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What is the latest preorder date in early access now?


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So, considering EA has already had their servers stress tested via the late November beta and the pre-order group is smaller than the launch group, the only possible reason I can see for rolling things out the way they are is to teach us to pre-order whatever they're selling as soon as possible. Will. Not. Do
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You can't be that naive to think that they are going July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec for invites.....


Read through the 40 pages of posts and there is 1000's like myself that ordered on the first day 21/7/11 and didn't get an invite last night.


Every pre-order code is in a database and it's probably picking codes as close to @rockjaws birth date but the code also has to cross reference the theory of relativity and the meaning to life.


There is no logic behind how people got picked last night, there won't be tomorrow night or the night after that, and I can bet my house on it if they have 100,000 codes left by the last night of the Early Access program they will send them all emails so can say they gave everyone Early Access even if it was for 30minutes prior to launch on the 20th.


The 'no grace' period is a bigger fiasco than this, but that's for a different thread...


Enjoy the wait :rolleyes:

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7/21/2011 was the first order date. Where are you getting your numbers?


My typing is bad I didn't mean the first day of July I mean the first days the code were redeemed the 21.

My number are just speculation since I see alot of people complaining they will not get in until tomorrow even when they redeemed their code on the 21 making me believe they havn't even sent out all the redeem codes for the first week people redeemed their codes and it's fact the numbers were not nearly as high for the following months as it was the first few weeks Pre-order was announced.


Plus I don't know why people complain. I would love to be in today but I played the beta wich made more excited for it and I am excited but after waiting for this game for years I am not impatient. Plus the EGA was always always a MAYBE you'll get up to 7 days play in EGA.

I am not surprised nor upset if most of didn't get EGA at all. The only thing that would annoy me is if after the 20th the servers constantly crash like Galaxies the first week of actual release.

Edited by Ashliet
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you guys are all way off with schedule do you not see that this is a "semi exponential" curve there is a huge peek of people who preordered the end of july after that it will go down very fast untill it reaches a stable number, with some peeks therefor you are all posting ******** time scales for waves that are just totaly off stop thinking lineiar pls my estimate is july today august early september tomorow and setember/november thursday ending with december on friday.
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My typing is bad I didn't mean the first day of July I mean the first days the code were redeemed the 21.

My number are just speculation since I see alot of people complaining they will not get in until tomorrow even when they redeemed their code on the 21 making me believe they havn't even sent out all the redeem codes for the first week people redeemed their codes and it's fact the numbers were not nearly as high for the following months as it was the first few weeks Pre-order was announced.


Plus I don't know why people complain. I would love to be in today but I played the beta wich made more excited for it and I am excited but after waiting for this game for years I am not impatient. Plus the EGA was always always a MAYBE you'll get up to play in EGA.


He He I thought you knew something we didn't. I believe a Jedi can love and that love won't take you down the dark side; as a matter of fact no love leaves you dark. Have fun in game and I hope we all get in tomorrow.

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He He I thought you knew something we didn't. I believe a Jedi can love and that love won't take you down the dark side; as a matter of fact no love leaves you dark. Have fun in game and I hope we all get in tomorrow.



Haha I wish I knew something that was hard fact more than research and speculation. Sorry. You have to admit though my speculation seems kind of accurate.

Edited by Ashliet
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so just me that thinks its a lil silly we pay extra to have a chance to get in early ?, i mean we all payed the same sum, and no where was it stated it was only a CHANCE, it just said for EARLY GAME ACCESS, wich indeed could mean anything, but how much did they make off this little scam you think ? =) quite a good idea


and calling it an "invitation" when someone payed for a service they called early game access is adding insult to injury

Edited by eurynom
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you guys are all way off with schedule do you not see that this is a "semi exponential" curve there is a huge peek of people who preordered the end of july after that it will go down very fast untill it reaches a stable number, with some peeks therefor you are all posting ******** time scales for waves that are just totaly off stop thinking lineiar pls my estimate is july today august early september tomorow and setember/november thursday ending with december on friday.


Stop believing that this is linear as to when people ordered and registered their code.


On my grandmother grave I swear I purchased on the 21/7/2011, the day it was released and within 10 minutes of receiving my code from Amazon I entered it in to the user account mgmt and claimed the code.


We have a guy in our guild who ordered the game 3 weeks ago and last night we were on Vent waiting to see who got an email and he did and others that DID NOT order on the 21/7/2011 also got in, the few in our guild that ordered on release day did not receive anything.


Stop perpetuating the lie that this is linear. There is no logic behind it.

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Stop believing that this is linear as to when people ordered and registered their code.


On my grandmother grave I swear I purchased on the 21/7/2011, the day it was released and within 10 minutes of receiving my code from Amazon I entered it in to the user account mgmt and claimed the code.


We have a guy in our guild who ordered the game 3 weeks ago and last night we were on Vent waiting to see who got an email and he did and others that DID NOT order on the 21/7/2011 also got in, the few in our guild that ordered on release day did not receive anything.


Stop perpetuating the lie that this is linear. There is no logic behind it.


If that is true then you should post a screen shot of your code page, but, if it is a lie then you should.........

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you guys are all way off with schedule do you not see that this is a "semi exponential" curve there is a huge peek of people who preordered the end of july after that it will go down very fast untill it reaches a stable number, with some peeks therefor you are all posting ******** time scales for waves that are just totaly off stop thinking lineiar pls my estimate is july today august early september tomorow and setember/november thursday ending with december on friday.


Technical: "today" you mean 12.13.11 or 12.14.11

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7/28 and not in......I'm kind of dissapointed in the way they have handled the "early access" especially since they sent out the e-mail stating access would start today......i think alot of folks that ordered in july and registered their pre-orders would have access the first day......no idea what criteria they are using to allow people to play....and no communication tells me they know they upset folks and don't want to answer up to it.
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Stop believing that this is linear as to when people ordered and registered their code.


On my grandmother grave I swear I purchased on the 21/7/2011, the day it was released and within 10 minutes of receiving my code from Amazon I entered it in to the user account mgmt and claimed the code.


We have a guy in our guild who ordered the game 3 weeks ago and last night we were on Vent waiting to see who got an email and he did and others that DID NOT order on the 21/7/2011 also got in, the few in our guild that ordered on release day did not receive anything.


Stop perpetuating the lie that this is linear. There is no logic behind it.


I think it is based on "manatee system" from South Park show where was discovered that manatees write script for Tv show Family Guy... They have bunch of manatees in big pool full of balloons with our codes and those manatees just pick up random balloons with codes and give them to the BioWare workers who assemble codes for next wave from chosen balloons... No one knows by which system manatees choose those codes... Probably it is just random....

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Well those of us who didnt get in and pre ordered in July; we have to remember they're getting commercial gammers in first as always. After that it was SUPPOSED to be the julys but apparently it's not in order of pre order date. Which is disappointing because it defeats most of the purpose of pre ordering early.
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you guys are all way off with schedule do you not see that this is a "semi exponential" curve there is a huge peek of people who preordered the end of july after that it will go down very fast untill it reaches a stable number, with some peeks therefor you are all posting ******** time scales for waves that are just totaly off stop thinking lineiar pls my estimate is july today august early september tomorow and setember/november thursday ending with december on friday.


That's the second time in this thread that people skip over October.


October 13th here. October feelin' no love in this thread. D:


But seriously, I find the wait understandable. They said "Up to 5 days". So to be honest, I feel like they'll probably get everyone in by the 15th. I think what they're trying to do is one final test to make sure the servers respond appropriately when larger and larger influxes of people are added. I believe tomorrow will be many more people then today, and then the rest on the 15th.


Also, I don't mind the wave system, as it reduces the number of players per starting zone. It allows players to get in and out of the starting zones much faster then having everyone scrambling around the starting zone all at once trying to finish quests. If you've ever done any MMO launches, you know what I'm talking about. It's difficult to get certain quests done when there's hundreds of other people trying to kill the exact same monsters or pick up the exact same item. I'd rather have my starting area experience be a pleasant one, then one filled with frustration of overcrowding.

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Considering they charged people a $5 pre-order fee? lmao.


Which gets subtracted from the overall purchase price. A lot of places charge a preorder fee. You aren't paying $5 to play early, you are paying it so they reserve a copy of the game for you.

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Below is a list of valid Star Wars: The Old Republic codes that have been redeemed under this account.



12.13.2011Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to play




11.02.2011Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch




07.26.2011Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Standard Edition Pre-Order


and in the game and lvl 11.

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if you paid for a service, as a customer it is our right to expect what is stated. it is NOT the companies responsibility to comply with what they say though. We can complain all we want but they will still go about things as THEIR (their suits/office supervisors/president and board) protocol dictates.
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if you paid for a service, as a customer it is our right to expect what is stated. it is NOT the companies responsibility to comply with what they say though. We can complain all we want but they will still go about things as THEIR (their suits/office supervisors/president and board) protocol dictates.


What were you expecting when you pre-ordered the game? Up to 5 days of early access? What service do you imagine you're paying for? You certainly aren't yet paying to access the servers and play the game.

Edited by Seidan
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Hmmm...I did not pre-order early, however had I known that this game was going to do the early access based on server load and do it in waves, I would NOT have pre-ordered at all. Just want to go on record to say that this is the most poorly thought out and planned implementation of any game I have played BAR NONE! I have been playing MMOs since UO and really did enjoy testing/playing this one. But doing the game in waves (?) that were never discussed prior to now...let just say I am doing a face-palm at the stupidity. This almost makes me regret purchasing the Collector's Edition.
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