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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Six months after WoW's release, they were on patch 1.6. That's right, 1.6. That is SIX major content patches 6 months into launch and the game had THREE legendary items at this time with multiple 40 MAN raids. SWTOR has had only one and they still have hardly any end-game.


you also realize the first 3 months of were so unplayable they did not even charge losing 65-70% of their inital player base, they did not even have a single battle ground till the 1.6 patch and even at that point the games bugs were horrendous.


If any MMO released now with WoWs launch the company would of gone belly up inside of the first 3 months. WoW had one of the WORST launches in MMO history, contray to what someone like you, who was not there, might say the launch of this game was th ebest MMO launch in history, they have 2 million subs right now. WoW did not break 2 million in its first year, hell they were below 100k for the first 3 months.

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The best way to keep rats away? Dont give them cheese. A huge wave of people will now unsub, and stay that way. This is the best message we can send them, we're not gona feed them, if they dont give anything back..

Bioware will eventually understand that relying on the whole NEXT PATCH WILL FIX EVERYTHING doesnt work..

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I suppose you guys would rather SWG have stayed for eternity and no new Star Wars MMORPG made at all? Everyone on these Forums are constantly contradicting themselves; "We want 1.2 now!" Then on the day they announced it would come on Thursday: "You are rushing it, BioWare, wait more weeks!"
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bio your failing and i guarantee your gunna lose accounts on doing this, most of us are pure pvp and now youve taken away the only thing we all have really been waiting for. i think i just may hold off on renewing my account because a half day b4 this awesomeness goes live with being able to pwn peoples face with 8 man teams, now this game is gunna be boring with some updated stuff for pve'ers
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This whole thread summed up in a few words:


Bioware: Hey, the PTS did its job and we've decided to hold back ranked warzones because it's not ready for primetime. It'll come when it's good enough for the community.


The SWTOR Community (on the forums): *Cries and throws a tantrum like a baby*


Seriously, releasing buggy features and content is miles more unprofessional than holding back something that isn't ready, even with a short notice. Besides, there are a lot of players looking forward to what IS coming with 1.2, namely UI changes, Legacy, and the new Operation.


Not unsubbed.


Be a bigger sucker. The feedback is there that PvP testing was a joke, just check out the posts on the PTS forum regarding that issue. That you chose to ignore the information and be a big apologist fanboy instead is your own issue.


Not sure where BW drew the data from, since most feedback posts I read on PTS indicated uneven and unfinished games, due to lack of anyone queuing.

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no there would be more qqing.


All the qqers are ignoring the fact that this was delayed almost completely because of player feedback..


Where are these players crying out for removal of RW? Here is the comment thread for their RW testing:




I see zero complaints, with the people responding all saying that the system was working fine.

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It's interesting how they made the option for normal wz commendations --> Ranked wz commendations available just 1 or 2 days before the patch. Me and my guildies were already like ***, why would they even allow this?


Furthermore the option to trade Ranked warzone comms for normal warzone comms was scrapped. Why I wonder?


Now it's all clear, not bringing ranked wz in 1.2 wasn't decided today. They knew it all along and just wanted people to come back to give them more money.

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How about farming War Hero, maxing out legacy features, level each alt and AC to see story, etc? Nobody is done with all the content of the game lol.


Being forced to farm yet another tier of PvP gear (at a 3:1 conversion ratio) while they try to figure out an actual pvp game plan...



Edited by Ghaleon
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Ghost Town? Are you people OK? All servers except a few are either heavy or standard on the weekend.... I'm always checking cause I always see this crap being posted. Now there are 20-30 servers that do have light populations who were at the end of server selections when the subs began to slow down some. These need to be merged. You can tell when your dealing with a dishonest poster who is obviously shilling for another game company, just look at there prior post to confirm this.


There is so much dishonesty on these forums though I don't know why I bother to come here. I normally go too OldRepublic.net for some good discussions and not a whole lot of nerd raging.


But all this sanctimonious anger is beyond ridiculous.


I love people like you that "trust" this company's "metric" blindly...


Server population will now be measured as follows:


Light = 0-10 players online

Standard = 11-25 players online

Heavy = 26-50 players online

Full = >50 players online


You would say: "There is no problem at all with population, most ALL of the servers are heavy or standard population!!! There is even 2 that are full!!!"

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This is just so un-cool, it's hard to describe. The SWTOR PvP dev team has been really quite pathetic and have failed to deliver anything creative or noteworthy other than the concept of a passable flag in a CTF game (huttball).


How many people do they have working on PvP? If it's more than a handful, then EA/Bioware is getting ripped off.


Hopefully, at least one of the titles slated for this year delivers for us PvP'ers.

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How about farming War Hero, maxing out legacy features, level each alt and AC to see story, etc? Nobody is done with all the content of the game lol.


all the content? Of course not. Major content, sure they did. I am full BM and i dont see why i should farm my *** off just to reach War hero gear. Whats the point?


But yeah i am not unsubbing i will go down with this game, but it may happen earlier then i expected back in December. ;)

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It's interesting how they made the option for normal wz commendations --> Ranked wz commendations available just 1 or 2 days before the patch. Me and my guildies were already like ***, why would they even allow this?


Furthermore the option to trade Ranked warzone comms for normal warzone comms was scrapped. Why I wonder?


Now it's all clear, not bringing ranked wz in 1.2 wasn't decided today. They knew it all along and just wanted people to come back to give them more money.




Is that true?

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How about farming War Hero, maxing out legacy features, level each alt and AC to see story, etc? Nobody is done with all the content of the game lol.


You obviously haven't seen the amount of WZ comms youll need to get WH gear, and if I played this game to get the story I'd read a book.

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How about farming War Hero, maxing out legacy features, level each alt and AC to see story, etc? Nobody is done with all the content of the game lol.


well youll need 80,000+ wz comms for war hero, that will keep you busy for a while. maxing out companions for the stat bonuses will take a while too

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i just have to LoL @ Bioware.


literally the only addition in 1.2 that wasn't promised on release and in some cases ON THE BOX. is the new operation and UI Modification.


and i thought it was only Lucas that could screw up the Star Wars Franchise.

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Queuing for solo Ranked Warzones will be implemented after the eight-man queuing system is implemented.


I understand things getting pushed back due to problems and such. This part of the announcement is the part that makes me mad. I absolutely hate the fact that MMO's in general cater to the large guilds. I like playing MMO's with many people in them. I don't have a problem with forming teams. I do have a problem with having to have large groups of people schedule their lives around a game.


Once again the small guilds and people who solo are left out of the game.

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