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Hitting space bar during a conversation should void social point gain for the next dialogue choice (and apply some penalty to the dialogue roll, as well).


Yes, I'm that guy who will sit and watch the conversations on Esseles/Black Talon in full on his 537th run through. :cool:


You've been space barred.....Had to say it 8-)

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You've been space barred.....Had to say it 8-)

:sy_darkside: The Sith thing to do is sit back and enjoy the conversations and never let on that you're the one who's not rolling the space bar. It'll sow fear, uncertainty, doubt, distrust, and discord (FUDDD) as everyone (including you, of course!) openly wonders, "Who's not hitting the space bar?!?" :p

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Not a huge fan of them just up and removing these, but on the other hand the use of these could shade perilously close to harassment. Not every player enjoys suddenly watching his toon go into spasms (you know, what Bioware refers to as dancing in the game) because someone else triggered their party bomb. If you're actually roleplaying a stiff and staid Jedi, having someone else suddenly make the toon dance is extremely iffy, at the very least.


Anything that causes other people's toons to behave in ways they don't choose is potentially a bad thing. My Zabrak even comes with an ability to make others salute me (class "social" ability) which I can definitely see being quite infuriating to someone who's arguing with me or otherwise not friendly.

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Party Bomb:

I am extremely disappointed in Bioware for this decision. I defend this game and the company's decisions on my server, even in my guild, on a daily basis. But when you remove something that players have worked extremely hard to get and don't replace it with anything of remotely equal value... You're just spitting in our faces. We didn't even have any notice.... The 100k I spent on it was the LEAST of my troubles when attaining this item. In the time I got social X I could have built up another 5-10 million credits.


This on top of spending 5 million credits for a GTN on my ship that doesn't even work... This patch, which I was looking forward to, has left me feeling like I don't want to play the game anymore.

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I don't play on a RP server so I don't know what people thought about the party bomb and instigator there, but it seems like people on the pvp server I played on enjoyed them thoroughly. I would wander around on fleet until I saw a good group of people and drop the party bomb in the middle of them and not once did someone say "oh the jerk with the party bomb is here". Everyone would ask what it was and how could they get one, and other people would start popping their rhythm augmentation droids and the sparkle powder and having a good time. If anything they should have made the party bomb last longer, not get rid of it. What would have been really comical, if they would have made it so the party bomb and instigator could be used as a stun. Make it a 2 or 3 second stun you can drop on a mob and they have to dance for a couple seconds before attacking. It wouldn't be a useful stun because I would probably be laughing too much to attack every time I used it.
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I miss my party instigator already please bring it back BW.


Seriously this was great before a warzone or a boss on an op whilst we were waiting for people. I would have people asking me to use it, asking how to get it and even pulling out there aug droids for the music. Even people that weren't there when I started it would run up and type /dance to join in. This was loads of fun and would loosen the mood for a lot of people.


If they have been causing problems on RP servers either take them off RP servers or have a toggle in their options which they can select which means they won't start dancing when someone hits it. Fix the problem by these options rather than remove fun things from the game!!

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my galactic party bomb and party instigator was removed, too. I spent countless hours and now it is gone..thanks Bioware. As you can see, it is no bug, I just reseived an answer for my ticket:


We apologized if the Party Bomb and Party Instigator was removed, since 1.2 patch had just recently started. Our Developers might have something on their sleeves in the future that will make the Social level be useful again and bring back the fun in the game.

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Do you "social butterflys" have any idea how annoying your party bombs were to other players who would have to sit on their speeder all day long, indoors building up massive carbon monoxide and doing significant damage to their lungs, to avoid your stupid emote spam?


Hail the downfall of the party spammer.


pretty much this

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It annoys me to get CC'd in PVP, maybe they should take that out. Who gives a **** if it annoys three people? From the looks of it way more people liked it.


What am i complaining about tho. I did get /doublelasers and /weld for all my trouble. It's not like I could have done 15min of dailies to buy them. Oh wait it's exactly like that.


Grinding up to Social 10 was a waste. Grinding up to Battlemaster was a waste. They should start all new players at 50 fully geared so the whole thing was a waste.


Bioware clearly doesn't value my time, but I bet they value my money. And they won't be getting any more of it.

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Hi there, roleplayer here. Can I please just throw up my arms in defense and say that nobody on my RP server had an issue with it. One of the guys in my guild even planned to drop it in a guild meeting (which he can't do now) and I can assure you, despite the seriousness of the meetings at some times, it would have been met with laughter.


So, please, stop your RPer hate, we loved it too!

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my galactic party bomb and party instigator was removed, too. I spent countless hours and now it is gone..thanks Bioware. As you can see, it is no bug, I just reseived an answer for my ticket:


We apologized if the Party Bomb and Party Instigator was removed, since 1.2 patch had just recently started. Our Developers might have something on their sleeves in the future that will make the Social level be useful again and bring back the fun in the game.


It's amateur night at BioWare. Ashton Kutcher, pretty please come out now and tell me this is all just a bad joke. This is absolutely ridiculous. You don't do this type of crap without forewarning or patch notes. Like if they didn't have enough complaints about the game to contend with.


At this point, I'm waiting for my GW2 pre-order beta invite so I can give that a shot. It can't possibly be worse than this.

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Now an RPer has spoke out, so they weren't the ones complaining about it. So far it seems like a majority of people liked it and three people who have posted in this thread were annoyed by it. Why get rid of it.


I like the reply from the bug ticket:

Our Developers might have something on their sleeves in the future that will make the Social level be useful again and bring back the fun in the game.


With that reply Bioware is saying the game is not fun, but they are working on bringing back the fun and that they know Social level is useless. Then say they are working to bring back the fun? Social was useful and the party bomb and instigator were fun. I am dumbfounded by their reply. Seriously how does this make any sense? Social was useful and the items were fun, then you get rid of them and turn right around and say you are working on something to make Social useful and make the game fun? Come on Bioware, do you even listen to yourself?

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I agree with so much that's been said. It may be silly, but the removal of the party bomb and party instigator really have me wondering if I have chosen the right mmorpg to be playing. I'm concerned that the removal of fluff is the future of the game, and I for one really like the fluff and don't want to play a game full of stoic elitist selfish bastards that can't be bothered with dancing and want to ruin it for the rest. My brother finds it annoying when he's forced into dance, but guess what? He just wishes he could skip it. He doesn't ***** about how it needs to be removed from the game.


Like most others, it was worth it for me to spend an incredible amount of time to farm for social points. I could have had a 50 at the hit of 1.2 if I hadn't. All I get in return is my original 10k?!? How about all of the hours I put into farming that stuff? How about MY free month? How about a trade of the all the credits or levels that I would have had if I hadn't been farming for social? It's so insulting to think that just removing the item with a credit refund would be enough. On top of that, there aren't any additional social items that were added aside for a few emotes. There is NO point of social anymore. It's so disheartenning. I seriously want to stop playing this game because I think that it's taking on a flavor that I don't care for. If it weren't for my bro I WOULD quit this game.




Whatever happened to live and let live? Just because I don't like something in game, I would never ask it to be removed at the expense of another players enjoyment. I don't know anyone on my server who was using their party dance to intentionally annoy people. Like everyone else, I usually experienced the opposite where people would come run to the dance party to join in. And the fact that all a player had to do to avoid dancing was hitting a button to get on their speeder makes me wonder what kind of player would want the party bomb/instigator removed when they already had the means to avoid it.


If Bioware doesn't provide a response, or return the social & fluff aspect back to the game, I think I'll quit. If I want a serious cut throat game that's all about gear, I'd rather play Diablo III when it comes out. I thought I was getting an original and fun game with a strong community in SWTOR, not the same ol' experience I can get in any mmorpg.

Edited by Bitters
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WHAT!!!! I DEMAND MY PARTY BOMB BACK!! I used it on all our Boss Defeats in Operations!!


Demand Cash Refund of those items too!




You do, they are gray items now, when you sell to vendor you will get your Credits back :<

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Really pissed about this, I worked my *** off for Social 10, not by "farming", but doing Hardmode Flashpoints, Dailies, etc.. That's coming from a guy who didn't team up to lvl with the guy I got the social 10 on. I was social 2, at lvl 50.


I worked for that social 10, only did 2 Social Runs on Black Talon, for last 250 points, I earned rest of that through "ACTUAL" gameplay.




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