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What is the latest preorder date in early access now?


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List your preorder date and whether you are in or not. This should help us get a rough idea of where we are in the queue.


I preordered 7/27/11 and I am not in.


Who else?




EDIT: Just to clarify, I'm talking about the preorder date that shows up when you go to "My Account", then "Code Redemption". None of this "well I preordered on July 21st, but darn it I forgot to enter my code until last week." Folks should understand that in most cases, EA has no way of knowing when you paid for the game, only when you entered your code.

Edited by CalCa
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People say that some that pre-ordered after you are online and playing..

SO i dont want to think that the EGA is random on some point


Yeah I've heard that. A whole lot of "well a friend of mine says such and such". Yeah we don't need that. Too many variables come into play there.

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Preordered mine on 13.09.2011 and im not in. My friend preordered in DECEMBER and he's in. So I humbly ask: what the ****?!?!?!


The galaxy needs me!!!


Go to their house and see in person :D


*edit* forgot date 24/7/11 not in

Edited by Yllaan
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most (not all) ppl who post here are by definition not in, the ones who are in really don't waste there time posting on the forums.


Yep, a lot of people are sayng "I preorder on december an I'm in" if this is true what the hell are making in the forums?? :rolleyes:


12/12 and not in...

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If its true people from the 21st are still not in yet then this is bad news for the rest of us...this EGA thing is looking downright crappy at this point for anyone who did not order in the first 20 minutes...I guess in reality EGA for 80% of us will be 1 or 2 days.
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