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1.2 first impressions


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My summary of 1.2? So far I'm overwhelmingly underwhelmed, but it's almost Summer time, and I really have better things to do than sit inside. Combined with the RWZ debacle, and yeah, I cancelled sub last night. Maybe I'll be back in the Fall.
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My first impression of 1.2 is that it seems a bunch of mental patients got access to the forums. Normal people don't go posting hot crazy On a forum for a video game. If you continue paying or posting on a forum about a game you hate and let's be honest people were going to find something wrong with 1.2 no matter what was in the patch, you have a problem. I hate forums and I dislike the mmo nerds that are so obsessive they unknowingly destroy games because all they do is gripe about the negative. Stop playing if it bothers you that much. I hate myself for writing this much, I'm going to go contribute to society and not worry about a piece of entertainment.
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THinking about it, he does have a point. While you and I (and actually apparently him) visit the boards, it's always been a known fact that in every MMO I've ever participated, the VAST majority of players never check the website/forums.


If you need to tell the players anything, you *have* to do it in-game. Or at the very least in-launcher.


What point does he have? Blaming the game for his lack of effort? He does not look at a stop sign and its the other guys fault for hitting him when he runs it?


Not trying to be hard here, but I can imagine that this guy has thousands of hours on the game in order to get to where he is. He's put in lots of effort. He knew there was a patch coming that concerned gear, and crafting. He did not bother to read up on it?

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It is not their job to make sure everybody reads every bit of info. It is there job to make sure the information is available. They have no obligation to ram it down our throats.


The people who don't go online to read, generally don't care. That majority you speak of, plays the game for fun and doesn't take it so seriously. You know, the player base game companies actually make their games for, as they should.


What if I say "please read it to me"?


Im free at 3pm, I will make cookies

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THinking about it, he does have a point. While you and I (and actually apparently him) visit the boards, it's always been a known fact that in every MMO I've ever participated, the VAST majority of players never check the website/forums.


If you need to tell the players anything, you *have* to do it in-game. Or at the very least in-launcher.


they also say in the notifications on the launch to CHECK THE FOURMS FOR FUTHER UPDATES>

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You know BW you tricked me. I took the bait and stayed around for 1.2 thinking it would be amazing. I loved doing pvp sure it had its flaws but I still had fun with it. Now...now I feel like you just kicked me in the nuts. You ruined pvp. How can you make the valor changes you made without balancing servers first? I tried to fight the good fight but after this utter disappointment in what was suppose to be a HUGE patch...I find myself unsubbing. I tried to believe in you BW you failed me.
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stright up fail.


scam people into thinking ranked wz coming out and then last second snag it away. BW you idiot your pve sucks and only people that play are pvp'ers but you add useless legacy you ****en morons. wow i knew this game would suck after putting all the cash down for voiceovers.




wow was 100better then this ****.



Edited by DesirDecour
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So just impressions here myself I have already cancelled my sub with a little hope they would majorly improve somethings.Things I do like are.


1)UI is just so much better but fact is this isn't an improvement it should have came at launch..(How can Biowares Devs sit on a board at PaxEast as the future of gaming when they release a game with no customizable UI at launch? Talk about a joke!)

2)Graphics actually look good!

3)Spell delays seem to be gone for the most part.Love it!

4)Crafting is a lot better!

5)Healers aren't completely op in pvp now!

6)Illum crates now spawn a lot faster!

7)Legacy is nothing but a money sink.(I like this because my main has 25millCr and nothing to spend it on.)


So those are the only good things so far obviously I haven't raided so can't give any OPS feedback..But now for the bad!


1)Really starting WZ's with 2 people and it doesn't abort? Not to mention NO VALOR! or COMMS! at all unless you win?

2)No currency exchange for BM or Champ to WZ or Cent?...Such a joke!

3)The new PvP armor is ugly as hell... at least for Shadow!

4)New WZ is comptl bs it's a camping gank fest if you start out with low numbers!(No abort really?)

5)SERVERS ALL SCREWED POP WISE HOW CAN YOU HAVE PVP LIKE THIS?????(Without any Merges or cross servers! Save the time people aren't coming back!)

6)No Ranked! Really???? The whole point of 1.2 for pvpers was the Rank! Now there isn't any?


I'm sure people will argue it's a great patch I personally feel that $45 that I have paid since launch went to waste. (and Yes fanbois keep your fanboi remarks to yourself) I will however enjoy leaving the game and giving away my 25mill credits and lawl my way G2...Enjoy this RPG because this is not an MMO...Way to fail hard Bioware



stright up

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I dind't play yet, but I can't understand what some people are complain about... after a lot of fixes and changes, imo this game is really awsome.


I'm starting to think that some users are working for competitors...

Edited by masterbason
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1.2 = FAIL


Color management for armor not what was advertised.


Little class icons = lame, especially if not able to turn off


Legacy bonuses = weak


Deletion of party bomb and party instigator with no replacement = FAIL


Lack of ranked WZs = TOTAL fail.



We waited all this time for this little bit of window dressing? Come on.....what the hell have you guys been doing? Downing pints at the pub the whole time?!?!



Oh, and for the love of god, get someone from Lucasarts to come in and do your design work for armor. Take the steampunk and Giger artists you have and fire them,.

Edited by TheLordMarshal
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Got to love how when the server first went live the /general was full on fleets with people saying "awesome" "about time" "the game is going to rock".."Where do I sign up for ranked" etc...After an hour the general chat changed to."this is this crap" "No ranked pvp?""What Legacy cost millions!"How does it cost money when you have reached rank 50?" Was around 70 people on my server highest in weeks..Now 20...haha...GG Bioware fail more!


Only your fanboi'z are going to stay around for a custom UI. Legacy that is just stupid,No rank pvp,flawed currency system,WZ that start with 3 peeps and only get Comms,Valor if you "win"...Pack it up Bioware you failed with Mass Effect,Warhammer,now SWOTR...take our money and move on to a new career maybe stay with console gaming because you fail @ the MMO world!

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scam people

No, you guys are right.


BW did this on purpose. They told you one thing and then did another, because they aren't human beings working on computers all day to produce this stuff, no sir. They are an evil, faceless, monster corporation that just wanted to scam you one last time before you finally told them ENOUGH!


Seriously, they hate you. They hate us all. They enjoy disappointing us by not releasing systems that don't function properly. It's malicious. Remain paranoid, because they're out to get you.


Did you actually think they were trying to improve this game? Did you actually think BW care if it lasts until the end of the year? Of course not! Because it's a scam, see? They're all crooked, and they are all laughing at you.

Edited by Blistrich
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all 1.7 million and growing of them



1.7mill? Your delusional man! I play two servers east coast PvE and West Coast PvP..at any given time peak hours max of prob 70 people on..so between just the U.S 120 servers an around most haven't hit over med pop since the 30day mark of launch around maybe "MAYBE" 140k In the U.S alone! so I guess the other 1m 560k are in EU and Asia..LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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No, you guys are right.


BW did this on purpose. They told you one thing and then did another, because they aren't human beings working on computers all day to produce this stuff, no sir. They are an evil, faceless, monster corporation that just wanted to scam you one last time before you finally told them ENOUGH!


Seriously, they hate you. They hate us all. They enjoy disappointing us by not releasing systems that don't function properly. It's malicious. Remain paranoid, because they're out to get you.


Did you actually think they were trying to improve this game? Did you actually think BW care if it lasts until the end of the year? Of course not! Because it's a scam, see? They're all crooked, and they are all laughing at you.


Drop your sarcasm. EA is a corporation. They exist for profit. They do not exist to please their customers, unless it pays off.


If they can "cheat" players to continue their sub, by feeding us half-truths....they will do this, as their stockholders require this. Profit is no. 1 goal of any corporation today.

Edited by DuriZap
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No, you guys are right.


BW did this on purpose. They told you one thing and then did another, because they aren't human beings working on computers all day to produce this stuff, no sir. They are an evil, faceless, monster corporation that just wanted to scam you one last time before you finally told them ENOUGH!


Seriously, they hate you. They hate us all. They enjoy disappointing us by not releasing systems that don't function properly. It's malicious. Remain paranoid, because they're out to get you.


Did you actually think they were trying to improve this game? Did you actually think BW care if it lasts until the end of the year? Of course not! Because it's a scam, see? They're all crooked, and they are all laughing at you.

LOL ... you trying to scare the griefers off? :eek:


[edit] Hope it works.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I like being able to change outfits colours (but would be good to be able to do this with companions armours too) and also I like being able to use speeder in spaceports, thank goodness!!


I like the way I can change the size of my task bars and other stuff on the screen, thats a great idea.


I love having the buff from my other characters, nice!!


Legacy is hugely disappointing in that some of the fun stuff, like ship conveniences and droid things cost huge amounts of money, I had NO idea that to unlock other species it would cost so much game money, it doesnt seem fair to me. How is this possible?


I have never come close to having huge sums of credits in my bank so will never be able to use those legacy features, really disappointed.


Was hoping for a barbershop or some way of changing my charaters looks as I get so bored with same makeup and hairstyle/colour but can wait for that a little longer I guess.


Oh and my trooper seems to be working right at last, she kicks butt now! Yay! ;):p:):rolleyes:

Edited by Silvercell
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