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What do you want the most in 1.3?


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1. LFG - if not cross server then they need to fix the server pop problems


2. Fix server populations - can't finish Heroic 4 quests when there are two people on planet


3. Make all high level gear shells with changeable mods so we can decide what we want to wear (and social gear needs to come in medium and heavy types)


4. No helm option for companions & hood up/down option


5. Barbershop - at the very least we should be able to change our hairstyle


6. 16 slots per server


7. More interaction with companions


8. Ability to buy new ships - why my bh is driving around in a hunk of junk she stole as a baby toonlet when she has gads of credits to play with is beyond me


9. Ability to buy generally useful items with low-level planet commendations


10. More playable races - either as unlocks or straight up


A lot of these are story, character-customization changes, but that's one of this game's biggest strengths and it should be boosted.

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3. Make all high level gear shells with changeable mods so we can decide what we want to wear (and social gear needs to come in medium and heavy types)


4. No helm option for companions & hood up/down option


5. Barbershop - at the very least we should be able to change our hairstyle


7. More interaction with companions


8. Ability to buy new ships - why my bh is driving around in a hunk of junk she stole as a baby toonlet when she has gads of credits to play with is beyond me


9. Ability to buy generally useful items with low-level planet commendations


10. More playable races - either as unlocks or straight up


A lot of these are story, character-customization changes, but that's one of this game's biggest strengths and it should be boosted.


Not to say I disagree with the rest of your post, but these are the things I'd like. Every one of these is something I've thought about myself.

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What I'd really, REALLY like about 1.3 would be the possibilty to customize parts of your gear to make your character look just like you want him/her to look. e.g. should there be a possibility to lower the hood of your robes when playing as a Jedi (Consular and Knight alike) or a Sith. You've spent soo much time choosing your character's hairstyle when creating him/her, and as soon as the first custom hooded robe shows up in your inventory (and you will want to use it since its armor rating is as good as you can get it at the given level), his/her wonderful hair is not to be seen anymore.


That is why there should be an option like "lower hood" somwhere, just like there is "hide head slot".


Moreover, I second the idea of being able to customize your character just a bit, e.g. the hairstyle and a female character's makeup.


What would be equally nice is a possibility to "unbind" bound custom items or at least to transform their bind status to "bound to legacy" (perhaps in exchange for credits?). Like this you could more easily put items you loot or earn through mission rewards to some use and even help your other charas get along somewhat better.


And PLEASE make Space Missions beyond Level 40 easier. Even in "normal mode" the minefield mission on the republic side is a tough one with barely a chance to prevail if you don't get about just everything right. And since this got too frustrating for me, I decided not to pursue this and stick to "normal" class and bonus missions on planets. Surely not the best way to earn a lot of credits, but this game is supposed to give me some fun playing it, and post-level-40 space missions so far only made me angry or sad.


That's my tuppence on the matter, hope you'll support me...

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Well in order from tiny desires to big hopes:


-the ability to have your character avatar be your avatar


-More world bosses that are unique such as Krayt Dragons.


-more huttball maps with different death traps and lay outs. Surprise me.


-A guild tax system for guilds.


-More warzones and fixes to old ones (Voidstar and Alderaan need some fixing).


-The system to join players family trees and create a viewable extended family.


-The ability to create character bios that can be viewed from your legacy tree and have the legacy tree be a viewable option for all players so we can look at them.


-An easier way to emote so we are not just typing it in or shuffling through a window tab.


-More armor types and armor variety throughout all the classes with a more Star Wars inspired design from the different eras.


-The ability to turn Ashara Zavros to the Dark Side.


-Server transfers.


-An edit to the pvp rewards system so it is slightly less severe (or add ranked warzones to fix the situation).


-A fix to the expertise stat (such as making all armor have the same stat number and not a progression).


-A fix to clipping through hoods.


-Helmet/Hood combinations so we can look like this (my gimp edit).


-More story.

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I did not read every post, but I will second to revert pvp back to what it was before 1.2, if it came up.


I would not vote on server merges, but free transfers yes. Close the servers once emptied till more room is needed.


Cross server operations, heroics, etc. My server is a ghost town the times I can get on and play. And as it is now I will never be able to see what these operations are unless there is some cross server ques.

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I want to be able to ping on the minimap for myself and all people in my operation/WZ/party.


If i see someone coming in a WZ, i dont want:


ME: enemy inc from left

Other player1: our left or enemy left?

ME: our left!!

Other player1: i dont see anyone

ME:not you, wrong node.

Other player2: Nice call on inc, they took the node.



anyway, a bit of an over the top situation, but my point is i want to be able to just ping on the map when i see someone running towards a node.

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I would like the ability to choose which War Zone I want to play in. I could also go for a War Zone similar to Alterac Valley.


I agree with this. I would like to choose which Warzones and to have a nice epic warzone with a 40 on 40 would be nice.

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1. A major improvement on most of the gear.

2. The ability to select which Warzone to participate in.

3. Ranked Warzone (A major topic, which is already being implemented soon?)

4. More races to choose from.

5. Perhaps new abilities?

6. A decrease in ability training.


And other beneficial updated as stated by the previous posts.

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1) A large (10-15 boss) raiding tier


Naxxramas, WoW's 3rd raid tier instance was a truly epic 15 boss monstrosity that was not equaled until their 14 boss Ulduar came along. This was WoW's tier 3 raid. SWTOR needs something on this scale to really enter into player status in MMO land.


2) End game story questing


This game was billed to be the great 4th pillar MMO and yet there is no continuing story after level 50. There needs to be some kind of progressing story telling that drives the game into the raids, warzones, flashpoints; some kind of story telling driving force in terms of additional questing zones added to existing worlds. WoW did this in their "Elemental Bonds" continuing storyline and Molten Front questing zone in their 4.2 patch, in addition to adding their 8 boss raid, twice the size of the SWTOR's current tier OP.

Edited by LeonBraun
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Server merges / Free transfers


Server population and faction balance are the number one problem with the game. There is no arguing this point. We need fewer servers.


At this point, I'd take a cross-realm LFG tool too, even though I'm very much against it. I just want to play the damn game, but I can't because TWO of my guilds have died from people unsubscribing and going back to World of Warcraft. I don't care what their reasons are. I like ToR. I just very much dislike the fact that we have a bajillion servers and the entire playerbase spread out across them all, to the point that people are leaving because they think the game is dead with the lack of players.


BioWare needs to get on this immediately. It's already been too long.

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All i want..all i need..all i crave..is a LFG cross server tool..its my life my all and i so long for it...even yearn for..so give me LFG tool please :D


Im sith..i want a long flowing hooded black robe..why cant i have that?

Edited by mayjin
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