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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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I'm definetly disapointed. Was really really looking forward to this. I have been grinding warzones hard lately to achieve valor 60 and get some battlemaster pieces b4 this hit.

However I def understand and support there decision to not release this until its rdy.


I am also grateful for the way they handled it by removing it from the patch instead of continuing to delay the patch for it. There are still ALOT of nice new features in 1.2 to play with while we wait for this. Just plz dont make us wait to to long for it. :)

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All of the negative comments were enough to make me bother to post.


I am personally glad that you were willing to pull a major feature, that you felt was not ready, from the patch on short notice.


I have Battlemaster, I have my valor 65 Korrelian speeder... and I'm still eager to play what's being added in 1.2, even without the Ranked Warzones. There's still a lot of new PvP content being added (same-faction warzones for Voidstar, totally new warzone that allows same-faction, new tier of PvP gear, etc.)


Being willing to pull a feature that felt incomplete, rather than rushing it into a patch and fixing it later, makes me think you guys are on the right track. Releasing polished, complete content is always better than half-assed "we'll fix it someday in the future" content.


Just thought I'd drop in and say thanks; despite all of the haters out there, I, for one, think you made the right call.


It is players like you that made them realize it was ok to pull the rug out from under us cuz fanboi's will adhere to w/e the devs pump out. If I pay for something, i don't care how frivolous the item is, I expect it to be provided in the timely order it was promised or I expect a refund. So you should be able to understand the consternation at having the company make a business oriented decision to hurt their customer base rather than their pockets. In the short term this will make them a lot, in the long term it just answered the question a lot of peeps have been wonder. they claim to listen to us in the forums and pts but no one said, if its buggy and hackers can still take advantage we don't want it in, we told them its buggy and is in need of a lot of work but all in all it is fun!


Buggy Content Released = Product provided on time, complaints are baseless and focused on the quality of the product.


Buggy Content Not Released = Huge Negative PR storm, complaints are based on simple false advertising principles and the absence of the promised product.


That said I am not going anywhere for 2 and a half months, thats how much game time i have, if Ranked WZ havent made it in by then im probably gonna unsub.

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I'm definetly disapointed. Was really really looking forward to this. I have been grinding warzones hard lately to achieve valor 60 and get some battlemaster pieces b4 this hit.

However I def understand and support there decision to not release this until its rdy.


I am also grateful for the way they handled it by removing it from the patch instead of continuing to delay the patch for it. There are still ALOT of nice new features in 1.2 to play with while we wait for this. Just plz dont make us wait to to long for it. :)


I'm not glad, I am LIVID.


What they did in releasing 1.2 while tearing the HEART out of it is unacceptable. Ranked Warzones with the ability to take YOUR OWN group into them was, for us PVP'ers, all we had to look forward to AFTER TAKING ILUM OUT of the game in this same patch.


Today PVP'ers log into the game AND HAVE LESS than we had the day before. Everyone with Champion gear today have LESS than we had yesterday and we have fewer options than ever for progression.


If ranked warzones weren't ready then 1.2 wasn 't ready.

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They announced that they're releasing the patch before key elements actually work.


Massive fail.


As I have 7 days left on my sub ill see whether its worth playing... However seeing as pvp is the only thing I do... Good luck with that!

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On the plus side the hope they provided for all the failing servers added up to 1 night of activity.... that was cut short by a lame duck update heh nvm there really is no plus side


I know right? We had 25 people in fleet last night, the most I've seen I'm weeks. Clearly people were flocking back for 1.2

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So has anyone looked into how consumer rights play into unethical business practice by an mmo company? My guess is they are in some sort of grey area because in any other business there are LAWS protecting us from being mislead into paying money.
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So has anyone looked into how consumer rights play into unethical business practice by an mmo company? My guess is they are in some sort of grey area because in any other business there are LAWS protecting us from being mislead into paying money.


Doubtful since you agree to the EULA when you started playing the game.


The thing we can do, is opt not to pay the monthly fee - which I have done, 5 days left on the account.

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this was my favorite thing to look forward to, im one of those people who had a bad week and was looking for something new to cheer me up, and this was it, well i hope u guys fix it soon, at least the rest of it comes out today so im kinda excited about that :jawa_frown:
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They announced that they're releasing the patch before key elements actually work.


Massive fail.


As I have 7 days left on my sub ill see whether its worth playing... However seeing as pvp is the only thing I do... Good luck with that!


I currently have 14 days left and within 5 minutes of reviewing these features realized it isnt worth playing lol maybe bioware can transfer my subscription days over to some sheep ready to be fleeced again

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I'm not glad, I am LIVID.


What they did in releasing 1.2 while tearing the HEART out of it is unacceptable. Ranked Warzones with the ability to take YOUR OWN group into them was, for us PVP'ers, all we had to look forward to AFTER TAKING ILUM OUT of the game in this same patch.


Today PVP'ers log into the game AND HAVE LESS than we had the day before. Everyone with Champion gear today have LESS than we had yesterday and we have fewer options than ever for progression.


If ranked warzones weren't ready then 1.2 wasn 't ready.


Pretty much, this is what people don't understand.... it was classic bait and switch, give us your money based on the promise of something being in a certain patch, then when you have the money, you say "Ooppps, not ready yet... wait for a while in the corner over there, since we basically ripped the heart out of the pvp game and added yet another gear grind, and be patient. In the meantime, you might try pve! Oh wait, your server has a lack of healers on your faction? Hrmm, well, I guess our nerf to healing didn't help that either... well maybe your Guardian tanks can pick up the sla... What? We nerfed Guardians too? No we didn't, we gave you a crappy self-heal that reduces threat and costs 114% of your resource pool! Be happy!"


On the 1.2 lawsuit front... they made movies on it, saying that this was a feature.. that is advertisement. They collected monies based on those commercials and then didn't deliver the product as advertised. They CAN be sued, at least here in IL.

Edited by JefferyClark
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So has anyone looked into how consumer rights play into unethical business practice by an mmo company? My guess is they are in some sort of grey area because in any other business there are LAWS protecting us from being mislead into paying money.


somebody research this please!!!

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I don't get the whole defending Bioware thing here. There is no reason to. You are only hurting yourself and your game by trying to convince yourself that being screwed over and lied to is fair business practice.

I find it hard to believe that with the kind of budget they had for this game they couldn't even make it worth while to log on when I already paid for 6 months. Now I never will.

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Yeah I have no sympathy for an MMO company in 2012 that can't create a damn character copy tool. Really....



They have no one to blame but themselves, but boy- they SURE did ensure that useless Legacy system that NO ONE cares about (maybe 1/5 of this community?) is implemented for 1.2!!!!!


All you guys work on your alts ! Your legacy rewards will be awesome! You can Force Choke as a Bounty Hunter in PvE ! :rolleyes:


No character copy tool on the PTS - WAHH Unsubbed

No Ranked Warzones - WAHH Unsubbed

No Arenas - WAHH Unsubbed

Not how it "should" be - WAHH Unsubbed


...you are aware that BioWare is working from scratch here... right?


Blizzard set a very high standard with WoW. They've had SEVEN YEARS to perfect their craft... and they still don't get it completely right half the time. It's understandable that people are crying over this patch - You came from a well-established MMO that has existed for 21 times the length of time that SWTOR has existed. You've been spoiled. That's ok.


Blizzard is not BioWare, BioWare is NOT Blizzard. I'm pretty sure that at no time did BioWare devs have access to WoW's source code, nor were they assisted directly by Blizzard devs at any point in the game's development or anytime thereafter. They're the competition, why would they? Everything they've done, they've done on their own, and I think they've done a decent job so far. Not a perfect job, because no one is perfect. There are aspects that can and should be fixed. But they've done a decent job overall. Everyone that's unsubbing - Why don't YOU make your own MMO? Developing and coding a project of this scale is a monumental task. I'd like to see what you can come up with... on your own.


By the way, I feel it fair to mention... all those that are looking forward to Guild Wars 2... the publisher, NCSoft, also made a little MMO called Aion, recently gone F2P. Let me know how GW2 works out for you, mmkay?


/rantmode = 0

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So...how about some Open World PvP objectives while we wait?!


Seriously Gabe...how freaking tough is this one to figure out? I'll give you all the time in the world for you to fix ranked WZ's - just toss us open world PvPers a bone. ANYTHING beats what you guys did in 1.2 with Ilum.

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Doubtful since you agree to the EULA when you started playing the game.


The thing we can do, is opt not to pay the monthly fee - which I have done, 5 days left on the account.


EULA's are not worth the paper they aren't printed on (because every single one has something in it that's illegal to have in a contract in nearly every jurisdiction). Which is why no software company in history has ever taken anyone to court over them.

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EULA's are not worth the paper they aren't printed on (because every single one has something in it that's illegal to have in a contract in nearly every jurisdiction). Which is why no software company in history has ever taken anyone to court over them.



Ah, cool didn't know that, but then my forte is not within consumer law (or law at all :))

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I don't get the whole defending Bioware thing here. There is no reason to. You are only hurting yourself and your game by trying to convince yourself that being screwed over and lied to is fair business practice.

I find it hard to believe that with the kind of budget they had for this game they couldn't even make it worth while to log on when I already paid for 6 months. Now I never will.


If they had been listening to their customers which they so diligently said they did they would have known that by doing this they were effectively forcing their customers over to all the new mmo options coming... perhaps we should all watch cnbc in anticipation of the news release that bioware has been bought by blizzard... this would be the only way they could call it a successful business s move

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No character copy tool on the PTS - WAHH Unsubbed

No Ranked Warzones - WAHH Unsubbed

No Arenas - WAHH Unsubbed

Not how it "should" be - WAHH Unsubbed


...you are aware that BioWare is working from scratch here... right?


Blizzard set a very high standard with WoW. They've had SEVEN YEARS to perfect their craft... and they still don't get it completely right half the time. It's understandable that people are crying over this patch - You came from a well-established MMO that has existed for 21 times the length of time that SWTOR has existed. You've been spoiled. That's ok.


Blizzard is not BioWare, BioWare is NOT Blizzard. I'm pretty sure that at no time did BioWare devs have access to WoW's source code, nor were they assisted directly by Blizzard devs at any point in the game's development or anytime thereafter. They're the competition, why would they? Everything they've done, they've done on their own, and I think they've done a decent job so far. Not a perfect job, because no one is perfect. There are aspects that can and should be fixed. But they've done a decent job overall. Everyone that's unsubbing - Why don't YOU make your own MMO? Developing and coding a project of this scale is a monumental task. I'd like to see what you can come up with... on your own.


By the way, I feel it fair to mention... all those that are looking forward to Guild Wars 2... the publisher, NCSoft, also made a little MMO called Aion, recently gone F2P. Let me know how GW2 works out for you, mmkay?


/rantmode = 0


People like you are the reason Bioware will get away with lying and cheating their customers. It must be nice not understanding what a Bait and Switch tactic is, but those of us that do (and yes, there's a LOT of us), are gonna talk with our money. Mmkay?

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Doubtful since you agree to the EULA when you started playing the game.


I feel I should point out that it has been demonstrated in courts in the US and Europe that the EULA is not a legally binding document, that any and all criteria listed in the EULA are subject to local, national and international laws, and that there is no statute in law enforcing EULAs on end users ESPECIALLY when they are "indicated" over digital means rather than being signed in person and witnessed.


I can refer you to the countless number of cases where Blizzard Entertainment has failed to make any ground in combating RMT using their EULA, or the variety of cases involving major tech companies that have been thrown out of court in Europe on the grounds that the EULA is a flimsy agreement at best.



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