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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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you cant kill star wars. 99 percent of the players are not typing in the forums. lol. the ones that are and are complaining, are a very low number compared to the numbers they have. if ever single person that threatened to rage quit actually did, they would lose what.. like a couple dozen of you?


True but wait till those non-forum readers login to 1.2 to find the missing feature. Plus, guild leaders have been stuggling to keep their pvprs subbed with the promise of 8man premades. I really feel bad for all pvp tilted guild leaders. This crap now falls into their lap to do damage contol.


Any guild leaders want to chime in with your strategy on how to deal with this?

Edited by Twisted_Sisters
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True but wait till those non-forum readers login to 1.2 to find the missing feature. Plus, guild leaders have been stuggling to keep their pvprs subbed with the promise of 8man premades. I really feel bad for all pvp tilted guild leaders. This crap now falls into their lap to do damage contol.


Any guild leaders want to chime in with your strategy on how to deal with this?


I'm one of the main officers in a PVP guild. We're the best guild on our server.. Of course it's a pretty low pop but regardless we're good players.


After hearing this I know couple of other people that have un-subbed.. The only thing we can do is motivate them to get the war hero gear before rateds hit (Everyone else will have it) And we'll just casually raid probably too.. Unfortunately we're all burned out of chaining wz's but, at least there's actual gear upgrades now.

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True but wait till those non-forum readers login to 1.2 to find the missing feature. Plus, guild leaders have been stuggling to keep their pvprs subbed with the promise of 8manthe premades. I really feel bad for all pvp tilted guild leaders. This crap now falls into their lap to do damage contol.


Any guild leaders want to chime in with your strategy on how to deal with this?


Yeah this is a major problem for us. We lost a ton of good players when Ilum was revamped with 1.1. It took about a month or so to put together a new team. And by team I mean that the focus has always been : Would I want this guy in my ranked warzone team? All the while we've drilling our members with 'we are practicing for rated...' So now that the rated ETA is nonexistent, I dunno how I'm going to maintain a solid team, especially with other games on the horizon. All these factors make it very disheartening to me, and so I'm essentially at a loss of what to do at this point. I don't mind bearing the torch, but it would be nice if the devs weighed PvP equally to PvE. And by that I mean that a new patch doesn't get released unless the top features for both PvP and PvE are in.

Edited by HuntinSikness
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The problem is less about this feature not being in the current patch and more about the fact they hyped a feature and failed to provide for adequate testing. If they stated why it wasn't as easy as just having a NPC with a quest they gave out enough experience for level 50 then maybe we would believe that they actual have some idea in the works to fix the problem.


Even if they had to do it with several quests to account for some strange gating mechanism we don't know about it would be better than having to level a second toon of pretty much the exact same class and AC if we want to test out the stuff we care about. We are talking about days of playing content we have already done. Not only do we have to do the class quests but we have to do the others or grind xp some other way.


I am not interested in grinding (performing repetitive actions to gain experience) for days in order to do the company I am paying the service of testing their software.


As far as them saying they are working on improving their PTS they also said that rated PvP would be in this patch. Their honesty is in doubt right now.

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Your most loyal customers have been disapointed yet again! Sooo how does it feel to spend 6 years developing a game that will die in the next few months?


I had to lol.


I'm not even mad about this entire thing, but this part made me lol cause you may be right.


There's too many mmos coming out soon for them to be flip flopping the community like this..

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Has anyone done a study to determine how many people who threaten to unsub actually unsub? The title of the study could be "The Smallest Number in the World".


You must be one of about 4 servers that still has a real player base if you believe this. I've watched so many guilds on my server crumble and die. My imperial guild went from 16 mans raids down to 8 and now can't even scrape the 8 together needed for that. The high end raid guilds and high end pvp guilds have basically all died. The last one crumbled last week. My repub guild is having the exact same problem. Out of the 50 or so early BMs on our server, about 5 remain. The fleet and pvp population is so small that everyone is immediately recognized. I really don't know how people can make this claim.

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I had to lol.


I'm not even mad about this entire thing, but this part made me lol cause you may be right.


There's too many mmos coming out soon for them to be flip flopping the community like this..


:) best part is they think that the new war hero gear will keep people playing! I know I def want my bm marauder looking like a power ranger whilst also having to carry 4 randoms in a pointless wz

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"After careful consideration, it is clear that to make Ranked Warzones the feature we all want it to be is going to take a bit more time. I apologize for any disappointment this may cause and ask for your patience as we work to make sure the Ranked Warzone Preseason launch is polished and fun. "


Amazing that no one reads and comprehends anymore. They just go off half-cocked and raise all kinds of hell, while threatening to quit because of some misconception and assumed slight.


I do not PvP yet. However, I did read what the lead developer wrote. He is just as disappointed in not getting this out as the rest of those that are. People should take a deep breath or two and try to read what the man said again and understand why this wasn't included. The answer is simple.


"It was not ready."


God forbid that they included it and it was broken. The same people ranting and raving here would do so 100 fold.


Let them correct what needs correcting. As the developer said, "they want it bug free, polished, and ready for you to use and have fun." If not, well, that's your choice. It serves no purpose by cause you heart burn while alienating the BW developers from the player base further than they are already. No developer wants to interact with any fan base that spends it times lambasting them 24/7. Its rather dishearting and depressing. If you have ever spent time developing in any game genre you would know exactly what I mean.

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True but wait till those non-forum readers login to 1.2 to find the missing feature. Plus, guild leaders have been stuggling to keep their pvprs subbed with the promise of 8man premades. I really feel bad for all pvp tilted guild leaders. This crap now falls into their lap to do damage contol.


Any guild leaders want to chime in with your strategy on how to deal with this?


Players who spit the dummy and quit because of this would eventually have spit the dummy over something else and left anyway. Who wants players like this in your premade WZ group?


The game and the guilds are better of without them.

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Players who spit the dummy and quit because of this would eventually have spit the dummy over something else and left anyway. Who wants players like this in your premade WZ group?


The game and the guilds are better of without them.


That's why I've had a WoW sub for six years straight.. You are so smart..

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"After careful consideration, it is clear that to make Ranked Warzones the feature we all want it to be is going to take a bit more time. I apologize for any disappointment this may cause and ask for your patience as we work to make sure the Ranked Warzone Preseason launch is polished and fun. "


Amazing that no one reads and comprehends anymore. They just go off half-cocked and raise all kinds of hell, while threatening to quit because of some misconception and assumed slight.


I do not PvP yet. However, I did read what the lead developer wrote. He is just as disappointed in not getting this out as the rest of those that are. People should take a deep breath or two and try to read what the man said again and understand why this wasn't included. The answer is simple.


"It was not ready."


God forbid that they included it and it was broken. The same people ranting and raving here would do so 100 fold.


Let them correct what needs correcting. As the developer said, "they want it bug free, polished, and ready for you to use and have fun." If not, well, that's your choice. It serves no purpose by cause you heart burn while alienating the BW developers from the player base further than they are already. No developer wants to interact with any fan base that spends it times lambasting them 24/7. Its rather dishearting and depressing. If you have ever spent time developing in any game genre you would know exactly what I mean.


That's all good, but why should we keep paying when the things we looked forward to in this patch are not implemented. I don't care about legacy, I don't care about the new ops.


Sure, changing the UI - great, but that should have been in the game from the start.

A new WZ, that will be fun for 3 days.


Apart from the UI and the WZ - the only thing was ranked wz and 8 man pvp teams.


Until this is implementet correctly, I chose not to pay for the game as I find nothing in the current game tempting enough to play it.


Yes, I had great fun lvling up my Assassin and one Jugg alt, quest line was great (for a singleplayer game), but at 50 the only thing I care about is PVP, and after grinding WZ and WZ for BM gear, I don't want to keep doing that for another month (or so) until RWZ are released and I have no interest in playing other classes, so I do not want to add another alt.


I might return once this is released unless some other game catches me interest and don't let me down.


Of course, the developers are disappointed as well, but why shouldn't we complain? We are paying customers, we have the right to complain. If this game was a "single payment" game, then sure they can do what ever they want, but now we pay monthly and then I feel we have the right to complain or even stop paying the monthly fee if we (the consumer) feel that the company are not delivering the things we want in the game (especially when pulling said items 8 hours before patch-downtime).


Edit: And yes, I have unsubbed, 5 days left on the account.

Edited by Sengie
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This is EXTREMELY disappointing. I stopped playing over a month ago, despite already having a 6 month subscription. I have been looking forward to patch 1.2 and planned on downloading the new patch today to try out the new ranked pvp system (I know it was suppose to be preseason). After reading this I think I am just never going to update the game again. I gave them the benefit of my trust thinking that they knew what they were doing, but if they can't come up with a simple pvp system 5 months into the game, then there is no hope anymore for this game. I waited for YEARS for this game and signed up for the beta when they first launched the site. This has to be a sad day for many of the PVPers in this game, and I wouldn't be surprised if Bioware sees a huge drop in subscriptions over the next few days when people find out they have been lied to the past couple of months. People were hanging onto the game knowing that the new pvp system would be released with 1.2. It's one thing to say something is in the pipeline and will be implemented in the future. It's an entirely different situation to pull a bait and switch a day before a patch goes live. Fail Bioware, Fail.
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That's all good, but why should we keep paying when the things we looked forward to in this patch are not implemented. I don't care about legacy, I don't care about the new ops.


Sure, changing the UI - great, but that should have been in the game from the start.

A new WZ, that will be fun for 3 days.


Apart from the UI and the WZ - the only thing was ranked wz and 8 man pvp teams.


Until this is implementet correctly, I chose not to pay for the game as I find nothing in the current game tempting enough to play it.


Yes, I had great fun lvling up my Assassin and one Jugg alt, quest line was great (for a singleplayer game), but at 50 the only thing I care about is PVP, and after grinding WZ and WZ for BM gear, I don't want to keep doing that for another month (or so) until RWZ are released and I have no interest in playing other classes, so I do not want to add another alt.


I might return once this is released unless some other game catches me interest and don't let me down.


Of course, the developers are disappointed as well, but why shouldn't we complain? We are paying customers, we have the right to complain. If this game was a "single payment" game, then sure they can do what ever they want, but now we pay monthly and then I feel we have the right to complain or even stop paying the monthly fee if we (the consumer) feel that the company are not delivering the things we want in the game (especially when pulling said items 8 hours before patch-downtime).


Edit: And yes, I have unsubbed, 5 days left on the account.



THIS! I have grinded out the best possible gear.. Getting prepared for RWZ'S.. In a PVP heavy guild.. We have all waited out this patch JUST for the rateds.. And they tell us hours before the patch drops it's not going to be implemented, I know people have re-subbed just for the RWZ's.. And personally that was the only thing keeping me here. I'll try out the patch/new raid.. But I won't be here much longer.

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Of course, the developers are disappointed as well, but why shouldn't we complain? We are paying customers, we have the right to complain. If this game was a "single payment" game, then sure they can do what ever they want, but now we pay monthly and then I feel we have the right to complain or even stop paying the monthly fee if we (the consumer) feel that the company are not delivering the things we want in the game (especially when pulling said items 8 hours before patch-downtime).


Edit: And yes, I have unsubbed, 5 days left on the account.


Yep I would be disappointed as well if I was the developer. Ressubed on friday just to experience this update and I guess I will come back again once TOR turns b2p.


Also TSW is the last subscription game I am going to buy, but I am not going to pay subscription to Funcom or for any other MMO ever again, b2p ftw.

Edited by Repefe
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