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Mercs are nocturnal!


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I'm not sure if there is some secret movement of mercs... like bats coming out at dark, but nearly every night for the past week, there is a surge of mercs at say... 3am. It's usually that moment I say "one last match and I'm done".... and it's like walking into a nest of exploding darts.


Always a merc or two, but 2-3am eastern... a literal team with 5 or 6 BH's every night.

Edited by sumoftwosins
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You should have played on Hyperspace Cannon a few days ago. I queued up for a Huttball match as my Assassin and my entire team were powertechs/mercernaries.


So was the other team.


The entire match, it was just me and a Juggernaut. There were tracer missiles EVERYWHERE. We won however :p


I hope it happens again lol

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