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Help me choose...Jug Or mar?


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So I want to role a new character and I want to to toll a Sith warrior... BUT I can't decide which adv class to chose from...


I'm leaning towards Jug for the heavy Armour look and lets face it, duel weiding any weapon makes you look like a tool.


But I mainly PvP and not really into end game PvE, and Maras seem to just **** Jug's in every aspect of PvP, is this really that true? Am I gimping myself for nor chosing Jug over mara?

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So I want to role a new character and I want to to toll a Sith warrior... BUT I can't decide which adv class to chose from...


I'm leaning towards Jug for the heavy Armour look and lets face it, duel weiding any weapon makes you look like a tool.


But I mainly PvP and not really into end game PvE, and Maras seem to just **** Jug's in every aspect of PvP, is this really that true? Am I gimping myself for nor chosing Jug over mara?


It depends on what you want to be doing in PVP. If you want to be DPSing and taking guys down, then Mara's your man, sure. Mind you, they have their downsides from what Iv'e been reading, like having *no ranged capacity at all*.


But Juggernauts have their own advantages, to be sure. Don't forget how taunts work in PVP now. A good juggernaut will be absolutely unkillable and indispensable.

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I primarily PvP on my Jugg and Ill just say that having a good player on my team is more valuable than what class they are playing. Next to a decent healer, having a couple non-shortbus damage dealers is great. I wouldnt worry about there being too many Maras already, because most of them are terrible(though, if you want to play something underpopulated roll a healer).


Jugg is more of a team support role, even if youre DPS(which honestly if you want to dps be a Mara). If you want to be a damage dealer or main assist, probably go with a Mara. Thats not me saying Mara has no team support, they can be pretty spectacular. Force Camo, and that group speed buff you get(that can set up a huttball game right there), and decent mobility, are all great.


I mean Id never trade my Jugg for a Mara, but thats more because Jugg fits my playstyle better(Im Immortal). Plus like you said I think 2 lightsabers makes you look like a tool :p

Edited by Achromatis
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I rolled a Carnage Mar to 50... It was a blast. If you want to jump into a fight and FSU, you can. Now I hear the DPS output in 1.2 is much better, and in line with other DPS classes. My issue with it was, for me, it felt a little to much of a "solo" class. Fury buffs are nice and all, but I felt like my biggest contribution to fights were interrupts.


And then I rerolled as a jugg. To me, if you ever wanted too play a bad *** dude with a lightsaber, then Jugg is for you. It has the basics, Choke, Push, saber throw, and backhand, which is force ***** slap. Fun fun fun. I'm in the immortal tree, btw.


I just dig support roles more, and I didn't feel as a DPS that I was contributing as much to groups. Now if your main is DPS, might be better off with Jugg for gameplay mix. If your main is a support role, then a Mar would probably be a better change of pace.


And the number one reason you can't lose is.... they both have force charge.

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This is just my opinion:


If you want to hurt people lots and that all you do, go Marauder.


If you want to soak up damage and be a bullseye, go Juggernaut.


I went Juggernaut and I love it, including the abilities. The only thing that really made me consider a Marauder or a Sentinel was dual wielding, and really that's it.

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