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Not a huge fan of them just up and removing these, but on the other hand the use of these could shade perilously close to harassment. Not every player enjoys suddenly watching his toon go into spasms (you know, what Bioware refers to as dancing in the game) because someone else triggered their party bomb. If you're actually roleplaying a stiff and staid Jedi, having someone else suddenly make the toon dance is extremely iffy, at the very least.


Anything that causes other people's toons to behave in ways they don't choose is potentially a bad thing. My Zabrak even comes with an ability to make others salute me (class "social" ability) which I can definitely see being quite infuriating to someone who's arguing with me or otherwise not friendly.


Yeah because it's totally impossible to move 10m out of the area right? Your logic or lack thereof is almost as entertaining as the party bomb used to be...It's not like the party bomb could be spammed infinitely as it had a 5min CD. Your take on harassment is laughable at best, get real.


It's a game, have some fun, the party bomb was a way to lighten up the mood. Dancing wouldn't interrupt what you were doing and if it did, then that's on BioWare and not something a little altering of code wouldn't fix. Why did we even grind social points only to have the rewards we aimed at earning be taken away with no good reason. This was one of my biggest disappointments in 1.2. I can live with bugs and glitches as they will be fixed in time, but taking out the items that we put in the large amounts time to earn the rank so we could/did purchase, completely out of the game is just disappointing to say the least.

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I am still hoping for some official acknowledgement from the team that explains why. And that reason had better be darn good. If it is because it has an exploit in 1.2 then fine. (rumor it was being used as a root) Tell us and that will be at least understandable. Short of that it should have been left alone. If it was a huge tool of griefdom (I never once had a complaint made to me mostly just people enjoying it) then come up with a replacement and then when replacement is ready take out the party bomb and add the replacement. But to remove the social req on the Korrealis Baron, now the two other decent items are gone, just plain wrong.

Several have said they are going to unsub because of this, I am not likely to ever unsub just because of something like this, but it is one more straw on the camels back. Many more and it will break.


CAN we please get an official response?


people should just start posting in every post in this thread.


"Official response please"

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Exactly, many of us busted our humps for that Social 10.


I have 4 Characters, 3 of em 50, 1 has Social 10 out of those 3 50s.(others like social 4 to 6)

Lvl 35 toon at Social 3.


Reason I was being "Social" in with my leveling in the first place(Cuz I want to go at my pace, not wait for someone or vice versa). Was I wanted to get Party Bombs, I found them highly amusing & worth the effort of Social 10.


Now what? Social 10 Legacy is a stupid, stupid, stupid Emote. One dumbest one's I've seen ever.




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Its called Priorities.....Social is for Extra fun and not a main focus atm. Once they get the game running as they attended it to, then they will work on that.


They had exclusive social items already in the game (mounts, party instigator, galactic party bomb) but then actively REMOVE them. So yeh, that doesnt really explain it

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i am now sad since about 24hrs.. and i feel robbed with patch 1.2.. what makes me angry is that the removal was done without of further notice.


we demand our PARTY BOMB back immediately.


what is the insist about make all the folks angry with taking their items away?


if it was not insisted that people could reach and get the social items why were there offered?

then some datacrons have also to be removed because they are not reachable for every char who does not spend enough effort.


the tauntaun is not a cure. isn't it more a joke? yes i already have one.. but in some days nearly everybody will have one. and this thing does not brings me back my happiness and joy accompanying with mates through the worlds and operations.


i wan´t my special items back - useable.


and what about the people which are already grinding through hoth trying to solve the "mysterious" tauntaun pet? will they all lose it with the next patch after hovering for days over now around to get it?


this is an epic fail.



... and bring back the fun in the game.


aha, so we are not allowed to have anymore fun now? then give me a reason to keep on playing devs.

Edited by Gentleman-Horst
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They had exclusive social items already in the game (mounts, party instigator, galactic party bomb) but then actively REMOVE them. So yeh, that doesnt really explain it


Agreed, I could see if the party bomb or any of the social items were broken, then yeah they shouldn't exactly be high on the priority list to be fixed. To my knowledge, they weren't broken, but if they were, a simple explanation would be nice.


My conspiracy guess is BioWare just wanted to take these items "off the table" for now and re-implement them down the road as part of a legacy feature and try to make it look like "hey! look what we're giving you(back)!". That would be pretty cheesy and shady, but at this point I wouldn't put it past them.

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There should have been advance warning because nobody likes stuff coming at them out of the blue, but this is a minor quibble at best. Heck, an entire class of Smuggler got their gameplay savaged by a huge change that Bioware didn't even put in the notes initially (harpoon converted to a jump in a companion).


It's really enough if one person somewhere was annoyed by the Party Bomb to make its removal perfectly justified, and I guarantee there were more than one.


Your right to use the party bomb is far lower priority than the right of bystanders to expect to retain control over their toons behavior. That's just the way it is.


The only way it would be acceptable with a Party Bomb is probably if it would only trigger in a Cantina on the dancefloor... or if it literally asked everyone in range if it was OK for their toon to dance, which would also be an imposition.


I understand why it's gone and I would urge people who had it to just suck it up and keep going. It was fun while it lasted. Not it's time to man (or woman) up and deal. :rolleyes:

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I just killed my sub. They removed something i really enjoyed and spent a lot of time and effort to get and didn't offer any reason or replacement. If it had been preceded by a note "Party Bomb is breaking everything. We will fix it later." it wouldn't have been so bad.


And the party bomb was the only reason to get Social X, so they turned all of our effort into a 100% loss.


We live with the class nerfs because we assume they are necessary. This seems arbitrary. I'm not wasting any more time grinding away to get something that could be removed. They made Valor AND Social pointless in this patch. Both were a big part what i spent my last month doing in SWTOR.


And Legacy is kind of stupid. And I'm pissed about my Operative laugh turning into a Bounty Hunter tracer missile too. Super confusing in battle.


Oh well. It was fun while it lasted. I don't care if it annoyed one person. If we deleted everything that annoyed one person there wouldn't be much of a game left.

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There should have been advance warning because nobody likes stuff coming at them out of the blue, but this is a minor quibble at best. Heck, an entire class of Smuggler got their gameplay savaged by a huge change that Bioware didn't even put in the notes initially (harpoon converted to a jump in a companion).


It's really enough if one person somewhere was annoyed by the Party Bomb to make its removal perfectly justified, and I guarantee there were more than one.


Your right to use the party bomb is far lower priority than the right of bystanders to expect to retain control over their toons behavior. That's just the way it is.


The only way it would be acceptable with a Party Bomb is probably if it would only trigger in a Cantina on the dancefloor... or if it literally asked everyone in range if it was OK for their toon to dance, which would also be an imposition.


I understand why it's gone and I would urge people who had it to just suck it up and keep going. It was fun while it lasted. Not it's time to man (or woman) up and deal. :rolleyes:


If this is the really the reason they took it out, then I am more aggravated then before.

This could have been changed by giving people a simple tab that said do not have social items have an effect on me. Don't want to dance... check the tab.


But to have all the effects of leveling a character to social X wiped by a few complainers is ridiculous.

The car had its requirement removed because they were about to remove the speeders from the game and I assume they didn't want people complaining they didn't have time to get the requirements for the Korrealis Baron.


I still would like to see an explanation for why a whole element of the game at launch, has been removed... the rewards for social X. There is not a single item at social x that people can't get at a much lower level now or with some credits.

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So someone from bioware is looking at this forum. I just got a warning for avoiding the language filter and my previous post has been edited due to the language. Be nice if someone could give us an answer instead of just editing my post to remove the bad language.
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IMHO, if you didn't like the dance party items you have no light in your soul...


But for those few that were unhappy with it... there were ways plenty of ways to prevent abuse that didn't involve just removing it from the game entirely.


The items could have been given a casting time, along with a longer cooldown than 5 minutes. Or you could have made the party instigator's radius quite a lot smaller. The party bomb was really hard to get for so its radius could've been left alone.


Or if making people dance was really a problem, just the "other people" dancing aspect could have been disabled, leaving the graphic and self-dance intact. Believe me, most of the time people start dancing on their own.


Or, we could have gotten a checkbox option in the social tab for "disable spontaneous dancing".


Seriously, there were a myriad ways to prevent abuse other than killing the items entirely. The galaxy is a less fun place because these items are gone. Bring them back!

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Wrong way around. You should be immune to this stuff and don't even need to care about it unless you want stuff like this to happen. And then having to buy it is even more ridiculus. This seems to show that you used this thing to harass other players and tried to control their actions. So if BW brings it back add an option that is turned off by default.

And yes, I was annoyed by this, too, as it takes away control over my char. I never complained though.

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Wrong way around. You should be immune to this stuff and don't even need to care about it unless you want stuff like this to happen. And then having to buy it is even more ridiculus. This seems to show that you used this thing to harass other players and tried to control their actions. So if BW brings it back add an option that is turned off by default.

And yes, I was annoyed by this, too, as it takes away control over my char. I never complained though.


I never used the Party Instigator to harass people. I didn't even realize that ANYONE was annoyed by it until it was taken away.


I like the user interface option because it wouldn't even cost any credits, and players could be anywhere in game to control when and where they turn it off and on. I would request the default option be to allow spontaneous dance, as there truly does seem to be more people that like it than those that don't.

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So someone from bioware is looking at this forum. I just got a warning for avoiding the language filter and my previous post has been edited due to the language. Be nice if someone could give us an answer instead of just editing my post to remove the bad language.


That would require caring. Not happening.

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I have no inside info on why it was removed, but the principle of "nobody makes my toon behave in a specific way than me" should be respected. Any item that requires a defense against it causing you to behave in specific is an iffy thing to have in an MMO.


IRL I'm against people smoking in my presence too. Their desire to suck down toxic carcinogens doesn't trump my right to clean air, either.


I have no idea why they were removed, but I suspect that all you people going "But everybody loved it!" are wrong. There were numerous occasions when I found it to be an irritant on the fleet - I just didn't find it to be a sufficiently large irritant to actually complain, knowing nobody would listen or take complaints seriously and lacking any recourse to make it stop - and as I said I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Either way, do yourselves a favor and suck it up and move on. The chance of you getting your bombs back is extremely slim, so just deal with it and look forward to whatever Bioware puts in to use those Social points on.

Edited by Nexdine
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I have no inside info on why it was removed, but the principle of "nobody makes my toon behave in a specific way than me" should be respected. Any item that requires a defense against it causing you to behave in specific is an iffy thing to have in an MMO.


Your logic is a bit flawed here because the Human racial bonus is Rally, which causes all those around you to jump up and cheer. The Party Bomb and Instigator were no different really, they just lasted longer. I ran across people who didn't like it and they just moved out of its aoe.

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Bioware, really? WHY would you remove such a fun part of the Social system you created to get people to interact? The Party Instigator did just that!


The Party Instigator was my favorite thing about this game lately. I had people friend me and when I logged on would ask me to fire it up while on Fleet. I can't even count how many times I'd be in Fleet, fire that up and the numbers of people who would come over to start chatting and having a good time.


It also created a lot of great fun in OPs and FPs, especially as a means to celebrating defeating a boss. It helped foster a sense of comradely among my guildies and we had a couple of people who joined the guild, with this having been part of that decision!


I can understand if some people didn't like it or found it annoying, but I have another idea which BW may have wanted to not bring up. As part of the Legacy system, they have added a feature to allow you to dance with your Companion. I'm guessing they had to remove the Party Instigator/Galactic Party Bomb because it interfered or cause some issues. Instead of fixing them (there are still many many bugs still in this game from Social Pts issues to Bosses in OPs still needing fixing), they remove it and don't say anything.


Or, again as part of the Legacy system which is all the rage (and honestly doesn't even live up to what they promised), they are going put it back in for like 2 million credits. I wouldn't be surprised by this, because honestly I still know people with bugged Social points who should have as many as I have but don't no matter how much they run Esseles.


Bioware, are you even reading this thread? Seriously? At least an answer as to why it was removed would at least show you have some value for your customers which you apparently are attempting to convey with the Free Extra day after all the patch problems.

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Your logic is a bit flawed here because the Human racial bonus is Rally, which causes all those around you to jump up and cheer. The Party Bomb and Instigator were no different really, they just lasted longer. I ran across people who didn't like it and they just moved out of its aoe.


I mentioned that in my previous post and think it's pretty dodgy too. The Zabrak ability specifically, in that case. I believe it makes people salute you or some such, which in my view places it pretty much in a similar category to the party bomb. Imagine being in an argument with someone or having someone you consider to be an "enemy" in game and you can make "them" salute you at will, that's pretty iffy too.

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Why didn't Bioware at least say in the Patch notes that they were taking away Party Instigator? The only reason I levelled social pts was to get it.



It took me a helluva lot of trouble and effort to get to Social 10 for the party bomb, (I didn't get to social 10 for a stupid speeder) and all my friends were jealous and wanted Social 10 and now they take my cool Party Bomb AWAY?

Why? :(


The 2 reasons i play this game

A - Warzones

B - Party Bomb


The pvp in 1.2 is horribly undesirable as is (if you're not in a premade) so I've quit for a few days to see if it will be fixed, and now my party bomb is just...gone!

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