never anything about that

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Interesting. I've seen much QQ on these forums but never anything about that


wich may be, because not everyone sees the neccessity to make a QQ-Thread in the Forum but send complaints in a different manner to bioware?

No Game-Forum represented the whole community in any game, so quit behaving like every player who has complaints needs to write here, or for that manner needs to read these forums or participate in polls or anything else in these forums.

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No Game-Forum represented the whole community in any game, so quit behaving like every player who has complaints needs to write here, or for that manner needs to read these forums or participate in polls or anything else in these forums.


You're correct that no game forum or other medium represents the whole community. But isn't the forums the best place to discuss and communicate to developers as a group? During beta, the forums was Bioware's preferred method of feedback. Is there another method that you would recommend where everyone can give their opinion to give Bioware a true picture of how it's members all feel about the party instigator/party bomb?


On that note, I think I'm going to check if there's a poll, and create one if there's not :p

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You're correct that no game forum or other medium represents the whole community. But isn't the forums the best place to discuss and communicate to developers as a group? During beta, the forums was Bioware's preferred method of feedback. Is there another method that you would recommend where everyone can give their opinion to give Bioware a true picture of how it's members all feel about the party instigator/party bomb?


On that note, I think I'm going to check if there's a poll, and create one if there's not :p


In a beta that's a whole different story, as that's kind of a "closed community" wich is expected to be active in th forums.

I usually tend to make ingame tickets for that stuff, as I imagine most "casual gamer" will choose the same way to leave his complaints. (well but to be honest, that's just my opinion wich I can't beckup and may very well be wishfull thinking)

And I trust that either some point gets enough attention this way or it won't. It will just take its time (and I speak of up to a few months)

This is also my imagination how these items disappeared without anyone in the forums noticing that there's a reasonable number not happy with said items.

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You're correct that no game forum or other medium represents the whole community. But isn't the forums the best place to discuss and communicate to developers as a group? During beta, the forums was Bioware's preferred method of feedback. Is there another method that you would recommend where everyone can give their opinion to give Bioware a true picture of how it's members all feel about the party instigator/party bomb?


On that note, I think I'm going to check if there's a poll, and create one if there's not :p


You are also correct in the forums is a way for the player's to express thier concerns. While any game company cannot take the opinions of the posters on the forums as a representation of the majority of how the player's feel, they can use that data along with thier internal data to confirm or dismiss those claims.

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Do you "social butterflys" have any idea how annoying your party bombs were to other players who would have to sit on their speeder all day long, indoors building up massive carbon monoxide and doing significant damage to their lungs, to avoid your stupid emote spam?


Hail the downfall of the party spammer.


Agree 100% Nothing could be less Star Wars then a bunch of Sith and Bounty Hunters dancing. If people want to emote fine, but no one should be able to force emotes on others, especially silly ones like this.

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Agree 100% Nothing could be less Star Wars then a bunch of Sith and Bounty Hunters dancing. If people want to emote fine, but no one should be able to force emotes on others, especially silly ones like this.



.. curious how my light V sith fits into your dream world? The being forced to do that crap, espcially in pvp makes me sad though.. So in that respect I am glad its gone =)

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Yeah, I didn't realize I was infected until I died at the GTN. My fps went into a coma bottoming out at 1.9 fps on the fleet. My chat log is clogged up with emote statements, particularly people dancing with their companions. I'm so glad that Bioware is prioritizing what's annoying in game and what's not. /sarcasm off
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Nice.. Realy nice.. We lost a good party tool because the people can't hit that damn sit down/buff button for ignore party instigator/bomb effect. Hey dude u can GO AWAY!

No no thats to hard i think. The better way is more crying for this and more crying for that. "Yay mom those guys play with a stuff what i dont like! Take it away from them! I dont want go away i want to cry more because i dont like the party! Boo im a ..." Yes u are a hater.

Great... Panem et circenses... But this not count already.

I dont understand why was necessary to remove this good tool.

Realy need to serve the crying vermins? That is not a good way. You know it!

I hope Bio will be smart and they wants to be save the funfactor in the game and set back this two or bring some new funitems in to the game! ;)


people standing in a circle at the fleet and didnt want to risk 20 people dropping party bombs and crashing severs.

Yes and the good option it is remove? Seriously? :rolleyes:

Edited by Eldzsiah
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I was already disappointed that you couldn't put the most SIMPLE of voice exclamations for so many emotes in the game from the start. How do you have an almost completely voiced over quest/mission system and not have voices on emotes? Even crappy free MMO's have that.


Now you remove the Party Instigator and Bomb and add in more disappointing features like an ability to dance ONCE for 5 seconds with your companion??



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I agree, it would be nice if someone from bioware could chime in and let us know why they took them out and if they are going to be doing anything to make social leveling useful again.


Player: Yes I finally got social X, time to have fun with the party bomb!

Bioware: Sorry player, you seemed to be enjoying yourself too much, delete party bomb.


Player: Yes, after all that grinding I finally leveled and got the item I wanted. Now I will have a better gear for all the grinding I did.

Bioware: With the next patch, you won't have to grind anymore. More new players will join and be equal to those who have been playing for months. We pretend to care about your opinion, we really just care about the money. We know you will come back when we release another patch.

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