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why is my launcher allready downloading patch?


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Do you think right now one guy is getting hit over the head with a newspaper by his boss repeatedly?


I had a boss who would jump up and down on Pepsi cans over stuff like this.


Was hard to keep a straight face, knowing the dude was really angry but was hopping around his office jumping on soda cans.

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Cool. So the "small number" this happened to are just SOL? Great customer service. I'm very glad I decided to re-up for 2 months a few days ago. FML.


I agree. I was a bit unrattled by the "small number" comment as well. It feels as if the problem is being marginalized.

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  • Dev Post
Is is safe to log in now? im not one to qq about stuff that happens in this game but even i have to admit this is a bit ridiculous.


Yes - logging in now is fine. We corrected the issue very quickly, and players who log in now will be unaffected.

Edited by AllisonBerryman
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Cool. So the "small number" this happened to are just SOL? Great customer service. I'm very glad I decided to re-up for 2 months a few days ago. FML.


You are of course free to cancel, but the number of players affected is very small given that the incorrect patch release was up for ~15 minutes and many canceled the download when they got word to do so.

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Yep, bandwidth cap here as well. Such a pain in the rear to keep playing this game. None of my RL friends will play and just a handful of my WoW guild are still here. I can't imagine why they won't listen to my pleas to get them here....


Anyway, stopped the DL and am reinstalling from Disc, hoping that I will have less than 12Gb of patches between today and tomorrow (on top of the 900Mb I downloaded today).....GRRRRR


Yea I am already over my cap and if this happened to me I would have been furious.. If you install from disk like they said you HAVE to patch from that disc version up to 1.1.5, so thats a decent chunk as well.


ADVICE: COPY the 1.2 PATCHED directory somewhere, THEN reinstall. This way you will have the game ready for tomorrow as well. Just tomorrow run the Launcher from the 1.2 Directory.

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So just so I'm clear.


I downloaded the 900mb patch and started the game. I restarted the launcher and an 11gb downloaded started, which I canceled.


If I start up tomorrow I will just be able to download the remaining 1.2 data (shouldn't be a large download).



I just want to make sure starting the 11gb download didn't mess up anything with my game so I can re-download everything tonight if I have to.

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Why are people so entitled? Take the 15min and reinstall and patch up.


I bough online edition so have no original CDs. Can't reinstall fresh and downloading 11Gb at 700Kbps doesn't take 15 mins.

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I have the CD's but what about the people who do not. Since when is this kind of behavior in business acceptable? Honestly why are people so complacent. Bioware is a business they want our money. It should not be us begging to give our money to them but them asking us for it.


Oh oops we made a mistake if you want to continue to play the service that YOU pay for from us you have to download 11gigs. Sorry but that is a load of crap.

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If you started or completed the patch download, you have two options:

  • If you want to continue playing today, you will need to restart your client and re-download the client
  • If you want to wait until tomorrow and play when 1.2 is deployed to the servers, you can close your client and restart it tomorrow after the patch is deployed (approximately 8AM CDT).


We apologize for the confusion, but only a very small number of players were affected by this unintentional change. Thank you for your understanding.


Ugh... I don't have enough space on my partition to reinstall. I have today off and not tomorrow. Guess I'm doing something else.

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1.2 is 11 gb:eek: it like downloading the game all over.:rolleyes: Oh well my dad did say I was playing to much, the day and half it will take to download should make him happy lol :D. Guess I'll play the game a lot tonight and just wait until i get off work friday to play it again :rolleyes:. Edited by LordRichardEW
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So... went to log into the game. Downloaded a 900 meg patch, figured it was prepatching for tomorrows update. And now.. obviously, it wants me to redownload the game basically.


Are you serious Bioware? How do you mismanage a game this badly? I'm not one to hop onto the forums and rage, but this is just utterly unbelievable.

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