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What do you want the most in 1.3?


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more huttball warzones, huttball's elements to be fatal to anyone who gets caught in them no matter what shield abilities they have, etc.. instant death from all elements in huttball, cross realm lfg tools and warzones, legacy cargo hold vaults that stores everything from all your legacy characters, dual spec, removal of repair (pointless), being able to choose which warzone you want to play in.


alot of other things but i'd be happy with the above.


i'd really like to see more complex changes within the core of the game as i find it too basic and not creative/imaginative enough. the stories/the choices are just too "paint by numbers" hollow things that are just there, they don't push the boundaries... they don't have creativity or imagination. eh. it's just as basic as you can get. pretty bland and blah.


i'd remove all side quests and make every quest of importance, expand choices to 6 choices, advancing the light/dark system and adding a grey (maybe even do something like green lantern with it's colors)... making things actually matter and have meaning. really push things with dark/light/grey... raise questions with morality and give all kinds of different bonuses and additions for choices/paths one takes.


eh. lol. really there's ALOT that needs improved/advanced/upgraded.


the story/choice system really annoys me with no imagination and blah.


get rid of all the lame side quests, by the stars! why anyone thinks there needs to be a bunch of pointless stuff like these side quests. EVERY quest should have meaning and a purpose to your main story like a movie or television series. tapestry, weaving together.




i'd just like to see any glimmer of imagination/creativity come 1.3.

Edited by teambff
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* Single-server LFG tool that works for Flashpoints, Heroics, and forming pre-mades for Warzones. Cross-server, while desired by some, would be useless for anything that wasn't 100% instanced and there's plenty of grouping to be had outside of instances.


* New playable races:


Republic: Cathar, Nautolan, Togruta


Imperial: Ugnaut, Rodian, Weequay



* Space-based PvP!

Edited by Katahn
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I'd like to see;


  • Another War Zone, preferably not similar to the ones we have now, rather a new idea.
  • Cross-Server PvP/PvE/Flashpoints etc.
  • New Races. (Ewok anyone?)
  • Server Transfers.
  • New sniper abilities which have been discussed in detail in the Snipers sub-board. (I want the throw cover system god dammit! :p)


I'm sure I'd have plenty more but I'm only level 20 at the moment.. or is it 21. I don't even know... *facepalm* sighsighsigh..

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Based on Guild Summit Info :


- More Guild Functionality

- More WZ, Ops and FP

- LFG for FP, OPS and Heroic Missions

- Dual Spec with auto quickslot switching and auto gear switching (eg : dual spec done right)

- Bounty / Adversary system

- Character Transfer Service (Free/Paid)

- More Character Slot (unlockable or Paid)

- More Legacy stuff

- Achievement System (already in final / polishing stage)

- Add massive amount of change on Space Combat system.. hinted toward Free Flying Space-combat and Group-based Space Combat and 1 Ship multi-crew type of situation

- more stories for class and companions

- Server-wide Events that will be Epic in Scope


Future patch beyond 1.3 :


- Guild Capital ship , hinted toward guild vs guild activities..

- yet more stories for class and companion.. in fact 2012 will be the continuation of stories all year

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LFG option is a bad Idea. It's what helped destroy WoW. What I really wanna see is more races SW has tons of them and they need to capitalize on it.


Its a better alternative than sitting in a fleet spamming "LFG PST" & not being able to do planet questing at the same time while I wait.


If the LFG tool goes in but is not cross server, you will still just be spamming general chat trying to get people to join your group. One server (even the highest populated ones) will not usually have enough people doing heroic #2398942 on the backwater planet of <insert backwater planet name>

Edited by TheNevet
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Hi everyone.


Let me first start by saying a very simple, and overly obvious thing: This game's only been online for a short time ( a few months) and by far it's already out-growing any expectations I had from playing the previous star wars versions. That being said, I think Bioware is doing a great job and their soliciting ideas from the player base, especially at this early stage, is a great way to provide the longevity of this game far beyond what others have made it.


Now, that being said, I'm going to post my OPINION here from being a long time gamer of MMO's : If your version of getting your idea put into the game is to threaten to leave the game, please don't make us listen to your rants for the next few months and just leave now. Nothing irritates me more than single players who think their idea, no matter how good or bad others may feel it is, *MUST* go in the next patch or their leaving the game. Those are generally the people who aren't going to be happy no matter how much they get their way.


Now.. to the crux of this thread:

Some things I'd like to see being added are really the same as many other people have already mentioned -


dye/color changes for equipment (especially orange clothing items, the game currently allows for color changes in orange weapons, why not make orange clothing have that same 4th modification)


expand the available races you can play with. Even in some cases make these races "drops" from specific flash points or other events. I mean, who wouldn't want a Sith Juggernaut that's a Wookie? The star wars universe has literally THOUSANDS of races that you can choose from. I'd also love to see Yoda's race represented as well, which I have no idea what it's called. The only drawback I can see to this leads to my next idea (which again has already been stated)...


More character slots, even if you have to pay for them. 8 slots is a good starting point for a new game, but having the ability to open it up to create new characters is going to be essential to maintain any longevity of gameplay, and IMO is just as important as increasing story line content with each update.


Some sort of in-game tailor so you can really personalized the way your characters look. Right now we've got a bunch of clones running around, and the character creator engine holds a lot of promise for expansion and serious personalized customization of your character. Hair, eyes, skin color, the list goes on and on. Now I do like the whole dark/light side points adjusting the skin tone, but I think there should be a bit of choice in that as well.. what if I want a pitch black Rattataki Assassin with white tattoo's wearing white robes? (just an example, but it would look cool)


Server transfers, global request channels for teams/flashpoints, and an enhanced global/universal (cross server) marketplace are all good ideas as well. I'm not sure I like the whole concept of dual-builds, in all the games I've ever played I've just never gotten into doing that with any of my characters, so for me it's really not a feature I'd ever use.


I think keeping the current pve/pvp/rp server balance is a good idea. I don't do PVP, and that's because frankly I find that part of the community from other past gaming experiences to be nothing more than lacking and unwelcoming, two things that are a cancer to any MMO.


But that's my thoughts.. as winded as they are.. more races, more character options for clothing and appearance, more color options for clothing/weapons, and then the big one.. the ability for expanding character slots per server. I play with all my friends, we've all come over from another MMO, so moving to another server just isn't in my future, I like where I'm at and I've got a good group.


Oh.. and speaking of groups.. dream list item here.. a Guild Starbase would be AWESOME.. or even better, a Guild Starship (and in that, allow the multiplayer spaceship battles that others have mentioned.. that would be major cool points in my book).


Have fun, and remember.. the dark side has cookies!


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1. Population issues fixed via server mergers, transfers, or anything else that does not include playing with people I'll never "see" again.

2. Single-server LFG tool - i.e. Bioware sticks to their original reason for not implementing this feature into the game because, well, it was a damn good reason.

3. More character slots to fully utilize the unlocks unleashed in 1.2.

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  • LFG Tool is a must. Preferably cross-server. When WOW started this, I started doing instances. I have only done a couple on SWTOR.
  • Ability to address dying servers (free transfers, consolidation)


These are other ideas that might be cool, but not required

  • Other options like cross server galactic networks and chat. (maybe these are only available on some servers).
  • Capital ship for the guild

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The things I really would like to see added in the near future:


1. Hood down option for Jedi robes.

1a. Hair under my hood on Jedi.

2. More pants options for Jedi Consulars.

3. More "civillian" Heavy Armor looks (Republic side) for Corso, Qyzen, etc.

4. Speeders banned from the Republic Fleet.

5. Training / Crafting Training / Mod Removal costs reduced by 50-75%

6. Fix the broken crafting material nodes.

7. 25-50% more Orange items added to the game.



That is what I could think of for the time being. :)




Oh, one other thing...


8. Playable Mon Calimari. Make it happen!



Edited by Staavis_SC
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Loving the patch so far and I have a good feeling that 1.3 will be a great patch as well. I don't expect all of these things in one patch, but here it goes:


When highlighting a mob or quest related object, display the quest name and progression. It makes it easier to find the mobs we need to defeat for a quest intead of having to constntly rely on the quest log.


Improved animations - a few of them seem stiff....especially the running animation

Cross server queue for PvP

Give us the option to select what kind of PvP we want to queue for

More multiplayer content....perhaps more harder missions

More space missions. I love em :)

Improved space combat...throw in some epic boss fights

Duel spec would be a nice addition

More PvP modes would be great

Merge a some of the more empty servers

Edited by Captain-Sunshine
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Single server LFG tool and the ability to dual spec.


As icing, I'd like a few new races.


Other than that, I'm quite happy with how things are in game right now. Obviously there are a couple of minor bugs that need fixing, but those will come before 1.3.

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