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What is the latest preorder date in early access now?


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Hmmm...I did not pre-order early, however had I known that this game was going to do the early access based on server load and do it in waves, I would NOT have pre-ordered at all. Just want to go on record to say that this is the most poorly thought out and planned implementation of any game I have played BAR NONE! I have been playing MMOs since UO and really did enjoy testing/playing this one. But doing the game in waves (?) that were never discussed prior to now...let just say I am doing a face-palm at the stupidity. This almost makes me regret purchasing the Collector's Edition.


What did you think granting early access based on pre-order purchase code entry would entail?

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This is my idea if i remember right pre orders were available on july so there was 6 months between now and then so today they sent invites to those who pre ordered on july then the list will keep going until december . i.e if you preordered it on july you'll get it today or tommorow if you preordered it on december like me you'll probably get it on the 18th or the 19th that's my idea anyways.
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If that is true then you should post a screen shot of your code page, but, if it is a lie then you should.........


There you go, both my user account and my amazon order taken less than 10min ago. I blurred my surname and order #'s for security reasons on the Amazon screenshot.


User Account



Amazon Order



Also I just had a friend who lives in Hong Kong IM me his order date is 09.04.2011 and he is in.

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I would rather have the release as waves so the servers can be monitored and tweaked as the masses log on than the normal free-for-all that will happen at launch. That way I don't have to deal with the masses of people in the start zones causing stupendous amounts of lag and having the server lock up and have to be reset every 15 minutes. Anyone that has played a major MMO knows the first week of any launch or expansion is hell. Mobs doing wonky things Quest givers with 100 ppl waiting to get\turn in a quest, servers lagging out and needing to be restarted constantly and such. I think of the pre-access as a final test drive for the logon balancer and population load before the 20th where everything is going to crash until the 26th or so. but hopefully they can get a good idea of what kind of server farm they will really need in this pre-launch and be ready for a smoothish launch on the 20th. I have to agree the communication has been garbage, but this is EA after all... they are the Microsoft of Gaming... all they know how to do is copy and paste, or buy and original idea, so I’m not that surprised.
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10/24 Not in.


On a side note, I thought early access was a minimum of 5 days? So shouldn't everyone who preordered before December be in by Dec. 15th?


They didn't.



That is a deposit, it comes off the price of the game when you actually purchase it.


And yes, there WAS a 5 Dollar PREORDER fee.


On Origin, I had to pay $74.99+$5.00=$79.99.


Hell, I think I should get 60 days for free for that price.

Edited by Bojiggs
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10/24 Not in.


On a side note, I thought early access was a minimum of 5 days? So shouldn't everyone who preordered before December be in by Dec. 15th?


UP TO five days was what they originally stated. It's now been extended to seven. Minimum of one day.



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10/24 Not in.


On a side note, I thought early access was a minimum of 5 days? So shouldn't everyone who preordered before December be in by Dec. 15th?




And yes, there WAS a 5 Dollar PREORDER fee. On origin, I had to pay 79.99+5.00=84.99.


Hell, I think I should get 60 days for free for that price.


You thought wrong. Up to 5 days is what was announced.

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10/24 Not in.


And yes, there WAS a 5 Dollar PREORDER fee. On origin, I had to pay 79.99+5.00=84.99.


No. Right on their web site it says "$79.99 -- Includes Origin $5 Pre-Order Fee". When you put it in the shopping cart it says $74.99 + $5.00 pre-order fee.



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No. Right on their web site it says "$79.99 -- Includes Origin $5 Pre-Order Fee". When you put it in the shopping cart it says $74.99 + $5.00 pre-order fee.





Oh, yea you're right. I guess I'm sleepy, and not thinking clearly. Still, 80 bucks... sheesh.

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Redeemed on 27th July, im in. Those of you who redeemed on that day and not in, i would imagine you would be near the top of the list for tomorrow.


See those are the only people that can remotely be upset. Those from the 27th that aren't in. Then again, if they get in tomorrow, its still one more day than originally announced.

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No one forced you to get the Digital Deluxe. :) Spend only (yeah, I know, "only") $60 and work hard in game to get similar items from vendors. :)




Not angry that I spent that much (I like having extra starter items :D). Main reason I bought the DDE was because I know I'm going to stick with this game and not play it for 2 weeks and get bored like I did with Rift, Age of Conan, CoX, and Champions (Before they went F2P). Just think they could offer us a bit more bang for our buck, like a few extra days playtime or somethin'.

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not the worst launch ever like some are saying because game doesnt even launch till 20th but i think they have been naive by trying to pretend they are ready this early access is more testing and by not stating this and pretending that it isnt is rubbing some fans up the wrong way i got order on sept 18th so dont expect to be in anytime soon and iam happy to wait just hope the real launch is a smooth one because after this many fans will be angry if it isnt after waiting so long i do believe that they need to tell the fans more as the silence is causing poeple to come to their own concusions on what is going on just a statement on when should poeple expect to get in will do but come on all we have waited this long a short time longer wont hurt lrts just hope the game lives up to our hopes


down with wow

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Not angry that I spent that much (I like having extra starter items :D). Just think they could offer us a bit more bang for our buck, like a few extra days playtime or somethin'.


In another week it just won't matter. Play some Battlefield 3, Modern Warfare 3, or some other game with or without a "3" in it, and your early access email will be here before you know it. It just isn't worth being frustrated over something you have no control over.



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