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why is my launcher allready downloading patch?


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sigh, get real

its just a download, start it, leave ur pc for 1 hour and its done


Downloading at 1mb/sec and it's not me. There are more people of my guild affected and now we can't raid. I am not saying that i am entitled to anything but this is an other **** up from Bioware that affect some people. And for compensation i wouldn't say money but compensation in game with a pet or something else.

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So let me get this straight; if I want to play today I have to uninstall the game and redownload the client from scratch?


Bioware, I am done suggesting this game to anyone. I would be embarassed to be responsible for a friend giving you money at this point. I'm embarassed that I gave you any but I will fix that right now.


If it makes you feel better you can give me your money and tell your friends to give me their money?:cool: now on a serious note They made a mistake it happens to the best of us and they even said you could wait until tomorrow when 1.2 goes live and not have to re install the game. Odds are where every your getting the game from unless its off the disc it will probably take that about of time to download the game so why just wait until then. So you miss one night of Tor its not Dec 21 yet there is a tomorrow.

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how ridiculous, not only is the PVP server i am on DEAD, avg 3-20 ppl at fleet. wz q's take 20 min on avg and after 12am mst ques totally stop... i haven't seen pubs in days and huttball all day is ***! No server transfer or cross server qing??? i suppose its diablo for me soon... NOW this update 12gb download i am currently waiting on is another ***!!!!!!!!!!! Figure it out terrible customer service, not impressed at all.... 20 mins later 10.78 GB left sweet....


Yeee man. With stuff like that happening...paying $$ to get ''errors'' is not what i am paying for. Diablo 3 is gonna be taking my service away from here soon. Its annoying to wait 20-30mins for a WZ, and it lasts 2mins because of no one on the team, then 20min wz again.

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So just for my understanding. If I restarted the client after downloading patch 1.2 and get the main assets 1 with 11 GB download, if i download this I will be able to play today?


Yes, if you complete a client re-download after downloaded the patch earlier today, you will be able to play today. If you do not complete it (cancel while it is still downloading), you would not need to download the 1.2 patch tomorrow when it is deployed.

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sigh, get real

its just a download, start it, leave ur pc for 1 hour and its done


FYI everyone's not like you or on the same connections. So you may want to take that into consideration before throwing suggestions like these out there...


My home connection downloads at 300Kbs so a full DL would take a FREAKING long time. Luckily I wasn't affected.. My connection as well as MANY others as of late have Bandwidth caps added and things like this can easily push you over.


in short..some connections will take all day to do this or longer, and it could cost them even more money from their internet provider.

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Downloading at 1mb/sec and it's not me. There are more people of my guild affected and now we can't raid. I am not saying that i am entitled to anything but this is an other **** up from Bioware that affect some people. And for compensation i wouldn't say money but compensation in game with a pet or something else.


the "i redownloaded 12gb after bioware messed up" pet ? :)

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It really wasn't a 15 minute window.


JUST tried to log on maybe an hour ago.


Incoming 900 Mb patch. Then hung on load screen.


Of course *THEN* I came to the forums to find out what's going on.




Check again Bioware :mad:, it wasn't a 15 minute window -.-

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Yes, if you complete a client re-download after downloaded the patch earlier today, you will be able to play today. If you do not complete it (cancel while it is still downloading), you would not need to download the 1.2 patch tomorrow when it is deployed.


Thank you for the quick answer.

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He was saying, if you are still downloading the 11GB patch file, again, "downloading", u can exit it, which cancels it, and just wait till tomorrow becuase you obviously already downloaded the 1.2 patch file and installed it. But that is only if you can wait till tomorrow to play. If you NEED to play today, you have to download that 11GB file to repatch it to the previous 1.1.5 patch so you can play on the servers. Get it?
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And 26 pages ISN'T a small number...


It's a small share of players who got affected, seeing that the incorrect patch was up for 15 minutes (unless you are arguing that the majority of players happened to log in during that 15 minute window).

Edited by Kthx
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can you explain us, HOW this happends?


And 26 pages ISN'T a small number...


most of these pages are filled with the same people posting many times. Just go back and look at names. Many repeat over and over again. Mine included and I didn't even have an issue!

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I downloaded the patch (now I was unlucky with my fast connection... :D ), installed it and now can't log in, don't have time to reinstall the game (in Europe it's evening already) and this was my last day to get the white crystal, because I just got the money for it. Am sad... :D
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