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My Thoughts on the SWTOR Hate


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My thought on the hate is that they keep putting in stuff that isn't making the game any more fun to play.


Why are they adding flashpoints when nobody on the 100 lowest pop servers can't even find a group to do existing ones?


I haven't been able to find a single group to do the last flashpoint they added, why should I care about the next one I won't be able to find a group for?

Edited by Gungan
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My thought on the hate is that they keep putting in stuff that isn't making the game any more fun to play.


Why are they adding flashpoints when nobody on the 100 lowest pop servers can't even find a group to do existing ones?


I haven't been able to find a single group to do the last flashpoint when added, why should I care about the next one I won't be able to find a group for?


I have 2 level 50's neither of them did a FP until level 50. There was just no one available.

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I ask for a responsible reply after you
, starting at 2:10, and tell me I should not be "slightly disappointed" about what we got in TOR, eight years later.


Why so silent? I thought someone would tell me how great the spaceship concept in TOR is.

The lack of arguments if it comes to constructive criticism and factual comparison with an eight year old game is intriguing.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Girrada the Hutt welcomes you to a a special Huttball match





PvP/PvE Space Combat




Space Exploration/Free Roaming in Multiple Star Systems




Resource Mining and Working Economy




Ground Combat




Killing Ewoks




Graphics/Animation Quality




Server System/ Population Available Anytime




Planet Sizes and Numbers
















Playable Races




Voiceover Cinematics








Original Trilogy Setting




Player Housing and Player Cities / Customizable








SWG: 10 TOR: 6



Grampa SWG wins

Here's a few more:



World PvP




Character customization





World immersion




Gear design




Non combat based classes




Characters uniqueness (skills templates/choices)



Player driven economy



Instanced content


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I thought both versions of SWG were horrible.


I thought the "Randomly grind skills until you magically become a Jedi" was incredibly stupid.


I thought "Never mind it's the rebellion, we have lots of Jedi" was incredibly stupid as well.

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I thought both versions of SWG were horrible.


I thought the "Randomly grind skills until you magically become a Jedi" was incredibly stupid.


I thought "Never mind it's the rebellion, we have lots of Jedi" was incredibly stupid as well.


What do you think of Chiss and Sith pureblood Jedi?

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I thought both versions of SWG were horrible.


I thought the "Randomly grind skills until you magically become a Jedi" was incredibly stupid.


I thought "Never mind it's the rebellion, we have lots of Jedi" was incredibly stupid as well.

Well the hologrind what the worst thing before the NGE they added to the game.


Don't forget bugs and really poor communication. But rejoice, devs from SWG are now working on TOR, since 2005.

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I thought the "Randomly grind skills until you magically become a Jedi" was incredibly stupid.


Now you got a select screen and become a Jedi instantly, right at the beginning, just like in the movies! :rolleyes:


"Training? And thinking too? You suck Yoda, I´m goin´home this is stupid I want to be a JeDi rIgHT nOw! I have nO tiMe let me killzz mobbs".


Yeah I remember that quote. Great movie moment that was.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Why so silent? I thought someone would tell me how great the spaceship concept in TOR is.

The lack of arguments if it comes to constructive criticism and factual comparison with an eight year old game is intriguing.


What is there to debate, the on rails system is far superior to jtl ?


But lets debate space in the space thread and then compare the on rails system to what there secret project is when its released.

Edited by Shingara
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What is there to debate, the on rails system is far superior to jtl ?



This :

I ask for a responsible reply after you

, starting at 2:10, and tell me I should not be "slightly disappointed" about what we got in TOR, eight years later.


Only for special people who constantly say how "horrible" SWG was and how "great" the decision was to design everything differently in TOR.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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This :


can you not read or something or do you see a line of letters and make the words up yourself ?


Only for special people who constantly say how "horrible" this game was and how "great" the decision was to design everything differently.


Dont you mean all the special people who thought space wasnt a mini game at launch which it was advertised as.

Edited by Shingara
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Here's a few more:



World PvP




Character customization





World immersion




Gear design




Non combat based classes




Characters uniqueness (skills templates/choices)



Player driven economy



Instanced content



Oh this is fun, can I play???




Setting in which Jedi are appropriate

9/16 (-1 foul on SWG)


A multitude of vehicles at launch



Actual content



Immersion in setting that actually feels like Star Wars



Heroics/Group content






No ten minute wait for shuttles



Space Ships at launch



entertaining LS/DS system



Setting/timeframe that allows BW to be creative and create new content outside of the movies.





Hmmm, by my score, SWTOR wins!!! Gee, ain't this fun?

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can you not read or something or do you see a line of letters and make the words up yourself ?


Dont you mean all the special people who thought space wasnt a mini game at launch which it was advertised as.


I don´t care "how it was advertised", the space minigame sucks huttballs, dear friend.

And the concept of TOR prevents everything which is shown in the

, don´t you get the difference between an open world planet and instanced maps of corridor planets?


Today I learned: Designing MMOs -- this must be the duck which lays golden eggs, incredibly low expectations of MMO customers make this genre a cash cow.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Oh this is fun, can I play???



Hmmm, by my score, SWTOR wins!!! Gee, ain't this fun?





double and triple points don´t count, and.. oh heck I won´t even start to take your "list" apart.


So that is what you call a feature list.


Wait.. wait.. ermm..




ah, whatever. You are right. I give up. See ya around in two years. Perhaps there is a new trial then.

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double and triple points don´t count, and.. oh heck I won´t even start to take your "list" apart.


So that is what you call a feature list.


Wait.. wait.. ermm..




ah, whatever. You are right. I give up. See ya around in two years. Perhaps there is a new trial then.


Don't want to be rude, but if you use your link and select the first video on the right, you have a good raison why NOT use this kind of flying with SWTOR



I don't want to play in a world where i will see that kind of not immersive situation !

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I don´t care "how it was advertised", the space minigame sucks huttballs, dear friend.

And the concept of TOR prevents everything which is shown in the

, don´t you get the difference between an open world planet and instanced maps of corridor planets?


Today I learned: Designing MMOs -- this must be the duck which lays golden eggs, incredibly low expectations of MMO customers make this genre a cash cow.


Right so you dont care how it was advertised. so thats your excuse for flaming it, because it was advertised as a minigame at launch you decide to ignore the facts stated by bioware and take it upon yourself to create your own advert in your mind as to what it should be.


Lets weigh these up shall we, fact =/ in your head, no they dont add up.


And just for your info sherman i was shingara aragnihs, rebel bounty hunter on euro infinity swg, 19 confirmed jedi permakills. Owner of a Y8 mining batttle ship with compliment of 12 real people not npcs. so dont try tell me what swg was like cos i probably know better then you.

Edited by Shingara
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Oh this is fun, can I play???




Setting in which Jedi are appropriate

9/16 (-1 foul on SWG)


A multitude of vehicles at launch



Actual content



Immersion in setting that actually feels like Star Wars



Heroics/Group content






No ten minute wait for shuttles



Space Ships at launch



entertaining LS/DS system



Setting/timeframe that allows BW to be creative and create new content outside of the movies.





Hmmm, by my score, SWTOR wins!!! Gee, ain't this fun?


Required pet classes for solo play (normal mode)




No pet classes for multiplayer game play (aka full groups)




Jedi in Hutt ball & glow bats



Animal mounts



Great choice of space ships



Endless player driven content

15/19 (Could have removed 1 for TOR lack of end content)


World that feels like a world not a graveyard

14/19 (already added one before but TOR deserves less 1 on the setting)


20 players made groups wihout need to be of the same level to enjoy the content(pre-cu)



Space sim

13/20 (already added 1 to SWG but you are right TOR deserves a minus 1 on that lacklustre feature)



12/21 (Does not even deserves a point regarding how it was implemented and in SW you could actually be dark sided


And as you're venting on day one here's a small reminder of what was not in TOR at launch:


  • Swimming
  • Third party addons
  • Minigames
  • Dual spec
  • Day/night cycles
  • Non humanoid based playable races
  • Multiplayer space content
  • 3d space combat
  • Choice of space ship chassis
  • Decoration mechanic for personal ships
  • Planetary housing
  • Pod & Swoop racing
  • Player bounties
  • Companions in Warzones
  • Companion Deaths
  • Animal based pet classes
  • same-gender romance arcs
  • Resources for crafting does not have quality
  • Guild leveling system (cf WAR)
  • Animal mounts
  • Flying mounts
  • Large (20vs20 - or more) multiplayer PvP Warzones
  • World PvP
  • PvP Arenas
  • Collision detection between characters
  • UI Addons
  • Macros
  • Barber / Image Designer
  • Appearance tabs
  • Fishing
  • Guild "Tabard"
  • Multiplayer mounts
  • Gear Dyes
  • Shared storage bank slots
  • In game voice chat
  • LFG tool
  • Guild bank


BTW TOR is the only MMO I know of that launched without any of the above features.

It fails as a MMO.

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And as you're venting on day one here's a small reminder of what was not in TOR at launch:


  • Swimming
  • Third party addons
  • Minigames
  • Dual spec
  • Day/night cycles
  • Non humanoid based playable races
  • Multiplayer space content
  • 3d space combat
  • Choice of space ship chassis
  • Decoration mechanic for personal ships
  • Planetary housing
  • Pod & Swoop racing
  • Player bounties
  • Companions in Warzones
  • Companion Deaths
  • Animal based pet classes
  • same-gender romance arcs
  • Resources for crafting does not have quality
  • Guild leveling system (cf WAR)
  • Animal mounts
  • Flying mounts
  • Large (20vs20 - or more) multiplayer PvP Warzones
  • World PvP
  • PvP Arenas
  • Collision detection between characters
  • UI Addons
  • Macros
  • Barber / Image Designer
  • Appearance tabs
  • Fishing
  • Guild "Tabard"
  • Multiplayer mounts
  • Gear Dyes
  • Shared storage bank slots
  • In game voice chat
  • LFG tool
  • Guild bank


BTW TOR is the only MMO I know of that launched without any of the above features.

It fails as a MMO.


I happen to disagree.


SWG did NOT have any of these at launch:

Third party add-ons


Multi-player space combat

3d space combat

Choice of space ship chassis

Decoration mechanic for personal ships

Planetary housing

Pod & Swoop racing

same-gender romance arcs

Guild leveling system (cf WAR)

Large (20vs20 - or more) multiplayer PvP Warzones

PvP Arenas

Collision detection between characters

UI Addons

Appearance tabs

Guild "Tabard"

Gear Dyes

Shared storage bank slots

In game voice chat

LFG tool

Guild bank

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BTW TOR is the only MMO I know of that launched without any of the above features.

It fails as a MMO.

I know English isn't your first language, so I'll have to chalk that up to you really not knowing what you are saying in English because it's either that, or you haven't played any other mmog's or you have no idea what the hell you're talking about because a lot of stuf you just arbitrarily listed were not in launch a lot of mmog's that have released.


Hell, a lot of those things you listed weren't even in the game you are rushing to defend at launch. So for you to say TOR is the only game to not launch with all those (not going to mention at one point it seemed like you actually started listing TOR features) just seems odd.


Although admittedly, not as odd as seeing some very old faces that have never seemed to like the game still around....

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But I think the thing Bioware missed out on was the fact that content based games are designed to be consumed, and once they are consumed, they are boring. I don't think they expected people to consume quite as fast as they have (which is a major mistake on their part). Sandbox elements (I'm not talking a full blown sandbox game, just little bits and pieces) provide almost unlimited extended gameplay, with almost no upkeep from the development standpoint, as most "content" after the element is introduced is provided by the players.
Pretty sure they feel players need to be led entirely by the hand, with zero or next to zero off-rail content, because they've explicitly come out and said so.
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I know English isn't your first language, so I'll have to chalk that up to you really not knowing what you are saying in English because it's either that, or you haven't played any other mmog's or you have no idea what the hell you're talking about because a lot of stuf you just arbitrarily listed were not in launch a lot of mmog's that have released.


Hell, a lot of those things you listed weren't even in the game you are rushing to defend at launch. So for you to say TOR is the only game to not launch with all those (not going to mention at one point it seemed like you actually started listing TOR features) just seems odd.


Although admittedly, not as odd as seeing some very old faces that have never seemed to like the game still around....

You both read wrong.


I stated none MMO launched without at least one feature from my list but TOR.


And seeing how the servers are dead and there's not even end content I rest pretty much convinced TOR fails as an MMO. There's not even World PvP. See.

Note: the game can still be great. In a way I'm there to help for that ;)


(Edit: I admit I added some features that would have only worked in TOR ex: same gender romance)

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So when are they going to put in features that make the game more fun? Make PVP meaningful to the war effort? Make robust and challenging PVE encounters that are exciting and vast in scope? Space exploration? Anything at all with implications to the game world on your server?


1.2 is boring as hell. Who cares about Legacy when it's so pointless?


Everything in this game is so darned pointless because the world is completely static, and nothing players do affects it. It's like 2004 all over again.

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