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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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i know for a fact i would'nt advertise samsung tv's for $99 for 3 months and on sale day pull a raincheck at 9.01 when doors open......



For a person to be found liable of contravening the s 35(1) provisions of bait advertising is dependent on the person’s knowledge during the TIME of when the advertising was directed to the consumer. The s 35(2) provisions, creates an absolute liability towards the advertiser, by obliging him or her to offer the goods and services which is ADVERTISED to be supplied.


One of the elements of the s 35 provisions is that of reasonableness, and reasonableness will be dependent on the nature of the product that is being advertised, as well as the LENGTH of the sale of the advertised product. In ascertaining reasonableness, past practices may also be taken into account.


I agree completely. The difference is that I don't think the decision was made about shipping the content until a few hours before they announced it. The game has too much invested in time, content, and money for them to play gotcha with the subscription base and never make their money back. We're talking about a company with a rep, not some hyperlink in a dodgy email, after all.

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I feel, and i am, like thousands of consumers, duped about the annoucement and the cancel of ranked warzone.

I'm really not the kind of person who /unsubb every time something happen, on every nerf etc but i think i've never seen such a failure in mmo history.


The only way I will stay on this game is if Bioware give us fast and recurrent ETA on the release of ranked warzone. I don't want to get screwed one more time.


Plus when something like this happen, you have Bioware, to give your customer more informations about why this is delayed, not just a random "datas are not good but you have legacy system to play with".

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What you fail to understand is the following: Yes it is a game, a game that we pay a monthly fee to play, a game where BW promised content for us (who are paying this monthly fee) to enjoy as late as yesterday evening they still promised this content to the paying customer.


Yes, it is a game, therefor I opted to end my monthly payment to a company who did not keep their end of the bargain.


I was furious yesterday, and did rage on other forums and ingame chat about this, now I am just dissapointed and made the decision not to pay for services from said company.


I might return in the future, but for now the game contains nothing for me to keep me in the game until RWZ and proper ways to earn PVP gears comes to the game (not the 3 to 1 conversion rate).


So yes, I do understand that it is a game, but as a paying customer I have the right to complain, I have the right to stop playing the game and by doing that also stop paying when I feel that they do not provide what I expect for my money.


Well, actually! If you want to get technical, you did not pay for this patch....it was a free addittion to what you are currently paying for. If they charged you for it, I would understand. Rage quit if you want, it just shows how silly u are. Anyways, this is software and they have very short timelines on these changes.


So all of your guys analogies of selling products dont apply. You basically bought the game at said price out of the package, and you pay monthly to use said product you bought over their servers. So anyone talking all of this legal mumbo jumbo does not apply to something that will never be complete as it is constantly changing.

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This is an attempt at an actually constructive post. I hope BioWare reads every post in this thread and has not tuned out. No doubt you guys expected this rage, but there is some important information your customers have issued in this thread that you really should listen to if you want to retain us.


I am a hardcore PvP'er and the guildmaster of a PvP guild. All we do is PvP. We do not care about anything else. This loss of Ranked Warzones is devastating. You have designed the game to deter world PvP. You have removed Ilum. All we have is warzones and even with a single new warzone, that is not enough content to retain us PvP'ers for the next few months.


Moving forward, what I would like to see from BioWare:

Contrition - You screwed up here, big time. You promised a HUGE feature and not only have you failed to deliver, it appears to me that you are not even sure now how you are going to deliver it in the future. You have many customers who are extremely knowledgeable about game design willing to help you out with whatever testing you need and so far you've not utilized us. This needs to change. You need to open a much better channel of communication with us. You need to be more open and transparent and frequent.


Resources - It is insulting to tell us you guys are "hopeful" your "PvP Team" can get some indeterminate semblance of ranked warzones done by some unspecified date. You have always treated PvP like it was an unwanted stepchild. This needs to end now if you want to retain us. You need to make the SWTOR team your PvP team right now, because to me and many other PvP'ers, SWTOR is PvP. You need to give us content quickly or you're going to bleed customers.


Address Server Populations - This is perhaps your most pressing issue right now. Everyone has noticed server populations are small and they're getting worse. I leveled up a healer to 50 and could not find groups for heroics or flashpoints. As a healer. You are no doubt losing customers over this disappointing announcement, so the problem's getting far worse. You cannot have meaningful PvP without people. Merge servers, support transfers, do whatever you have to do to fix it or there's no point working on any content as there'll be no one to share it with.


Give us a Bone - You have a ton of customers telling you right now what might ease our disappointment: give us 8 man queues. This can't be hard to program, so you're obviously not doing it because you don't want solo queuers to get rolled. They're already getting rolled. So let us play this miniscule content that we have with our friends, because frankly, our friends are all that's keeping us playing the game right now.


Good luck, BioWare. Your next actions are important to the PvP community. If you keep treating us poorly, you're going to lose us forever.




this deserves it's own space.

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The developers advertised ranked warzones, but they never sold it. They haven't yet offered it for sale. When you subscribe to the game, you're subscribing to the game as it exists at the time you subscribe. That's what you're buying, not what might or might not come later.


You didn't get George Orwell, did you?


Or Ralph Nader?


But you clearly get Jim Jones.

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Moving forward, what I would like to see from BioWare:

Contrition - You screwed up here, big time. You promised a HUGE feature and not only have you failed to deliver, it appears to me that you are not even sure now how you are going to deliver it in the future. You have many customers who are extremely knowledgeable about game design willing to help you out with whatever testing you need and so far you've not utilized us. This needs to change. You need to open a much better channel of communication with us. You need to be more open and transparent and frequent.


Resources - It is insulting to tell us you guys are "hopeful" your "PvP Team" can get some indeterminate semblance of ranked warzones done by some unspecified date. You have always treated PvP like it was an unwanted stepchild. This needs to end now if you want to retain us. You need to make the SWTOR team your PvP team right now, because to me and many other PvP'ers, SWTOR is PvP. You need to give us content quickly or you're going to bleed customers.


Address Server Populations - This is perhaps your most pressing issue right now. Everyone has noticed server populations are small and they're getting worse. I leveled up a healer to 50 and could not find groups for heroics or flashpoints. As a healer. You are no doubt losing customers over this disappointing announcement, so the problem's getting far worse. You cannot have meaningful PvP without people. Merge servers, support transfers, do whatever you have to do to fix it or there's no point working on any content as there'll be no one to share it with.


Give us a Bone - You have a ton of customers telling you right now what might ease our disappointment: give us 8 man queues. This can't be hard to program, so you're obviously not doing it because you don't want solo queuers to get rolled. They're already getting rolled. So let us play this miniscule content that we have with our friends, because frankly, our friends are all that's keeping us playing the game right now.


Good luck, BioWare. Your next actions are important to the PvP community. If you keep treating us poorly, you're going to lose us forever.


/agree, especially with the underline bolded:(

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Well, actually! If you want to get technical, you did not pay for this patch....it was a free addittion to what you are currently paying for. If they charged you for it, I would understand. Rage quit if you want, it just shows how silly u are. Anyways, this is software and they have very short timelines on these changes.


So all of your guys analogies of selling products dont apply. You basically bought the game at said price out of the package, and you pay monthly to use said product you bought over their servers. So anyone talking all of this legal mumbo jumbo does not apply to something that will never be complete as it is constantly changing.


Okay your right.

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Well, actually! If you want to get technical, you did not pay for this patch....it was a free addittion to what you are currently paying for. If they charged you for it, I would understand. Rage quit if you want, it just shows how silly u are. Anyways, this is software and they have very short timelines on these changes.


So all of your guys analogies of selling products dont apply. You basically bought the game at said price out of the package, and you pay monthly to use said product you bought over their servers. So anyone talking all of this legal mumbo jumbo does not apply to something that will never be complete as it is constantly changing.


This. There was no false advertisement when the patch notes clearly stated that NOTHING WAS FINAL. Not only that, but they are not obligated by any contract to DELIVER ANYTHING other than server access.


I don't see the big deal, a lot of bunched undies over a lot of nothing.

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This. There was no false advertisement when the patch notes clearly stated that NOTHING WAS FINAL. Not only that, but they are not obligated by any contract to DELIVER ANYTHING other than server access.


I don't see the big deal, a lot of bunched undies over a lot of nothing.


Yep your right. You won the argument. No need for you to post anymore. We done m8.

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Well, actually! If you want to get technical, you did not pay for this patch....it was a free addittion to what you are currently paying for. If they charged you for it, I would understand. Rage quit if you want, it just shows how silly u are. Anyways, this is software and they have very short timelines on these changes.


So all of your guys analogies of selling products dont apply. You basically bought the game at said price out of the package, and you pay monthly to use said product you bought over their servers. So anyone talking all of this legal mumbo jumbo does not apply to something that will never be complete as it is constantly changing.




Well, if are going on that route, yes up til now I have been paying for content currently in the game, however I was led to believe that my future payments would include RWZ, now that I realize that this is not the case I elected to stop my payments until the fee would include RWZ. Hence, my paid playtime ends in 5 days.


If we see it like this:

I subscribe to a channel package where I pay for channel 1, 2 and 3.

After a while I am bored of all the re-runs on these channels, but the company says, well next month we will include channel 4 for the same price.

I think, wow great I am really looking forward to watching channel four, it seems to be one of my future favorite channels indeed.

The cable company then changes their mind and say that it may be 2 months until you get channel 4 in your package.


Just like I am doing now, I would then tell the cable company to end my subsription, and I might get back to them when channel four is included in the package (provided no other company meanwhile offers a product that supercedes the current company's channel 4 deal)

Edited by Sengie
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So we can't even queue with 8 people now either? I don't so much care about ranked war zones as I do about not being able to queue with my friends, so sick of dealing with the complete morons that end up on my team in PvP. Why does that have to be some separate phase, add that now and just drop the ranked WZ stuff until it's right, how hard is it to allow 8 people to queue together.
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Well, if are going on that route, yes up til now I have been paying for content currently in the game, however I was led to believe that my future payments would include RWZ, now that I realize that this is not the case I elected to stop my payments until the fee would include RWZ. Hence, my paid playtime ends in 5 days.


If we see it like this:

I subscribe to a channel package where I pay for channel 1, 2 and 3.

After a while I am bored of all the re-runs on these channels, but the company says, well next month we will give you channel 4 for the same price.

I think, wow great I am really looking forward to watching channel four, it seems to be one of my future favorite channels indeed.

The cable company then changes their mind and say that it may be 2 months until you get channel 4 in your package.


Just like I am doing now, I would then tell the cable company to end my subsription, and I might get back to them when channel four is included in the package (provided no other company meanwhile offers a product that supercedes the lying company's channel 4 deal)


Quite sengie the fanboys might here you ;)

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This have to be the Joke of the year even when BW release a game that still broke in many way i keep defending BW. Today i and turning those missiles battery against BW for this Joke. Just in case BW does not know, half or more of the Subs at the moment were waiting for Rank WZ that was coming on this 1.2 update. I hate to say this but i see the fall of SWTOR coming faster that what i was predicting.


Thanks BW


Pissed off Bounty Hunter

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No, what playerbase is saying is why the hell are you telling it to us at the day of maintenance when you must have known it for days if not weeks :(


This is the point I've been trying to make. Someone, somewhere in the company may have feared that they wouldn't make it, but that doesn't mean the company, the folks that make the decision, knew it until yesterday. It's not that they're evil, it's just that they're big. Big outfits take time, and hundreds of emails and meetings, to become 'aware' of something, especially bad news.

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Wait, which of the 1000 people in this thread who unsubbed did you quote and say you don't care about?


Closer to 20 people.


They just said it 1000 times each.


You can feel free to join the tens of people that are truly angry about this.


On a side note, it seems to be getting quiet around here right about the time that people are finishing up the patch download, coincidence?

Edited by Celebrus
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What would you, the peeps that are leaving, have BW do? Released an unfinished product just so you can have your precious rateds? Because thats exactly what most gaming companies would do. Personally, I don't care about rateds, its not what I or most of my former guild consider enjoyable PvP. The lack of viable open world PvP is what drove them away. I'm staying for one reason, there's still stuff for me to do.


I'm as hard core of a PvPer as any of you, but I don't limit myself to PvP for one simple truth that most PvPers find hard to swallow. Hard core PvPers are a small, niche group. A hugely vocal group, but small one none the less compared to casuals and PvEers. If you people don't come to terms with that you will forever be disappointed. Just be happy that we are valued more, slightly more, than the Role Play community. :p

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****!!! you people complain its too hot then complain it's too cold right after. Give up.


Apparently something major was discovered (probably last minute) that needed to be recoded or reworked. Sure i was disapointented we have 3 prenades ready to go. but we all drove on. I would love to see the forums if they released a broken ranked wz. OMg it would be worse than this. So you whiners whine either way. Frankly i think it took balls to pull it when they did, that means someone is looking out for the player (or their job)


oh and: 1) GL finding some local yokle lawyer to fight EA and Bioware for false advertising(let me know how that turn out)


2) if your unsubbing. bye... more loot for me

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First time to post in this thread.


This is a pretty bad goof up Bioware. I'm not necessarily mad about wanting the ranked warzones to be 'completed' before release- but cmon...you guys have had an EXTRAORDINARY amount of time to implement this. Thats where the fail is on this issue. Something or someone is getting things wrong at the production/scheduling/development level BIG TIME.


I hope you see now that if you were going to focus on getting something into 1.2, it was definitely Ranked Warzones. I mean- you guys have already alienated your PvP population enough already- who is making these decisions to further alienate them?



There is simply no excuse for a development studio with the backing, money, and staff you guys have to not get this implemented when you've had this much time to work on something. Huge, huge mistake guys, and unlike the other hundreds of mistakes you've made against the PvP population, this is one your community likely will not let you forget or live down. It will certainly be interesting to see the sub numbers after about two weeks of queing the same ol warzones with the same situations as before.



This was THE feature every PvP guild was looking forward to, and you guys failed pretty big here.

Edited by Valant
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Man Reek hit the head on the nail.


If they don't produce something relatively soon, they are going to have hell to pay.


In my opinion though - it's this months subscription they need to make up for. Almost every person I know who resubbed was solely because of PvP. I can understand not releasing something that's as ideal as intended, but when you get a huge influx of resubs and the main reason for them resubbing has been removed - you are gonna get pissed off people.

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