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If BW added new classes.


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I wouldnt mind seeing a class mix between the shadow and the sent. I know thats prolly not gonna happen but a dual wielder with stealth would rock. Take away some of the ranged attacks like rock throw and such.


And replace a few of the def cooldowns of a sent with like snare abilities or critstrikes.


Not saying it would be perfect or even feasable as wouldnt want it overpowerd, But if it could be pulled off would a hella fun class to play.

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BW has to ask itself what is more important... Story mode for the game vs. SW lore. If Story mode is the most important then mainly every playable species will be a re-skinned human being... If lore is more important than you should be able to play as more different alien species (or even droids perhaps) with different proportions (yoda species, wookie species, etc).


lol at someone complaining about lore and in the same breath suggesting we play as yoda's species.

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I dont neccesarily want a total new class but new optionall add on classes to the existing ones. How about Combat Pilot, Piracy in space (Space Pirate) Ranks for advanced Space missions captain, admiral ect...


I would also like to see some pure healer classes too. I would like to see NEW expansions designed for 6 player (character) groups So you can have.


1 (Tank) ------------------------- Warrior(EQ1)/Guardian

1 (Offtank/dps) ----------------- Shadow Knight/Paladin (EQ 1) Shadow/Vanguard

1 (Healer/Buffer) --------------- Cleric/Shaman/Druid (EQ 1) Need new class for swtor

1 (Utility/Debuffer/Support) --- Bard/Necromancer (EQ 1) Need new class for swtor

1 (DPS) --------------------------

Monk/Wizard/Mage/Beastlord (EQ1) Sentinal/Commando/Smuggler/Sage

1 (DPS) --------------------------

Monk/Wizard/Mage/Beastlord (EQ1) Sentinal/Commando/Smuggler/Sage


Some may dissagree how i have these classes assigned. It all depends on spec but I am just trying to get my idea accross. And of course im just talkin Republic side as thats all i know..



Keep the current galaxie designed as it is but add a new galaxie designed for 6 man groups. Ide like groups setup that if one player dies its not a wipe you have backups to take over.

Edited by ZORG
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Republic spy, Bothan Race.


It would be hilarious if a mission entailed retieving some data pad from a fallen agents, and when you turn in the mission, you have a line saying "a lot of bothans died to bring us this information."

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ok now seriously.


a pet class for each side.


imperial officer and republic equivilent, skills revolve around summoning squads of troopers and buffing them, better summons as level, better buffs etc.


pet class with utility. ability to deploy CC troops, dps troops, tank troops (too weak for anything but solo work) etc.


have it as small squads of no more than 4 or 5, obviously require some changes and they couldnt be companions ofc.


could have 2 modes, dps and support, strong buffs to troops and party members, limited healing.


or something.

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Firstly , the game has been deliberately laid out to make adding a new Advanced Class easy , so we'll go with that.


I want a pet class. so , a smuggler with a third AC to command a tiny army of droids seems reasonable.


Because it's a smuggler, and all the quests recognize smugglers but are blind to what kind of smuggler, no npc dialogues need be modified in the slightest.


Which I think was the intent of the whole Classes / Advanced Classes set up in the first place.


The mirror class Imperial Agent could also get droids , but i honestly think they'd look better on the bounty hunter , if only for role play reasons. But if BW has it's heart set on keeping the classes perfectly mirrored, there's no real problem with an Imperial Agent and his pack of droids wandering the galaxy.


A heavy Cyborg comes to mind, with have his equipment slots demanding droid parts and half demanding regular trooper or bounty hunter parts. That could be really cool in at least a role play sense.

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Would like to have a class (or trees added) to be a support class like Bards in some fantasy games, or Squad Leader/Officer. A good all around class that adds to the group with multiple buffs (crafted and non-crafted).


Actually that (a bard/captain buffer class) is about the only archetype not really already covered other than some sort of pet-master class.


Even a pure healing class is largely already covered (in the sense that you'll never get 3 trees out of it without end up as a sorc/sage or OP/Smug).

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