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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Make it up to us BW



ANOUNCE 1.3 will include ARENAs and that's why you couldn't release Rateds with 1.2 Bcuz they share the same Rating SYSTEM.....


PR Fix and all you would have to do is make a 150m * 250m ROOM!



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shouldn't have even announced 1.2 would be tomorrow to begin with. Did somebody on the dev team just now log into their own game and notice the monumental **** up 1.2 is going to be? Edited by Vinak
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All you guys that unsubbed, good for you for following your principles, even if I do not agree with them. You feel duped, mislead, lied to, and responded by unsubscribing.




Now stop posting here. You're not part of the community anymore, now go away.


As long as our current sub is still running active we are still a part of the community.


Now shoo away troll!

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This *should* make the majority of the population tremendously happy. But it won't naturally.


All the people who whined that Bioware can only do Ranked Warzones if they are cross server....

That they can only do Ranked Warzones if there are more 50s testing...

That they can't do it until they address faction imbalance...

That they can't do it players who signed up for ranked are going to get credit when they are bumped down to be vs. non-ranked puggers and smash them into the ground...


Personally I think they need to soft-launch them with a pre-season to work kinks out. So I hope they come up with something soon. Even if it tries to put you in a ranked game and then falls back to non-ranked for servers who are low populated or have other situations.


But I think if they made this call players should be more happy than upset, that it will have more time to bake in the oven and not be a disaster.

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All you guys that unsubbed, good for you for following your principles, even if I do not agree with them. You feel duped, mislead, lied to, and responded by unsubscribing.




Now stop posting here. You're not part of the community anymore, now go away.


Had to also say how much of a good comment this is ;)

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All you guys that unsubbed, good for you for following your principles, even if I do not agree with them. You feel duped, mislead, lied to, and responded by unsubscribing.




Now stop posting here. You're not part of the community anymore, now go away.


I'll stop posting when my subscription time runs out

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Well, I have two guesses to why.


Due to several servers have very low populations, the addition of ranked warzones would just make things not fun.


Thats a very good point : without Cross-server WZ it would be Pain to get 8 man in underpopulated server



Bioware letting us down is becoming too consistent of a trend. No open world pvp, no ranked war zones..........but if you reroll a new character to 50, they have taken time to give candy for that chase.


The priorities of the devs seem to be different than the community.



Another Good point too but Alot poeple won't subscribe again & will probably go back to WOW or another game. At least if they brought an live Warzone in PVP-Illum it would help lot.

Edited by SageOfSixPath
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Make it up to us BW



ANOUNCE 1.3 will include ARENAs and that's why you couldn't release Rateds with 1.2 Bcuz they share the same Rating SYSTEM.....


PR Fix and all you would have to do is make a 150m * 250m ROOM!




DO this ^

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Been here for awhile, and I stood behind you Bioware. First this game never should have been released when it was. 1.2 was the release patch as I saw it anyhow. But doing this last minute was just wrong, you should have known back at the guild summit and I might not have cancelled.


Basically your adding in another grind for shiny new gears. we already grinded through your screwed up mixed over re-tuned system to get ready for preseason rated WZs now you want us to do it all over for what another preseason? Bad enough exchanges for unrated to rated tokens is totally inept thinking, but rated gear being a color difference social thing is stupid. gear resets etc are fine no reason rated gear should = non rated.


The way i see it you should have told us and abandoned it at guild summit and worked on 8 man cross server (because all the servers except fatman and ajunta pal are wastelands) ques and the ability of not having to reform groups. I might have stuck around until you got around to rateds

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that shows the ignorance of a "pvp player" this was never built for PvPers its a PvE game that has PvP in it according to the devs.



Why is it every bad player out there thinks every MMO is all about PvP??? do you really think they spent 100 million dollars on voice acting int eh PvE world just to make a PvP game?


Dont hate cause you are a scrub at PVP.


Why do you think soucndrels and surge have been nerfed repeatedly. PVE content is this game is laughable -- maybe 2 weeks to clear everything if that

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Wow, Bioware. Epic failure on your part. Unbelievable.


Edit to add: this reminds me very much of SWG's money grab with the NGE. You knew this was not going to go live well before this. Why are you only announcing it now?


While I think they should hold off on going live with any 1/2 finnished or poorly set up features. Even more so with ones that could drastically change the game like rated warzones. They did a piss poor job waiting until the 11th hour to say it wasn't going live. I am sure they did the announcement that the 12th was going to be 1.2 launch and knew then but milking a few days of resubs from inactive accounts or ppl adding time to current ones seemed like a better idea. Seriously we all know their customer server is a horrible joke and they care very little for the account holders beyond the money they give them.

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As much as I'm sure they have denied it, the worst part of all this is that there is no way they didn't hold off this announcement. They knew it wasn't going to be ready and they deliberately held off so that they wouldn't lose subs. Misleading people is just such a slap in the face towards all us paying costumers. I have lost a lot of respect for Bioware.




Bioware - "An issue came up, so we postponed."


Translation - "It was never ready, but we want your money."


The truth is it doesn't matter either way. When you are running a game that is this large, with this many players you can't make mistakes like this consistently. I've been a huge supporter of this game for a long time, but this is garbage. Would have been nice to have had a reason to log in besides broken PvE content...

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Actually there are a lot of players out there that didnt even READ the forums nor posted in it and unsubbed when they heard the news.


Stop being a smart ***!


i really do not think you are gonna see many people quit of such a thing, and the people that do qit are not people worth having because if they quit over them not releasing broken content then they are not good players and on top of that, they would jsut quit becuase their broken skill from their FOTM was fixed.



THey are not going to lose any decent sub over this they will lose FTOM re-rollers and QQers

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more people woulda unsubed if they kept the buggy patch. I mean, yes, I am SUPER bummed, but otherwise, I'm happy! i don't want a buggy patch. PLUS, I'm all over pvp, I love it, one of my fav parts, and I don't want tht getting screwed up in a patch.


SERIOUSLY- anyone who unsubed are just waiting for the ranked wzs to come out later.


Whatever, I can't wait for all the OTHER FEATURES COMING OUT. and I'll be enjoying it.

Edited by Arzhanin
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More than enough mature players around that don't get upset over every little change. :rolleyes:


Every little change? This game has NO endgame for those of us who dont feel like doing RP or PVE. This is a huge change, a change thats gonna cost Bioware dearly.

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We were building up our guild in the last month to play ranked WZs.


Of the 10 good PvPers 3 already unsubscribed this instant. I think the rest will follow tomorrow.


We would have gladly tested the ranked WZs on the PTS, but it seems to me that Bioware only had eyes for its new PvE content thus not inviting PvPers.


This and Ilum have shown me enough.

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i really do not think you are gonna see many people quit of such a thing, and the people that do qit are not people worth having because if they quit over them not releasing broken content then they are not good players and on top of that, they would jsut quit becuase their broken skill from their FOTM was fixed.



THey are not going to lose any decent sub over this they will lose FTOM re-rollers and QQers


I am sure the decent subs higher value will compensate the loss of the not so decent subs...


Man, you wanna kill this game or what?

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