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is this right? QQ about sith operatives


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you must be new.


Operatives are not sith, they are imperial agents.

Operatives have 2 stuns. A 1.5s stun from stealth and the standard 4s stun that most classes have.


Their is no way a solo OP stunned you for 10s.


Use your escape then stun him back. Game over for operative unless this is sub 50 and you are like level 10.


Operatives have already been nerfed more then any other class and are getting nerfed again in 1.2..


I guess the exageratex crying wont stop till operatives and scoundrels are removed from the game.


you have no idea what so ever. how can you use break free in the 0.5 seconds they kill you in LOLOLOLOL

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But they took out the cheap double/triple opener, so it will likely even out.


Hopefully the forum QQ will lessen to a dull roar, but I doubt it.


It will never lessen as long as people decide to come into a lvl 50 war zone with level 40 gear. Case in point is the juggernaut that was guarding the left turret yesterday with 11k health. Sorry you did not get out of the stun, gear up.

Edited by Timadan
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Stopped reading right there. Terrible misinformation once again.

First of all if what you were saying WAS correct, Operatives would still only have 2 stuns: Debilitate and Hidden Strike.


BUT: How can you say that Cloaking Screen is available "in any combat situation"?

Do you know what the cooldown on that ability is? 3 (2) minutes.

Do you know how long the Hidden Strike "stun" lasts? 1.5 seconds.



My Assassin can stun you longer (one of the stuns even has 30m range), while doing more damage on you and having more interrupt/CC abilities and better survivability on top of that.


All I was saying is that it is incorrect to say that you can only be stunned by an operative twice I am stunned by them 3 times on a regular basis in a single fight, if you want to learn how to fight against them you have to assume they have the capacity to do this in their arsenal. If you had continued to read further rather than making your rather pointless post you would see I explained why a lot of people feel hidden strike lasts longer than 1.5 seconds. It is pointless discussing how best to combat certain classes if you don't assume both sides have all their cds up.......perhaps try reading what is actually written rather than try to tailor it to whatever argument you feel you should be making......

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:eek:Laughing on a true matter is not constructive! Operatives / scoundrels need HUGE fix, not nerfs. Their dmg is insane and must be cut to half from the start. I do WZ with a scoundrel healer. Not only he got 17k HP but zerg ppl in less then 10 sec. Why? Because those 6 sec stuns almost become 8 sec. Why? Because when scoundrel / operative put u down u need not 4 sec to recover but 6 ( 4+2, those 2 seconds are those used for animation-time for y character to realy stand up-specialy cause those stuns come from backsides and u need to stand up and face y oponent).

Only posibilities to kill them is to be a stelth class too and just wait and hunt them down.

Operatives are by far most OP class, the true rogues of this game. And many classes cant counter them, not all of them are marauders / sentinels to use guarded by the force every minutes (while JKG have 3 minutes CD on their lol survivability tools as tank - what tanks?).

Seriously, Devs, u dont know what u are doing. All this have become jokes and u can see the results in unsubscribers.


GL, HF! We got bored. :mad:


Wow, just wow.


First of all, I do have an agent, healer - in the spirit of full disclosure. But let's get to what you are saying. An Operative/Scoundrel can only 1v1 someone like this every 2 minutes. Sooooo, over the course of a full game the "rogue" *might* get 7 kills like this.


Last time I checked, all the WZs are team sports. You shouldn't be all by your self very often.


I could counter that any class can counter them, not every player can counter them.


It isn't the rouges fault that he smartly picks a target who cannot defeat him.

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a full BM geared operative can still kill heavys in under the time the 1.5 second knockdown wears off.


i have 5k armor nearly 18k health and 670 expertise and full BM operatives can nearly 1 shot me.

my commando healer is dead before the 1.5 seconds knockdown is over.


Wow x2, i've sat by idly while you've spat misinformation after misinformation but this one literally turned my stomach. I can no longer sit by while you continue your lies that hurt this class even more.


Do you understand what you're saying? I have a operative I have 590 expertise normally heal spec, but when I switch to concealment my fully buffed hidden strikes hit for close to 4k. Now after that 4k there is a 1.5 second cooldown before I can use any other ability, guess how long the knockdown is for. Yep you guessed it 1.5 seconds.


So even with animation lag, i could get off 1 more attack as you're getting up, lets be stupid and say my bs does 3.5k after that. So in the time that you were knocked down I've done 7.5k. Mind you these are ALL MAX DMG CRITS im saying here. Now if i vanish and reopen and miraculously get another crit for max dmg of 4k i've done 11.5k of your 18k life. Once again 1.5 second cooldown, backstab is now on cooldown so we'll use lacerate 3.8k, now were up to 15.3k + 1.5sec cooldown. 5 globals, 5 cooldowns, 7.5 secs AT BEST results as well as blowing my 2 min cloaking screen cooldown and you're still not dead. Debilitate, 1.5 secs (9 seconds have now passed not your mythical 1.5 sec kill and you're still alive), you now have full resolve) so either you break it and counterstun/punt or, you're a PT and i have one of those as well so i'll use what i know to help you here, personal shield, 15% health regen + medpac and your ready to kill me, or your stun is down and you die followed promptly by me because i've now blown my escape tool to kill you.


Now for the next 2 mins I become free kills for anyone in a group, I can no longer double open on solo's making my opening sequence somewhere in the range of 7-8k and fairly laughable dmg after that.


Come 1.2 add another 7.5 seconds onto that 9 for a total of 16.5 secs to kill 1 target, every 2 mins. If every other class took that long to kill 1 target you bet there would be ************ the likes you've never heard from EVERY other forum.


Please stop spouting lies it makes you look bad and hurts the community in general.


Thank you

Edited by Wulalowe
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I appreciate you noting the troll for what he is and know that he is just trying to get noticed but I see far too many of these posts from a bunch of other people about how OP op's are and I just can't take it anymore.


People if you don't want to die in pvp to any class, find a new game.

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I appreciate you noting the troll for what he is and know that he is just trying to get noticed but I see far too many of these posts from a bunch of other people about how OP op's are and I just can't take it anymore.


People if you don't want to die in pvp to any class, find a new game.




I understand your will to spread the truth about operative.


However, we may not have informed you that factual informations, logical arguments and educated opinions are not welcome onto these board.


Therefore, you are required to add some unreasonable claim, a couple of false numbers and you shall use the world overpowered/nerf at least twice per post in order to get some credibility in the eyes of Bioware.



Edited by Bocherel
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I totally saw a assassin stun lock me for 20 secs I couldn't do anything to get away while he stared and danced at me for the duration before finally 1 shotting me. I have full bm gear 740 expertise and over 24k hps as a conceal op and this just seems totally overpowered to me.


He then full healed before grabbing the ball from mid field and force leapt to the goal line, NERF SINS!



Edited by Wulalowe
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Sever Tendon has a [50 / 100]% chance to immobilize the target for 2 seconds.


2. Jarring Strike

Hidden Strike has a [50 / 100]% chance to knock the target flat on its face for 1.5 seconds.


3. Sleep Dart

Puts the target to sleep for 60 seconds


4. Flash Bang

Detonates a flash bang that blinds up to 5 targets within 5 meters for 8 seconds


5. Debilitate

Deals 312 - 344 energy damage and stuns the target for 4 seconds.


1. IMMOBILZE. Not stun.


2. Yes, 1 stun.


3. Nope. Breaks on damage. "Mez", short for mesmerize.


4. Mezz.


5. Yes, second stun.


EDIT: Stuns allow you to be damaged, thus build lots of resolve. Mezzes are used to escape/run away, or to take someone out of a fight. That's why Mezzs last longer, but are canceled by damage.


You do not lose full control over your character through being snared or rooted, thus, it does not count towards resolve.

Edited by Zunayson
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I don't get what you're trying to say? I'm talking about classes and players playing those classes. Any class that has the potential to kill someone, purely through the mechanics of the class, not the skills of the players' in the fight, without the defender being able to attack back, is overpowered. No class besides operative and scoundrel offer that potential.


The defender doesn't matter. The skills of the defender don't matter. It's purely about the wrecking potential of the attacker.


Why do I need to look in the mirror for that?


The operatives have a total of 5.5 seconds of STUN, melee only. Sorcs have the 4 second stun at RANGE, AND can spec to 2 seconds after whirlwind (The 1.5 for operatives is also spec'd, so this is fair). So what you have is 6 seconds of stunned from range.


Nerf pl0x?


You also just described gear. MMOs are not about skill. I figured that a long time ago lol.

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Do you understand what you're saying? I have a operative I have 590 expertise normally heal spec, but when I switch to concealment my fully buffed hidden strikes hit for close to 4k. Now after that 4k there is a 1.5 second cooldown before I can use any other ability, guess how long the knockdown is for. Yep you guessed it 1.5 seconds.



So you know, just last week my operative with 681 Exp, BM pieces except the 5 pieces of armor, champ armor set, hit 3 different people for over 5k, 5192 was the highest.


One was a Sin, Im guessing dps spec, second a vengeance Jugg, third, a sorc with no shield up.


I roll +15% WZ adrenal or red ball buff from map (same thing) and my BM power relic with my opening hidden strike to get those numbers, so saying max 4k dmg isnt entirely accurate. Operatives could also technically be biochem as well (mine is not) and have additionally the Rakata Power Adrenal, in addition to the BM Power Relic, and red ball exp buff you pick up on the map. (Which would add a couple % dmg to the numbers below)


Assuming I crit every hit, I can technically hit HS for 5k (1.5s), Backstab for 4100 (3.0s) Cloaking Screen (4.5s), Hidden strike for 5k (6.0s) Lacerate 3900 (7.5s), Shiv 3800 (9.0s), Lacerate again, for 3900 (10.5).


Totalling 28,700 dmg, assuming every hit crits (which never does) and assuming I blow all adrenals and relics, and blow Cloaking Screen CD.



Just clearing things up, OP is still a clear troll.



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Appreciate numbers from a BM standpoint, but you seriously have gotten bs over 4k or is that only "fully buffed, adrenal, relic, and poison blade 30%? Cause personally if i get bs anywhere near 3k its a miracle.


Ordinarily I don't go looking for buffs before ganking, i just use my relic, PB and HS, 90% of the time i'll get targets to 25% range and then they stun and run or i get jumped by 3 of his buddies.

Edited by Wulalowe
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Operatives could also technically be biochem as well (mine is not) and have additionally the Rakata Power Adrenal, in addition to the BM Power Relic, and red ball exp buff you pick up on the map. (Which would add a couple % dmg to the numbers below)


FYI they don't stack any more, just clearing that up.

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Appreciate numbers from a BM standpoint, but you seriously have gotten bs over 4k or is that only "fully buffed, adrenal, relic, and poison blade 30%? Cause personally if i get bs anywhere near 3k its a miracle.


Ordinarily I don't go looking for buffs before ganking, i just use my relic, PB and HS, 90% of the time i'll get targets to 25% range and then they stun and run or i get jumped by 3 of his buddies.


Yea, of the 4 attacks that happen frequently, Hidden Strike, Backstab, Shiv, Lacerate, they dont ever go under 3k on a crit, unless the target popped a -inc dmg defense buff.


My spec, taking all +dmg talents (talents changing a little in 1.2, so this is just for now, point of reference.):




FYI they don't stack any more, just clearing that up.


I'm perfectly aware that the Warzone Expertise Adrenal you can click on in your inventory and another type of adrenal do share the same cd, and cant be stacked, but you can use red exp buff you grab from the map, power adrenal, and power relic at the same time, still.

Edited by Wheelerific
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I totally saw a assassin stun lock me for 20 secs I couldn't do anything to get away while he stared and danced at me for the duration before finally 1 shotting me. I have full bm gear 740 expertise and over 24k hps as a conceal op and this just seems totally overpowered to me.


He then full healed before grabbing the ball from mid field and force leapt to the goal line, NERF SINS!






I seen it happen.

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Sever Tendon has a [50 / 100]% chance to immobilize the target for 2 seconds.


Not a stun.


2. Jarring Strike

Hidden Strike has a [50 / 100]% chance to knock the target flat on its face for 1.5 seconds.


That's one.


3. Sleep Dart

Puts the target to sleep for 60 seconds


Not a stun- Stuns don't break on damage.


4. Flash Bang

Detonates a flash bang that blinds up to 5 targets within 5 meters for 8 seconds


See above.


5. Debilitate

Deals 312 - 344 energy damage and stuns the target for 4 seconds.


That's two.

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Yea, of the 4 attacks that happen frequently, Hidden Strike, Backstab, Shiv, Lacerate, they dont ever go under 3k on a crit, unless the target popped a -inc dmg defense buff.


My spec, taking all +dmg talents (talents changing a little in 1.2, so this is just for now, point of reference.):






I'm perfectly aware that the Warzone Expertise Adrenal you can click on in your inventory and another type of adrenal do share the same cd, and cant be stacked, but you can use red exp buff you grab from the map, power adrenal, and power relic at the same time, still.

why'd you take 4% extra endurance and not 15 secs less on debilitate?

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So you know, just last week my operative with 681 Exp, BM pieces except the 5 pieces of armor, champ armor set, hit 3 different people for over 5k, 5192 was the highest.


Yea, of the 4 attacks that happen frequently, Hidden Strike, Backstab, Shiv, Lacerate, they dont ever go under 3k on a crit, unless the target popped a -inc dmg defense buff.


My spec, taking all +dmg talents (talents changing a little in 1.2, so this is just for now, point of reference.):




LOL @ telling us Shiv never goes under 3k on a crit when you aren't even full BM.


Troll harder.

Edited by Xaearth
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why'd you take 4% extra endurance and not 15 secs less on debilitate?


Personal preference as I don't feel I really need the stun up more often.


Also, using the +4% Endurance puts me over 17k with a bh buff in pvp gear, and im a stickler for my stats looking good, looking even.



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Appreciate numbers from a BM standpoint, but you seriously have gotten bs over 4k or is that only "fully buffed, adrenal, relic, and poison blade 30%? Cause personally if i get bs anywhere near 3.5k its a miracle.


My op doesn't see those numbers either, in champ/rak mix. /shrug


Guess we'll see after tomorrow, with parsers.

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