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Social X


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I don't think Hooter is angry enough. The removed the only reason to have social points. It isn't even hard to get them. Play the game with someone leveling and you'll be at least social 6. But to us all who have made it there, we did work hard and Bioware has shafted us hard for playing a game that they were pushing hard to market as a social game (more so than many of the other MMOs); yet they removed the only useful social abilities that could be earned and not purchased. Yet another fail by BIOWARE. Fix it you a*****es. I am tired of being Biowared. <--- Soon to be on urban dictionary and then as many urban dictionary words added to merriam-webster.
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I don't think Hooter is angry enough. The removed the only reason to have social points. It isn't even hard to get them. Play the game with someone leveling and you'll be at least social 6. But to us all who have made it there, we did work hard and Bioware has shafted us hard for playing a game that they were pushing hard to market as a social game (more so than many of the other MMOs); yet they removed the only useful social abilities that could be earned and not purchased. Yet another fail by BIOWARE. Fix it you a*****es. I am tired of being Biowared. <--- Soon to be on urban dictionary and then as many urban dictionary words added to merriam-webster.


^^ This guy is so right!!

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Any emote that can be used to grief other players by forcing them to involuntarily participate has no place. Glad it's gone.


It would be nice if they replaced it, though, with something that would make Social more worthwhile. Just pulling it, without any real notice, isn't cool.

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yeah i lost my party instagator and im not happy it used to be you would never seen me standing still i would always be dancing but now all my grinding out social points was wasted time and alot of it! i feel like we have been punished for helping others threw BT so we can get social points after they where broken the entire time i was leveling.
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I have no inside info on why it was removed, but the principle of "nobody makes my toon behave in a specific way than me" should be respected. Any item that requires a defense against it causing you to behave in specific is an iffy thing to have in an MMO.

(highlight by me)





It took me a helluva lot of trouble and effort to get to Social 10 for the party bomb, (I didn't get to social 10 for a stupid speeder) and all my friends were jealous and wanted Social 10 and now they take my cool Party Bomb AWAY?

Why? :(


The 2 reasons i play this game

A - Warzones

B - Party Bomb


The pvp in 1.2 is horribly undesirable as is (if you're not in a premade) so I've quit for a few days to see if it will be fixed, and now my party bomb is just...gone!


Well all I can say, if there's only this few reasons for a game I'd lay it away and go on to the next one. (And, yes, I played a lot of games and quit them including but not limited to 3 Years of Ultima online, 3,5 Years of Guild Wars, 1 Year of lotro and about 2,5 Years of WoW, sometimes even more than one game at once)


Your logic is a bit flawed here because the Human racial bonus is Rally, which causes all those around you to jump up and cheer. The Party Bomb and Instigator were no different really, they just lasted longer. I ran across people who didn't like it and they just moved out of its aoe.


Well the difference is, that I can see a reason to be inspired by Rally from an RP-Point of view, where busting out in spontaneous dancing would be much more dependant on the character himself (I for myself don't really like to dance myself unless I feel really good and have some Music wich I consider as really good (wich will most likely be some music about 90% of the ppl here don't like or don't even know)

But still I agree, even things like rally should be part of an option wich should be turned off by default. For the reason look at the first quote of this post.


Edit: I can feel for you guys having grinded social x for this toy, and I'm on your side saying that social x should get a bonus of some sort. It's just wrong having an item wich makes other players chars act in a way wich might go against their imagination of their char. See it that way: You imagined your char as an always dancing whatever and are now in the same situation as the ones you forced to dance, even if they might have imagined a char wich would never dance. Neither of this is fair anyway, that's why I was saying I want this as an option.

Edited by TheVoiceXXL
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Any emote that can be used to grief other players by forcing them to involuntarily participate has no place. Glad it's gone.


It would be nice if they replaced it, though, with something that would make Social more worthwhile. Just pulling it, without any real notice, isn't cool.


I will say it again, there are similiar such abilities in this game which one could be considered Grief to players which have not been removed.


And seriously... having a dance emote go off on anyone in the area is Grief? Please, someone explain this to me. I've seen several people say it now, but I don't get it. How is it grief? It doesn't keep you from doing anything. In fact, if you do something (like give your companion a gift) you stop dancing. There were ways to keep from dancing.


Btw, they did replace it.. with more Sparkle Power. Which is LAME. Last night I searched every Social Vendor for a replacement and in the place of the Party Instigator on the Balmorra Social Vendor and the Galactic Party Bomb on the Ilum Social Vendor was Sparkle Power. What a useless POS and slap in the face that is.

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...stiff and staid...


Now that we know what you are like... can we move on and consider the general population - who probably don't consider a bit of harmless fun a crime against humanity? :mad:


...nobody makes my toon behave in a specific way than me...


Seriously if your character gets pulled into a party that it didn't want to be in - move away? If this seems injurious to you - you probably have a very serious and very unhappy time socially. :rolleyes:


"Oh Mary smiled at me - the horror!!! I won't smile back!! Nobody makes ME behave in a specific way than me"


"Eeek! John winked at me - does he think I'm gay? I will certainly not be returning his greeting or smiling at his jokes"


"Oh those kids three doors down the road must have thrown this ball on my lawn - Nobody imposes on my lawn anymore than my Star Wars toon!!! I will shove this ball down their throats so they learn the meaning of the words private property!"


"OMG that guy running for the bus splashed my trousers with slush... Nobody imposes on my trousers!! I shall commit mass genocide!!! But not until AFTER I convince the city to ban buses so I am not injured similarly in the future!"



Seriously get a grip mate...

I have neither of these social items but I and my guildmates sure liked seeing the players who did.


The only social X I know on my server would throw a disco ball once in a while on fleet. It's just good fun, harms noone other than the really stiff and staid.

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They could have made some kind of immunity item for people who didnt want it to work on them to use.. Kinda like the train wrecker on WoW. That made eeryone around the train do the choo choo dance. Not sure how this is much different.

I for one and very sad to see my party instigator do. I mostly used it in raids during downtime. :t_frown:

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They could have made some kind of immunity item for people who didnt want it to work on them to use.. Kinda like the train wrecker on WoW. That made eeryone around the train do the choo choo dance. Not sure how this is much different.

I for one and very sad to see my party instigator do. I mostly used it in raids during downtime. :t_frown:



5 minute cooldown makes it different. If you squashed the train, it was gone for an hour.

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Now that we know what you are like... can we move on and consider the general population - who probably don't consider a bit of harmless fun a crime against humanity? :mad:




Seriously if your character gets pulled into a party that it didn't want to be in - move away? If this seems injurious to you - you probably have a very serious and very unhappy time socially. :rolleyes:


"Oh Mary smiled at me - the horror!!! I won't smile back!! Nobody makes ME behave in a specific way than me"


[homophobe stuff]


[ridiculus stuff]



Seriously get a grip mate...

I have neither of these social items but I and my guildmates sure liked seeing the players who did.


The only social X I know on my server would throw a disco ball once in a while on fleet. It's just good fun, harms noone other than the really stiff and staid.


More Like:

"Oh there is a party. Now I can decide if I want to dance with the people or go away."

(as opposed to "Oh wow I'm suddenly dancing I must now go away")


"Oh, Mary is smiling at me, now I can decide if I like her enough to smile back or not."


I won't even respond to the rest....

It's quite clear, that you might not have a specific Idea of your chars and how they would behave in specific situations. Don't missunderstand me, I'm really fine with that. This is your way of playing this game. But it is not everyones way of playing this game. Same as my way of playing this game is everyone elses.

Edited by TheVoiceXXL
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Has bioware even said why they did this ? or was just a big middle finger to anyone who actually found somthing grind on in this game.


i knew of only 1 person that did not like to be made to dance and there reason was this games dancing is ugly. it wasent the fact they dident want to dance they dident want to dance badly. and really all it took was a check box next to hide helm that said hide social effects. but nope insted we get our time wasted and our items pulled from game. i cant make anyone dance but everyone can come over and start cooking my pet with a the new weld emote that makes sence we went from everyone dance having a good time to burning tontons alive.

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"Oh, Mary is smiling at me, now I can decide if I like her enough to smile back or not."


When someone smiles at you - you actually have to decide whether you like them enough to grant them a smile back? :eek:


Smiles must be srs bizness your neck of the woods.


As for me - smiling back at someone that smiles at me is an automatic reaction. This isn't a serious decision for me... hence the comment to get a grip.


Hey - please try to refrain from impugning my Star Wars toon's characters - they know exactly how to react in normal situations - like dancing at a party bomb or moving away if she doesn't want to dance - without feeling personally injured if a spontaneous party starts up.


And as for the rest - I'll give you the same respect you showed me

I won't even respond to the rest....


I'll end with giving you a smile too - here it's free :) - you can now spend a few hours reaching the all important decision of whether to smile back... but I won't hold my breath.

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What a silly thing to remove. I never had one or any interest in getting it but you have to be pretty uptight to be that bothered by it. The large, obnoxious speeders parked in front of GTN/mailboxes are actually annoying yet those purchased before 1.2 didn't suddenly vanish or become unusable. If BW wanted to remove this then they probably should have at least done the same with these items. Give people some warning and make it a legacy item.


As others have suggested if some people are that dour then add a blocking checkbox right next to the block random guild/group invites.

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Its like waking up on Christmas morning, opening your present... and "I got a rock" :(


You didn't like the rock I gave you.... awwww:( It was such a pretty rock and it was smooth and shinny. I named it bob. You did not like bob? :eek:


Rather indifferent about the bomb only ever saw it a few times.

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When someone smiles at you - you actually have to decide whether you like them enough to grant them a smile back? :eek:


Smiles must be srs bizness your neck of the woods.


As for me - smiling back at someone that smiles at me is an automatic reaction. This isn't a serious decision for me... hence the comment to get a grip.


Well for me it's an decision based on my opinion or at least first impression of that person and my current mood. If I for example have a hurting tooth, I can like the person as much as I want, the chances of getting a smile is rather low :p

So this decision may not always be a conscious decision, but it's still a decision I make and not mary or the great god smarfu of the big smiles.


Hey - please try to refrain from impugning my Star Wars toon's characters - they know exactly how to react in normal situations - like dancing at a party bomb or moving away if she doesn't want to dance - without feeling personally injured if a spontaneous party starts up.


Well and this is still the problem. who decides what is "normal"?

You say it's normal to spontaneously burst in dancing because somebody decides to start a party and then decide if I want to stop, I say it's perfectly normal to first decide if I even want to dance before even starting to dance. (in the context of swtor of course)

The difference is (at least I read it that way as a non-native english person), that you seem to imply your definition of normal is the reality for everyone else. So everyone else is unnormal.

And to clarify I didn't feel personal injuried by the spontaneous party. I didn't even feel bothered enough to complain about my char acting in a way I simply can't imagine for him. But there obviously were enough people being bothered enough to complain to bw in a sufficient number for BW to react.

I can understand them, and I'm glad this isn't possible anymore, even though I would have preferred a solution where both sides would have been happy (wich would have been done by simply adding an option for it)


And as for the rest - I'll give you the same respect you showed me



I'll end with giving you a smile too - here it's free :) - you can now spend a few hours reaching the all important decision of whether to smile back... but I won't hold my breath.


Oh not every decision one makes, takes hours. Most decisions are even made in splitseconds (even though I tend to say ppl should often take more time for their decisions, and it would make the world a good amount better :p)

And I tend to return that smile. :p

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What a silly thing to remove. I never had one or any interest in getting it but you have to be pretty uptight to be that bothered by it. The large, obnoxious speeders parked in front of GTN/mailboxes are actually annoying yet those purchased before 1.2 didn't suddenly vanish or become unusable. If BW wanted to remove this then they probably should have at least done the same with these items. Give people some warning and make it a legacy item.


As others have suggested if some people are that dour then add a blocking checkbox right next to the block random guild/group invites.


Thank you for posting this Vangarr. I think it's important to hear the voice of those who are indifferent to the party bomb/instigator, not just those who are very pro-party or very anti-party.


I should also mention that I appreciated those that said they found it annoying and are glad that it's gone but still hadn't taken the time to complain because they didn't think it was that big of a deal.

Edited by Bitters
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Yet again this company shows why it's a boy amongst men in the MMORPG industry. No forewarning or documentation in their patch notes. If the RP thing is true, it's not hard to ban it on a set of servers. Lazy.


Claiming things like that, shows how little you know of server management.

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Let's just say I am quite furious now. I have reached Social X today, went to Ilum and poof. Gone was the item. Went to Torhead and poof, both Party items were listed as removed.


No reason, no announcement, no mention in the patch notes.




P.S.: I cannot believe people here are having lengthy discussion whether these items inappropriately forced people to party. If that were an issue, they could just have remove the auto-dance function of these items.

Edited by Mephane
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You didn't like the rock I gave you.... awwww:( It was such a pretty rock and it was smooth and shinny. I named it bob. You did not like bob? :eek:


Rather indifferent about the bomb only ever saw it a few times.


THIS ----->


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BioWare hasn't even commented here. This is so screwed up. Shows their apparent lack of caring. Bring back the Party bombs.


Well,... considering they emailed me saying they don't even have records of a level 50 character

on my account (after 1,320 hours of game-play) It doesn't surprise me...,

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Do you "social butterflys" have any idea how annoying your party bombs were to other players who would have to sit on their speeder all day long, indoors building up massive carbon monoxide and doing significant damage to their lungs, to avoid your stupid emote spam?

Hail the downfall of the party spammer.





Besides... I thought the point of Social Points was to be able to wear some of the unique clothing in the game... not force players to do puerile dances and cheers against their will.

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