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My Thoughts on the SWTOR Hate


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Imagine for a moment if they had added bioengineering ala SWG to SWTOR and how utterly awesome that would be, and how many more players the game would have just to play that aspect of the game. Yea.
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If I'm not mistaken, SWTOR was the consequent MMO using the Star Wars IP. For those who played and loved SWG there is a refugee effect with the closing of SWG and the launch of SWTOR.


If SWG players came to SWTOR expecting SWG2 then I agree: Fail


But there are design choices that resulted in the current build of SWTOR that have resulted in threads asking for features both sandbox-oriented and not. By players who have varying backgrounds of play.


The list itself seems to send people into frothy-mouthed rages, so I will just say that for SWG vets there is really no place else to go. This leads to the decision to play or not to play (which at least for me will never be determined by forum mudslingers telling me to Move On, or shut up, etc.). It's a personal decision.


If you guys who love the current design are the majority + have the devs on your side + have factual knowledge that sandboxes and SWG are total fail. Why do you attack? It's a bit like beating up an old lady in a wheelchair isn't it?

Is the old lady going to running races telling them how much those races suck and how much better it is to be in a wheelchair and old?

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If I'm not mistaken, SWTOR was the consequent MMO using the Star Wars IP. For those who played and loved SWG there is a refugee effect with the closing of SWG and the launch of SWTOR.


If SWG players came to SWTOR expecting SWG2 then I agree: Fail



I hate being sentimental but for me if you were try to label this as an swg spin off it would have tobe swg3 maybe even swg4. The cu version was one of the best games i have every played, even if they had just allowed people to use the simpler nge templates instead of the 32 trees and refused to allow force grind or jedi at start i think swg would have happily been online right now living along side swtor.


But smedly got greedy and doomed swg the second he implemented the cu and carved the road to the nge. Because pre cu swg was more then different enough to have survived on its own as a niche game.

Edited by Shingara
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I hate being sentimental but for me if you were try to label this as an swg spin off it would have tobe swg3 maybe even swg4. The cu version was one of the best games i have every played, even if they had just allowed people to use the simpler nge templates instead of the 32 trees and refused to allow force grind or jedi at start i think swg would have happily been online right now living along side swtor.


But smedly got greedy and doomed swg the second he implemented the cu and carved the road to the nge. Because pre cu swg was more then different enough to have survived on its own as a niche game.


Smedly is greedy, yes, but his biggest fault is spinelessness. It was LA that demanded the NGE and a fellow named Julio Torres, the monkey put in place BY Lucasarts, that made it happen.

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SWG was a million, billion, ga-freakin-zillion times better than SWTOR imo. Even with it's crappy combat and other flaws, it had deeper gameplay and an epic world feel that SWTOR just completely lacks.


That's your opinion.


Mine is that SWG sucked intergalactic Hutt backside.

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But we're not actually attacking the old lady, we're attacking her mob of hooligans


No the old lady in the analogy can't have a mob of houligans or that would equal/surpass the population of the "Regular Folks."


SWG posters = small population who don't know what they are talking about and are from a failed game. Will never impact this game, and their gripes are not important because there are so few of them.


SWG posters = an old lady (essentially incapable of harm)

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No the old lady in the analogy can't have a mob of houligans or that would equal/surpass the population of the "Regular Folks."


SWG posters = small population who don't know what they are talking about and are from a failed game. Will never impact this game, and their gripes are not important because there are so few of them.


SWG posters = an old lady (essentially incapable of harm)

Well in that case i think your analogy is flawed but lets go with it


If an old lady was mouthing off constantly about the same thing eventually i'd tell her to shut up

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Well in that case i think your analogy is flawed but lets go with it


If an old lady was mouthing off constantly about the same thing eventually i'd tell her to shut up


well it's been done 1000 times. Hasn't been effective so far but who knows.

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SWG posters = small population who don't know what they are talking about and are from a failed game. Will never impact this game, and their gripes are not important because there are so few of them.




Hilarious.. reminds me of "dreamwalking" in the Sith Inquisitor Story...


Current Poll results:


14% - voted "Stick to the SWTOR concept" (Catastrophic result IMHO, congrats BW)

51% - vote for a Sandbox/Themepark Hybrid

31% - vote for SWG2

4% - buy any SW game no matter what

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Well, thanks for that in-depths analysis of each feature and the comparison to our 2012 successor :rolleyes:


Another trial user who didn´t finish the beginner´s tutorial

So, you assume that everyone who disliked SWG didn't finish the tutorial.


Well done, sir. Way to ignore everything that has been said so far about how unpolished a turd SWG was on launch, and how terribly they ruined it when NGE hit.


I noticed that you have said nothing about the "re-vamp" yourself. Did you enjoy having all your hard work erased and replaced by a one-dimentional, single-class, piece of crap MMO where the problems with combat and content persisted?


I mean, you're a fan of SWG to the extent that you acknowledge none of its massive faults while whining about how terrible SWTOR is on the SWTOR forums. It all seems a bit trollish and one-sided, wouldn't you agree?


If not, please, enlighten us regarding what you did when the game got messed up?

Edited by Blistrich
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Just because someone refuses to listen to the truth doesn't mean you should stop telling it


You know what, I totally agree with you. I for one will always at least listen to someone putting forth something as information. If yelled at, I usually just pay attention to how something was said and not what is being said. Add insults, and it's just a bunch of noise really.

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Well, thanks for that in-depths analysis of each feature and the comparison to our 2012 successor :rolleyes:


Another trial user who didn´t finish the beginner´s tutorial


1) Roll your eyes all you wish, but your hypocrisy is showing: the person you quoted to support didn't have an in depth analysis, yet you thought that was a post worth of support.


2) Throughout development they went out of their way to say they were not the successor, spiritual or otherwise, of SWG.


3) I tried it in Alpha and Beta on Ahazi and Bria. I tried it immediately after release (first Master Pistoleer on Bria post release, or dam close). I tried it a few months after release. Tried it after JTLS. Tried it right before CU. Tried it right after CU. Tried it right before NGE. Tried it right after NGE. So I, personally, was just not "Another trial user who didn't finish the beginner´s tutorial" and hated it every time I tried it (but man, did I give it every opportunity to win me over), but of course you need to revert to such horrible generalizations because it's impossible for anyone to have any other opinion than yours....and if they do have a dissenting opinion from yours, they need to have their opinion marginalized in an attempt to dismiss.



Hilarious.. reminds me of "dreamwalking" in the Sith Inquisitor Story...


Current Poll results:


14% - voted "Stick to the SWTOR concept" (Catastrophic result IMHO, congrats BW)

51% - vote for a Sandbox/Themepark Hybrid

31% - vote for SWG2

4% - buy any SW game no matter what

Those polls are based on what pool of players? 300 people? Yeah, that sounds about right for the SWG player base.

Edited by Scar
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If not, please, enlighten us regarding what you did when the game got messed up?


I do not know the "pre-cu" or "pre-NGE" version. Sorry. I started later.

Nothing was trashed for me. Ground combat was indeed bad, never said it was good. But there were a lot other aspects than slashing mobs. I get bored by slashing mobs in TOR as well, always the same kill/click container.


SWG was probably not representative for MMOs, I know I liked SWG but I guess I do not like MMOs then, especially theme park /WoW genre type. Wrong choice. TSW seems more exciting to me, same SWG crafting and investigation missions with puzzles. I need different things to do than mow down herds of randomly placed mobs. Also I like EvE. I miss the action space PvP from SWG though.

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I do not know the "pre-cu" or "pre-NGE" version. Sorry. I started later.

Aaaaand that's where the discussion ends for me.


I appreciate the candid tone of this post, and I get where you're coming from, but this is exactly why so many of us here have a problem with comparing SWG to SWTOR. They are not the same game and were never meant to be. In fact, the version of SWG you played is closer to this game than what it started off as.


You have basically confirmed that you didn't play SWG beta, you never played mixed classes, and you never experienced the vanilla game. You're one of the latecomers who played the game that the rest of us left behind and tried to forget about... the dumbed-down, unappealing, pointless version of SWG that featured none of what it was originally intended to feature.


You weren't stripped of all your creatures, the professions the rest of us labored to balance perfectly, or the early, open-ended faction system that might have worked if they had put a bit more effort into the design. Classic SWG was designed to be a revolutionary experience... and it was ultimately redesigned to be garbage. So please understand that when you say "SWG" and I say "SWG", we are talking about 2 different games.

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1) Roll your eyes all you wish, but your hypocrisy is showing: the person you quoted to support didn't have an in depth analysis, yet you thought that was a post worth of support.


2) Throughout development they went out of their way to say they were not the successor, spiritual or otherwise, of SWG.


3) I tried it in Alpha and Beta on Ahazi and Bria. I tried it immediately after release (first Master Pistoleer on Bria post release, or dam close). I tried it a few months after release. Tried it after JTLS. Tried it right before CU. Tried it right after CU. Tried it right before NGE. Tried it right after NGE. So I, personally, was just not "Another trial user who didn't finish the beginner´s tutorial" and hated it every time I tried it (but man, did I give it every opportunity to win me over), but of course you need to revert to such horrible generalizations because it's impossible for anyone to have any other opinion than yours....and if they do have a dissenting opinion from yours, they need to have their opinion marginalized in an attempt to dismiss.



Those polls are based on what pool of players? 300 people? Yeah, that sounds about right for the SWG player base.


Ok, you played it, I believe it. Yet you do not state exactly what you didn´t like. You know, I like facts. Feature comparisons. And I always pin down what the problem is if a game does not deliver. I´m not an MMO expert though. Hated WoW. Seriously, I tried it three weeks and all I had was disgust against everything, cartoonish graphics, boring gameplay, medieval sorcery cr*p.


Sure, the SWG ground combat sucked, it´s way better in TOR, I´ve said that a hundred times. But what´s with the missing features? Have you seen my list in this thread?

Why is TOR a linear railroad ride through a fraction of a galaxy and small static planets?

What´s with the failed server concept with 8 people on a whole planet? And so on.

You need to talk facts, " I don´t like it" is not constructive.


By the way polls with over 300 people are already a viable sample pool. You could even get a significant result with less people. Percentages didn´t change much since the beginning. That is how survey research works.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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I do not know the "pre-cu" or "pre-NGE" version. Sorry. I started later.

Nothing was trashed for me. Ground combat was indeed bad, never said it was good. But there were a lot other aspects than slashing mobs. I get bored by slashing mobs in TOR as well, always the same kill/click container.


SWG was probably not representative for MMOs, I know I liked SWG but I guess I do not like MMOs then, especially theme park /WoW genre type. Wrong choice. TSW seems more exciting to me, same SWG crafting and investigation missions with puzzles. I need different things to do than mow down herds of randomly placed mobs. Also I like EvE. I miss the action space PvP from SWG though.


You do realize the NGE was SOE's attempt to "WoW-ify" SWG, right? They saw the success WoW was achieving, at the same time their subscription-base was dropping at an alarming rate, thus the infamous NGE was born, effectively killing their game. It may have taken several more years to officially die, but it never recovered. Those few who stuck around post NGE were/are fanatical in their devotion, there just wasn't enough of them to sustain the game any longer and it was finally put out of it's misery on December 15th, 2011.


Of course, there's always the EMU for the diehards. ;)

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Hi all,


We've had to remove several posts from this thread, as they were veering into the territory of personal attacks. As a reminder, we ask that the community use this thread for discussion relating to STAR WARS: The Old Republic, and that all posts follow our forum rules.


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You do realize the NGE was SOE's attempt to "WoW-ify" SWG, right?

My point exactly.


To re-iterate my last point, pre-NGE and post-NGE SWG players just don't get one another. At all. The pre-NGE group remembers clearly what SWG was supposed to be (even though it was severely messed up in some places), and the post-NGE people don't realize exactly how much the game was altered to appeal to the Warcraft crowd.

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