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How come so many people get to 50 so fast and few ppl even have multiple 50s


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A lot of time on our hands I suppose. I've got two level 50s, a Juggernaut(Main) and a Mercenary. I have 4 others around level 20. I'd have more level 50s, but I spent a lot of time gearing those two up, raiding, and doing pvp, they're pvp rank 67 and 55 respectively.


do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ?


I generally focus only on one at a time, yeah. Both of them I levelled up with friends. The first one I focused on at all times pretty much. I did have a level 20 Jedi Shadow which I made originally, but it was on a server with long queues.


do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ?


More recently I've been levelling multiple alts, but that's came down to levelling different characters with different people. The first two though, I played only them while I levelled them. No other alts bar the a for mentioned shadow.


do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ?


I haven't skipped any planets so far. I skipped a few bonus quests here and there and some heroics, but that's about it.


do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ?


I listened to all the dialogue on my first char, the Juggernaut. On my Merc I just listened to the class stuff, same with my other alts. Once you've heard the random quest dialogue once, there isn't an whole lot of point listening to it again


do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ?


Not really. My first char I levelled for both story and levelling it up to 50. Merc was a bit more levelling for the sake of levelling, but I did still care about the class story.


do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ?


No. On my Jugg I didn't pvp till I hit 50. I pvp'd a bit on my Merc while levelling, but not a great deal. Levelled through quests.


do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50?


I did all the flashpoints and space missions on my first char, skipped a few heroic quests though. On my merc I did most of the flashpoints and a few space missions and heroics, but not all.


do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ?


No boosting through class quests.

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First char (IA) probably took a month+ levelled up doing a bit of everything fp, space a bit of heroics all normal quests everywhere. It did mean towards the end I was so overlevelled but it was fun enough. Also levelled cybertech as I was going putting in my own mods in to the orange gear I got as I went (I'm still wearing the agent black talon agent coat) as well upgrading my ship mods.


I did start a second char (BH) early on as I thought rested xp might help (it doesn't for lower levels) and tried something which you can't do now which was a lvl 1 on fleet checked out all the crafting vendors for the codex's and bing lvl 4. Left that one gaining rest xp in a cantina.


Created 3rd (SI) after 1st had got to 50 and levelled quickly skipping repeat quests which wasn't many in the first 10 levels due to different starting planet but by lvl 10 was quite a few. Got to 14 (sprint yay) and did quite a bit of leveling through pvp as it was a lot of fun and then going back occasional side quests but most class story quests which I paid attention to as it's one of the best parts about the game is the storylines (hence skipping most of the planet quests)


About lvl 30 ish of char 3 I created char 4 (SW) and then rotated between the 3 so that I always had double xp going whenever leveling. between these I still did some dailies/weeklies with #1 as well as maxing out all the crew skills and affections.


As it stood yesterday

#1 lvl 50 IA healer maxed cybertech full pilots license

#3 lvl 50 SI melee dps maxed artifice lvl 37 valor

#2 lvl 48 BH ranged dps maxed armstech

#4 lvl 46 SW tank maxed biochem


I think around 7 or 8 maxed companions of all the various types


#5 & #6 I am aiming to run in 1.2 as sith/chiss republicans also maxing out synthweaving and armourtech.


Done a bit of everything but as someone stated above it takes 4-5 days (played) to max a char and for me that includes maxing crew skills and at least one maxed out companion. With the unlocks will be interesting to see what I manage now - rocket boosts, shorter qt but having not done anything republic side since beta I will be dragging my heels a little doing all the planet quests but with heroic force choke every 15 minutes on a smuggler it's going to be a blast.


Also something to mention is that after making a mint with #1 the others get supplied with lots of good gear which makes leveling really easy for me I'm glad I took cybertech first orange gear and making at least blue mods every two levels makes it easy to run through levels.

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Based on the excellent repiles here i can summarize that the time to reach 50 is


a - 1 Week - bypassing every unnecessary activities that hinders leveling

b - 1 Month - doing most activities availiable and not skipping side quest.


but how much time invested per day (eg how many hours per day) are needed for option 'a' and option 'b' ?

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How many of you got more than 1 lv50 ? how long do you get to 50 on your 1st character ? ive been playing for almost 3 months and my highest is only 45 vanguard tank..


ok anyone please share the secret on how to level so fast to 50 ?


  • do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ?
  • do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ?
  • do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ?
  • do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ?
  • do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ?
  • do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ?
  • do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50?
  • do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ?



My Current status :

1 vanguard in hoth, 1 commando in hoth, 1 sage in tatooine , 1 Gunslinger in tatooine , 1 Sentinel in Tatooine, 1 Guardian in Nar shadda, 1 Scoundrel in Taris, 1 Shadow in Taris, all 8 imperial toon in Dromund Kass either starting it or near the end of dromund kass


My PlayStyle :

- im alt-o-holic and keep jumping between 8 republic alts and 8 imperial alts (both AC)

- i play maybe 1 hour or 2 hour at most daily and maybe 4 hours at weekends

- i play casually, doing at least 80% side quest on every planet and trying out bonus quest on every planet..

- i do grey Quest/missions because i dont want to miss out the side quest rewards in (credits and commendations)

- i love doing Flashpoints , i Love Space combat , doing them religiously every time i got chance..

- i do PVP sometimes , but on on all alts , just class / ac that i love (like commando for throwing ppl off ramps in huttball, vanguard for harpooning, JK-S for dps in pvp.. etc) i hate playing my healer class in pvp (pug) ..

- i do all crafting for my own alts , sometimes even transfering mats from one alt to antoher..

- i want to enjoy the game slowly, like eating a good food and chewing slowly (EG: Enjoying the stories).. i love the stories and every class got awesome storyline..


how long do you think casual alt-o-holic like me will reach 50 ?


am i normal to play soo many alts in this game and not rushing to lv50 ? am i normal to play for the stories and doing every quest possible ? a bit OCD ?


You focus on one character, otherwise you have no goal and you're just flaky and probably can't keep all the stories straight.


I got my Vanguard to 50 in 3.5 weeks.


I did every side quest and every bonus mission on every planet. I did every heroic 2+ and heroic 4 on every planet. I did every flashpoint at the appropriate level (or close to it). I got every datacron and surveyed in entirety every map on every planet. I did every space mission at least once. I got all 3 of my crew skills to max before hitting 50. I got all but 2 of my companions rep to max before 50. I did not skip any dialogue (unless it was alien voice because half the time the voice stops 15 seconds before convo continues).


I'm now working on a Juggernaut. I've been playing for 3 days, and she's at 23. In her case, I am skipping all the heroic 4s, flashpoints, and some heroic 2s because there's nobody around to group with. I'm also skipping datacrons that really take me out of my way.

Edited by Gungan
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I've levelled all 4 of my 50s at my own pace (Not even skipping conversations, lol).


Just hit 50 on my Commando 3 days ago.


50 Juggernaut (Empire main)


50 Gunslinger


50 Commando


50 Powertech.


Best bet, though; level with friends or guildies. It's fun and you blast through levels insanely quickly.


It's really not that hard and noteworthy.

Edited by GhostDrone
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Answer to original post title...


It's just like the difference between the way people eat.


Some people are just hogs. They don't care who they eat with, they overstuff their mouths, don't chew properly and race to see how fast they can pack it away only so they can obsess about what they will eat next.


The rest of us savor the flavors, enjoy the experience and the people we dine with. The longer it takes usually the more happy we are with our meal.


Perfect analogy for this thread.

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How many of you got more than 1 lv50 ? how long do you get to 50 on your 1st character ? ive been playing for almost 3 months and my highest is only 45 vanguard tank..


ok anyone please share the secret on how to level so fast to 50 ?


  • do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ?
  • do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ?
  • do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ?
  • do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ?
  • do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ?
  • do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ?
  • do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50?
  • do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ?



My Current status :

1 vanguard in hoth, 1 commando in hoth, 1 sage in tatooine , 1 Gunslinger in tatooine , 1 Sentinel in Tatooine, 1 Guardian in Nar shadda, 1 Scoundrel in Taris, 1 Shadow in Taris, all 8 imperial toon in Dromund Kass either starting it or near the end of dromund kass


My PlayStyle :

- im alt-o-holic and keep jumping between 8 republic alts and 8 imperial alts (both AC)

- i play maybe 1 hour or 2 hour at most daily and maybe 4 hours at weekends

- i play casually, doing at least 80% side quest on every planet and trying out bonus quest on every planet..

- i do grey Quest/missions because i dont want to miss out the side quest rewards in (credits and commendations)

- i love doing Flashpoints , i Love Space combat , doing them religiously every time i got chance..

- i do PVP sometimes , but on on all alts , just class / ac that i love (like commando for throwing ppl off ramps in huttball, vanguard for harpooning, JK-S for dps in pvp.. etc) i hate playing my healer class in pvp (pug) ..

- i do all crafting for my own alts , sometimes even transfering mats from one alt to antoher..

- i want to enjoy the game slowly, like eating a good food and chewing slowly (EG: Enjoying the stories).. i love the stories and every class got awesome storyline..


how long do you think casual alt-o-holic like me will reach 50 ?


am i normal to play soo many alts in this game and not rushing to lv50 ? am i normal to play for the stories and doing every quest possible ? a bit OCD ?


On my original server, I got to 40 solo leveling, and 50 in a group focused almost solely on leveling in about 4 - 5 weeks.


My server was way too quiet, so I re-rolled on another large/heavy server. It took me about 6days play time, over 2-3 weeks to hit 50 on my sage. I solo leveled aside from a few quests on Hoth, Voss and Corellia. However, I did my space dailies from level 16-30, Pvp dailies (about 2-3 matches/day), FP dailies (and occasionally I'd run FPs 2-3 additional times/day, if I had a decent group) and did all of the heroic 2 & 4 quests. I also ensured that I was always logged out in a cantina, so I always had the 100% rested bonus xp when leveling. It helps that I'd done the content before for the most part, so there was minimal unnecessary running around/searching for things.


I'm now working on my second and third characters that are currently in their 30s.


To add to the last comment; as a former game producer, I truly savor the content, and the aesthetics. HOWEVER, when you've already done it, repeatedly (I've had numerous alts, trying to find the ideal server and mess with advanced classes, etc.) sometimes you can skip over the quest line you've done 8 times, and instead savor the class quests :) And I am satisfied. :) I love the game.


do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ? for the most part.

do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ? No - I typically focus on my main, and then rededicate my efforts to the next character. Although I do still dabble.

do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ? No. I've also done some bonuses

do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ? No. I enjoy most of them. Although I do speed them along by space barring the pauses between dialogue.

do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ? No.

do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ? No.

do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50? Yes.

do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ? No.

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do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ? one character to 45ish. Then I leveled a commando to 30. Then finished to 50.

do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ? only two characters.

do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ?We did some Pvp. So planets that were too low, we skipped and will pick up on an alt.

do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ?Never used space bar

do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ?Nope. Enjoyed my story completely.

do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ? No but we did pvp a decent amount. We enjoy pvp

do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50? We did every quest until we got over questing. Then ran some pvp. We did not complete flashpoints tho. Only the starter ones.

do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ? no. It was only my husband and I the entire time



Any content we missed we plan on picking up with an alt. the idea of redoing all the same content on the next character doesn't appeal to me, so we made room for that.

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How many of you got more than 1 lv50 ? how long do you get to 50 on your 1st character ? ive been playing for almost 3 months and my highest is only 45 vanguard tank..


First of all I only level 8 classes, 4 Imps 4 Pubs. Well sort of, I rerolled my Shadow as an Assassin. Currently have 50 Scoundrel, 50 Shadow, 50 Sniper, 41 Assassin, 24 Sage, 26 Guardian, 20 Marauder, 14 Merc. Been playing since release pretty much and have rerolled a few here and there.


My schedule is usually 6-11 weekdays and pretty much all day (8-10 hours) on weekends ... sad I know.


ok anyone please share the secret on how to level so fast to 50 ?


  • do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ?
    Depends. I mostly focus on one toon at a time so I wont be balancing 10 stories at the same time BUT I dab on the other classes here and there to alleviate the monotony.
  • do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ?
    See above
  • do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ?
    Nope, cant ... I actually hate a few of the planets but I have to do them all or ill fall behind. Mainly because I dont do pvp, space missions, or bother looking for fp groups anymore.
  • do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ?
    Only the character story quests or world arc quests I dont remember. Otherwise I dont really care what I say or do.
  • do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ?
    See above
  • do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ?
    Nope, ive hardly PvP'd ... only my Guardian has done any amount of significant WZ pvp
  • do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50?
  • do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ?
    No but thats a very good idea!


am i normal to play soo many alts in this game and not rushing to lv50 ? am i normal to play for the stories and doing every quest possible ? a bit OCD ?

Normal? Probably not. Most people probably dont bother doing quests they dont need, specially if theyve done them already on a previous toon. Youre not wrong though, just play however you like.


^^^ See above ^^^

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The real reason is because people are still caught in that WoW idea that you rush to top level and mindlessly run the same raids until they sell you an expansion. If people played this game they would realize that this is a great game to level in and experience and if you rush to the end you missed a lot of the point.
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Great replies and every one of them are eye opener.. in fact i will try (based on the concensus here) to focus on 1 alt till she ran out of bonus XP, then move to anohter alt till he ran out of bonus xp and do it repeatedly to maximize bonus XP


Thanks all for replying !!


Note :

btw im not judging ppl who play lots of hours every day.. in fact if i can i maybe do the same or even more.. sadly i got at most 2 hours (at best) and usually 1 hour (mostly) per day except weekends (4 hours at best)..



glad to see so many ppl enjoy this game soo much and willign to put in hours and hours on multiple characters.. its kinda heartening to see ppl post their love in SWTOR instead of those who keep posting doom-n-gloom in forum everyday repeatedly

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Some people are just hogs.


The rest of us savor the flavors,




yes , i want to savor the leveling process... a rare thing since in previous MMO everyone always skip the zones and race to max level using their random LFG stuff..


here ? i want to do the zones and dont want to out level them too much lol


what a strange way to do MMO.. but i love it..

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I got 3, just finished my Marauder in 3 days and 22 hours /played. IMO, the biggest thing is to follow the prescribed path to a tee, keep your class quest in line with your planet quests, and play at the level of your character, meaning if you are level 35 do level 35-36 missions.


Space missions are good, and the pvp daily is only efficient if you happen to be at fleet. Both take you out of a groove, and the big thing is completing to clumps of 4-5 missions in one zone, doing the bonus missions, and moving on...


Of course some classes are slower than others....some classes can take 2 elites and some can't even take 2 strongs....that's a big factor.

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I have 4 lvl 50 playing since head start. I play 2 hours on weekdays and put around 8 to 12 hours on weekend (depends how happy my wife really is).


I level purely through quests, i don't stand on fleet wasting time spamming LFG, i don't waste time spamming lfg for heroics. If someone asks for them i tag along otherwise i quest and move on to next planet. i also do lots of space missions. Hitting 50 is very easy this way.


I PVP only once i hit 50.

Edited by Gorrdan
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Of course some classes are slower than others....some classes can take 2 elites and some can't even take 2 strongs....that's a big factor.


could you elaborate which class ? so far i tried every AC and it seems every AC is balanecd out except the killing speed and efficiency of companion

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could you elaborate which class ? so far i tried every AC and it seems every AC is balanecd out except the killing speed and efficiency of companion


I think they are probably close, but I would say if you rely on having a full time healer or tank, your pace will be slower overall.


For me, any class set up as dps that has strong CC or stuns / control, self heals or damage mitigation and uses a dps companion will obliterate stuff at a rapid pace while never dying.


Also I found Operative to be extremely fast leveling as I can skip 99% of all mobs using stealth and only focus on mission objectives (I find most XP comes from the objective, not killing a tunnel, cave, bunker, or building stuffed full of trash).

Edited by DawnAskham
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1: do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ?

2: do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ?

3: do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ?

4: do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ?

5: do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ?

6: do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ?

7: do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50?

8: do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ?



For reference, i have 4 50's: Operative, Sage, Maruader, Vanguard. I took a break from the day 1.1 came out to about 2 weeks ago. Average time from 1-50 is ~4days, 2 hours played. (my op was faster since i had JUST leveled 2 back to back in beta builds, so the optimal path was fresh in my mind).


1: I tunnel vision level, that is i got 1-50 on each character, back to back. No jumping around nonsense.....

2: My Op is definitly my favorite, but I play whatever character i happen to be into at the time.

3: I don't do green quests, unless they are a class quest or main planet storyline quest.

4: I don't alt tab them, but i have a fairly solid of whats going to get said, so i do space spam the ones i don't find entertaining.

5: Not sure how to answer this.... story and leveling go hand in hand? Its not as if they are mutually exclusive.

6: I rarely pvp when leveling.

7: I quest, do flashpoints if I see a group looking for people, and always do space missions. SPace missions are boss for xp/hour

8: Don't think I've ever had someone else do my class missions with me. No point, really.

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I think they are probably close, but I would say if you rely on having a full time healer or tank, your pace will be slower overall.


For me, any class set up as dps that has strong CC or stuns / control, self heals or damage mitigation and uses a dps companion will obliterate stuff at a rapid pace while never dying.


Also I found Operative to be extremely fast leveling as I can skip 99% of all mobs using stealth and only focus on mission objectives (I find most XP comes from the objective, not killing a tunnel, cave, bunker, or building stuffed full of trash).


hey thanks for the tip !! as both my lowest toon are stealth class (Shadow DPS and Scoundrel Heals)


ill try bypassing trash and goin straight to mission goal.. but ah those bonus kill quest.. must not... finish.. argh

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2: My Op is definitly my favorite, but I play whatever character i happen to be into at the time.

3: I don't do green quests, unless they are a class quest or main planet storyline quest.


nice.. i hope the scoundrel / op nerf is not that bad for PVE..


skipping green quest ? that mean only doing yellow quest.. dang i will miss lots and lots of zones

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My PlayStyle :

- im alt-o-holic and keep jumping between 8 republic alts and 8 imperial alts (both AC)

- i play maybe 1 hour or 2 hour at most daily and maybe 4 hours at weekends

- i play casually, doing at least 80% side quest on every planet and trying out bonus quest on every planet.


I play a style similar to yours, except I have only four chars. I just got to Level 50 on my main last week and I've played pretty much every day since pre-launch.


The devs stated that the average play time is 5 hours per day. That means that for every player like us, who plays 1-2 hours per day, there is, on average, someone playing 8-9 hours per day. This is the biggest reason people gobbled up content so fast.


Also, what is the rush? The 1-50 game play is great.

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