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1.2 first impressions


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This patch is complete and utter crap. This shows nothing but utter incompetence by Bioware, not only that, but that little slick move they did, 2 hrs before midnight the previous day, announcing that rated WZ's won't be in, only pissed my whole guild off.


Lets see.


1. Legacy is useless and pointless since 99% of it is purely cosmetic. Not only that but it's about 1/4th the overall stuff they promised in their bragging videos and to buy even the basic things, you better be ready to spam some daily missions for money. Of course, their non-existent economy is to blame for this. What other way is there to spend money in this game then useless crap, so they decided to throw some more useless crap in our faces to spend some more money on. What idiot actually places training dummies in a game, that cost half a million creds, that don't work properly?


2. PVP... is absolutely horrible. After healing for majority of my play time before 1.2, I've just joined the masses and started DPS'ing full time. Never in ANY MMO have I felt so alienated and insulted by the dev team, who show almost no understanding of their own game and how ridiculously difficult it is to be a healer, ranging from ****** medals, way to many stuns and interrupts and overall alienation by anyone who wants to beat you over the head with a glow stick, since they all think that the grass is greener on the other side and one healer should die to them in 3 sec after they leap to the healer. Now, everyone and their mom can basically kill me in seconds, which means that I can't really fight back at all, or can I heal myself, since my heals take so long to cast. Mara/Assassins/PT are doing such ridiculous damage that most people have actually given up on healing as well and we've rolled full DPS parties, which generally net a much higher per cent of wins then rolling with a healer. To say that this patch reminds me of Rift's 1.5-6 and WAR's pathetic patches, would be an understatement. I just can't fathom how they can have actually looked at data and said, "OK", this is ready to roll.


3. Ranked WZ are non-existent. Actually, even with their announcement, mere hours before the supposed release of the patch, I feel totally lied to. This is the only reason my guild has stayed to play this game and of course, it's not existent right now and there isn't a hint from them when it will be. Their pathetic attempt to sort off cool off the situation by giving everyone a free month is nothing more then a admittance of guild before ANYONE said anything to them. They knew this patch was horrible even before they released it.


4. The crafting system... well, this is not new. This was the same exact crafting system that they had in their beta, which they removed because they taught it was way to complicated for their players, which then apparently wasn't to complicated for their players, so now they're re-introducing it as new content. Same applies to, "Match Color To Chest Piece", option, which was in the beta and which is again, being introduced as some sort off new content. I guess the overall mod changes aren't bad but... they totally and completely screw ever ANYONE who doesn't dry hump these forums and read things such as, "having any custom mods means that your gear won't updated", or don't drop your slicing or artifice for biochem because in reality, both of those will be good eventually, while we make biochem the most useless crew skill.


5. PVP rewards are absolutely atrocious. I'm an elite player that plays premade all day, yet I'm disgusted by the way they're treating their loyal and less hardcore customers. Seriously, people who aren't on vent, or can't devote 5-10 hrs of play time per day, get shafted. Even if they have the patience to actually stay in a losing WZ, if they don't manage to pull 8 medals out of their rear, they just basically wasted 15 minutes of their life. This also applies to everyone else, even if doing everything possible to win. You can tie Voidstar and Hutt Ball and if by some chance you get the lesser end of the stick, you get almost NOTHING.



What's good in this patch?



Really, the new WZ is half decent. However, you can't specifically que for it at all so you're stuck doing the same old Hutt Ball and Voidstar and Alderaan, over and over again, while you're wondering when this and ONLY NEW content will appear.


There is nothing fun or good about 1.2. Actually, to me it seems it isn't even 1/8th of the stuff they promised, even the basic stuff... This is sad to see because I've had this feeling that this game is nothing more then Warhammer Online, when it comes to the devs, and they're basically proving me right.


Guess it's time to pre-order guild wars 2 to get into the beta weekends.


A little wordy but 100% accurate.



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well my battlemaster gear was custom modded and now its worthless...gg bioware /unsub


your really unsubbing becuase of that.. what you going to do in a few more sessiosn when your gear is massivly out of date.. unsub again

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1.2 is the pinnacle of MMOs


a) Customizable UI. Fair enough, you can't add quickslots or drag and drop windows outside the editor. We even lost the option to drag and drop the operation frames, but HEY, "custimisable UI"


b) A New WZ...you can't queue for it, but you might have the chance to play it once every 1 hour or so!


c) Combat log! you can't see ****! but hey! you can't download a 3rd party tool and see (kind of) your performance.


d) Legacy...the best thing since the invention of the toilet (funny enough, both are full of the same stuff). The RPer dream come true...you can manage your family tree!.... just your alts tho...what? you wanted to include "other people" ***? what is this a game to be social! dont you know what MMO stand for?


e) no more trilogies! healers? nah...you dont need them anymore...everyone DPS!!...even if you see one is a wz, you can breath really hard and he will died before he can heal himself! silly healers! Still room for improvements though...I think BW should auto mark healer in WZ....that will serve them well!

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I was just upset that you can't either change the size of the chat box in the top left corner individually without changing it through the slide bar that increases the size of everything. The problem with this is also linked to the map screen, which causes the map to expand outside of the screen with no war to scroll around to see the map and there is no way to reduce the size of the map by itself.


I have my computer hooked up to my TV and I play the game sitting on my couch with wireless equipment. I can now increase the size of the chat box and actually clearly read the words, however I can't do this without also making the map completely useless. I'm tired of having to go to the user interface and reduce the size of the map every time I want to take a Taxi.


If I'm doing it wrong and there is a way to change the size of these things individually then please let me know but so fat the chat window and map screen are the only tw things that you can't alter the size individually.

Edited by Nightspirit
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Issues I am seeing:


Juggernaut tanking end game content is just fine, rebalances and the talent in middle tree was a great move to allow more more tps generation through damage.


Powertech: Granted I just hit 50 on this toon last night in a post-1.2 era, but I have 600 expertise as is now, and I really don't see the qq from healers as fully valid. I think they've made it to where a healer needs real protection and has to choose to heal him/herself or an ally. Frankly there are many healers I've battle with that can sit there and stay alive for entire warzones still. Now again, I am a powertech in tank spec so I am not made to be able to take down most if any class by myself, but I do very little damage and find my team wins consistently when we cover our heals with my guard and smart taunt techniques.


More to the point of impressions from a relatively new pvp-player, I just feel everyone dies too quickly without a proper healer+tank and support roles in warzones now. However we cannot pick our teams and seeing 7 assassins and myself in a warzone is awful. Nearly as bad as going against 6+ sages with pebbles enough to slow an entire offense from ever getting to an objective point. Very macro changes really need to be addressed. I'll leave the specifics to those more coordinated with the effects of these mmo-pvp warzones, but as is right now we're encouraging more selfish play with this so-called rise of the dps patch.

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While patch 1.2 has brought some nice additions, none of the features I was wishing for most was included.

No dual spec, no shared bankspace between alts, no groupfinder. And my jedi knight has gone bald, in addition to her ridicilously oversized butt *sigh*


I had also enjoyed pvping as healer on my scoundrel, after the patch I wonder if that role is worth playing anymore as dps seems to have gone through the roof, but my heals haven't. Let me tell you that I enjoy seeing big numbers and killing enemies just as much as the next guy, so why should I stick to healing again when I can hardly keep anyone alive anymore because dps has gone silly?


So my overall feeling in regards to this patch is one of dissapointment. And don't even remind me of Corso losing his pull ability, which completely wrecked my scoundrel's solo playstyle. Not a happy bunny here...

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they warned you about that ahead of time. if you custom modded your BM gear they have no way of knowing what your intentions were. most people would QQ if they reverted your gear back to stock and you lost all the stats you worked so hard to customize.


How about having an NPC you can turn the armor into for the new stuff?

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damn why would wana join this long *** post when i just made one, I started a new conversation. i dont wana have to read all this.. i was askin new people that wanted to talk about it not the old **** about it.. Edited by Papertoy
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first and foremost...graphics are way better...game engine runs way better.... Good Job on the engine updates.


Considering there are still major issues with the cache and memory not clearing, causing memory usage to become exponential with run time. Then no Terrible job


second... crafting updates... you mean synthweaving is actually useful? YES!

Still nothing of value in any crafting profession other than biochem, so no once again terrible job.


interface options...


It still a bloated flash based interface

Once again terrible job



Just what everyone wanted a overpriced/useless RP fluff abilities and a legacy tree that does absolutely nothing.


pvp gear and expertise calculation changes...

All pvp changes including expertise scaleing was terrible, (feel free to read the pvp forums)

Edited by lokivoid
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I was just upset that you can't either change the size of the chat box in the top left corner individually without changing it through the slide bar that increases the size of everything. The problem with this is also linked to the map screen, which causes the map to expand outside of the screen with no war to scroll around to see the map and there is no way to reduce the size of the map by itself.


I have my computer hooked up to my TV and I play the game sitting on my couch with wireless equipment. I can now increase the size of the chat box and actually clearly read the words, however I can't do this without also making the map completely useless. I'm tired of having to go to the user interface and reduce the size of the map every time I want to take a Taxi.


If I'm doing it wrong and there is a way to change the size of these things individually then please let me know but so fat the chat window and map screen are the only tw things that you can't alter the size individually.


You can't change the chat box using the new UI tool as you could already changed the chat box before this tool came out. You can simply click and drag the corner of the chat box to make it larger and smaller and if you right click on the tab you can change the font size to suit you.

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  1. Crafting is now awesome
  2. New Operation is awesome
  3. Customizable Interface
  4. finally legacy is working
  5. I can now transfer items to my dark side/light side characters
  6. the plague and items/quest associated are awesome(the best event i have seen in an mmo ever)
  7. new pets are very cool
  8. Class Re-balances are awesome



  1. PVP Sucks now if your not in a pvp guild
  2. new "the island" flashpoint is way too hard to be dropping columi on hard mode
  3. cant bring my armor bonus over to my orange gear
  4. Interface not customizable enough
  5. the gtn still sucks(need to be able to list items longer than 2 days. 5 day snd 7 days would be good)
  6. there is now no reason to use the gtn on the republic side - just transfer all items to sith side and sell faster
  7. legacy items suck and are overpriced.
  8. new mounts suck, gimme the old ones back

Edited by thomasmeadows
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I have loved the update so far, I have been running 5-10 FPS increase, even in Warzones. I have found all the extra content, the world event especially, to be awesome.


The legacy update also is a neat feature, something that an RPer like myself could really get into, while I also love the unlocks I can get for my account.


All in all, a great update by the team.

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With the legacy system, I've made sure of my character's hierarchy. As some may have known, my character names follow Japanese Myth.. so it's a great thing for me.


That, and it's fun to see a Sith Warrior doing Force Storm. =)). Oh, and the sprint being readily available, and the quick travel/fleet pass cooldown reduction.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let's look at some of the flaws of 1.2 and examine why we hate it so much.


* Gear Requirement Changes


* Alteration of PVP title system


* Expensiveness of Legacy rewards


* Sweeping rebalance of classes


* Decreased Time-to-kill in PVP



If patch 1.2 were not hated by most gamers, SWTOR would not have seen a decline at all, let alone 400K subs.

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Are you on crack? The game lost the bodily equivalent of a whole leg in response to 1.2. Rising downward you mean?


You continue to spew this logical fallacy (even after your thread was closed.) There is no proof that the loss of 400k was due to 1.2. Only BioWare has any idea why those 400k left, and I'm sure they will try to address the issues where they can.

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You continue to spew this logical fallacy (even after your thread was closed.) There is no proof that the loss of 400k was due to 1.2. Only BioWare has any idea why those 400k left, and I'm sure they will try to address the issues where they can.


What? Wrong! First of all, the thread was closed to consolidate topics, not for any other reason. Second of all, tell me, what was the intent of patch 1.2, from Bioware's perspective? What was the company trying to do. Correlation does not always equal causation, true, but that logical fallacy doesn't apply here. People were losing interest. Patch 1.2 came. People still left. Open and shut case.

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