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If BW added new classes.


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Droid engineer or creature handler would fit in nicely here with it being already companion based combat. I could think of some cool stories also. Go here and there to get DNA and stuff to breed exotic creatures. Rancor and krayt dragons please! Also collecting droid parts from around the galaxy like in kotor2 to make hk. Some classes like knight and trooper already get some form of droids but seeing others like medical artillery or assault droids would be hreat
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I think we're good on classes. Sure they could add some more, but it would really just dilute the Star Wars feeling and be hell to try and balance, not to mention you'd have to come up with 2 at a time since they need to be mirrors.


At best I think they could try to add a class that uses a light-whip to get a mid-range force using DPS, but that's really just grasping at ideas.






I'd much rather they add additional species to the game, or additional specs within talent trees.

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I'd much rather see a 3rd faction. Mandelorians maybe or the Eshka (probably butchered the spellings) would make a good third faction. Give us more of a DAoC feel in our PVP and such.


The Mandalorians are already alined with the Empire. While I'm sure there's splinter groups, I don't think it will make sense to have a whole Mandalorian faction.


Esk-kha's make even less sense. The race was all but killed off by the Infinite Empire, with the remaining Esk-kha imprisoned on Belsavius. Some might have escaped when the imperials ran there little prison break/riot distration but not enough to build a faction behind. I guess it's possible that other Esk-kha survived the attempted genocide of their race and are hiding out on some undiscovered planet. However still it would be hard to explain how they would be strong enough to be faction.

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An Officer class. Not too unlike the operative, but with a bigger emphasis on "pets". Now I say "pets" because people will understand what I mean when it comes to that.

The "pets" would acctually be troopers that behave a bit like companions, but you have several, and they dont count towards the cap for a group. They also dont have as many skills as a companion, and they dont hold any aggro so they dont replace acctual companions and players in any way.

Their purpose is to, when active, provide buffs and some basic skills like mild amounts of healing and extra firepower. When one dies the group loses its buff and obviously it cant use its abilities.


Basically the class would be an officer in charge of a small squad of troopers.



Id like to see something like that.


I agree, companions act like the mercs in EQ and EQII I miss a traditional pet class maybe a "Huttese Beastmaster", you start of with small womprats and build up to a Rancor.

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My idea would probably be void due to the rules of the Star Wars Universe, but it would be something like this:


The Tempest Class


It would be limited to about 2-3 races as it would rare and have their own planet...but these individuals would have a limited connection with the force through Nature and Elements only and be Medium Armor users. They do not wield Lightsabers, but rather Tech Staves or Vibro Axes and Vibro Swords. Some have the ability to harness the powers of different elements but can only really be strong in a specific set of elements...similar to WOWs popular Druid, they can also Shapeshift depending on Skill Tree


Advanced Class A: Elementalist


Skill Tree 1: Stoneborn


It would be a Tanking tree where the player uses Medium armor and Tech Staves only for their equipment. Their special Tanking ability would be a Stoneform where they obviously have increased armor and should focus on defense and Absorb stats for end-game. They do not need to use a shield.


Skill Tree 2: Flameborn


This would be the DoT class where it may take more time to burn an opponent down, but powerful over time. They would have mostly Melee capabilities through Branding their weapon (Vibro Sword or Vibro Axe) with Flame. This would work DoT wise like the Sentinel Watchman, but have combat mechanics like the Jedi Shadow (without the stealth and back-stabbing)


Skill Tree 3: Iceborn


These players would be perfected CC and Interrupt abilities...great Support DPS. They can freeze opponents. This would primarily be a caster skill tree, but since they have the medium armor, have to stay within the 10 meters instead of 30 meters. They would have an IceForm ability that CCs everyone around them and including themselves but the rest of the group can pound away for like 5-6 seconds...


Advanced Class B: Planeswalker


Skill Tree 1: Windborn


This class would embrace the power of the winds and be a pure DPS class that can dual-wield. They would hit soft, but really fast like the rogue in WOW. Just imagine having two Vibro Swords or Vibro Axes and pounding away with spin attacks and dashes using the power of Wind.


Skill Tree 2: Embrace


This class embraces all of nature to be a powerful Healer. Obviously just a healer can be pretty self-explanatory.


Skill Tree 3: MindFlayer


This Tree is the exiled of their kind...their connection to the elements were not bound by Nature and are powerful and wise within their limited connection to the force. Their Elemental Powers were stripped from them, but they kept their connection to the force and developed Mental Abilities that can drive opponents crazy. They would be a Caster DPS, CC, Interrupt...and specialize in Mental Buffs that can help support their kind.


Just something I think about sometimes...

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I think a new skill tree for each adv classes would be better. :rolleyes:


True, but 16 new trees is a lot of work.


I think an pirate or gangster would allow for more liberal use of alien races.


Though I would think that Imperial Marine and SIS Agent are the most likely additions, being analogs of the trooper and imperial agent. They could get access to the opposing factions armors and act as infiltrators!

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Dark Honor Guard would be cool. It could have one AC that specialized in Electrostaves and one that specialized in Vibroblades. Shadow Hunters (like Khem Val) would be cool as well. I'm not sure what the Republic equivalent of these would be though.
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more than anything, i just want an imperial trooper. Red, black, etc armor and that sort of thing. analogously different from the republic trooper like inquisitor is to consular.


i want this so bad, i'm actually going to outfit my new BH with trooper grear in 1.2. Partially bc i want an imp trooper so bad, and partially because i hate the BH armor choices. hopefully, with armor dyes i can make it as authentic as possible.

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Wishful thinking would be for BW to make an Open Space portion of the game with various Pilot classes attached to their Starfighters. Otherwise I honestly can't think of any other Star Wars iconic class that they haven't already given us. More and more I'm beginning to think Advanced class additions will be the future for this game.


Content-wise the game is set up for it. You have 4 hangars on every planet, including Fleet, to support only 4 classes. You can get around the hassle of changing all that content by just adding advanced classes to the game instead of entirely new classes. Having a Jedi Rogue advanced class would be cool. Stances would be different. Maybe even carry his/her lightsaber backhand style like Starkiller.



All nice ideas.

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I would like to see a more dedicated healer class. One with atleast two healing trees. Would only be fair to have a hybrid healer since there are so many hybrid dps. A melee healer would be interesting also, kind of like a a DoK from Warhammer but more focus on healing than dps, two healing trees. For people not familiar with DoK, they somewhat required you to melee dps to build your energy pool for healing.


An empire trooper would be cool too. Advanced classes could be Imperal Guard (uses force pikes and heavy armor) and a light armor martial arts class (kind of like Echani). Not sure how you would balance this out on the republic side.

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I want to play a Rancor with unlimited pig guards as companions so when I'm done fighting mobs and my companion is half dead, I'll just eat him for hps and pop another out of my butt.


I'm not sure if that would affect their affection levels towards me or not...

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I think they could add a force sensitive class (Force Adept) which would use some lesser force powers in conjunction with either melee or ranged combat. Advanced classes could be along the lines of an Infiltrator and Savant.


Mostly though, I just want new races.

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I'd Like to see a secondary AC added onto our primary AC

Why can't a bounty hunter or IA have a hidden ability to use the force?

Why can't an assassin be in Imperial Intelligence?

Why can't force users unlock other force abilities?

Im not talking some crappy legacy bonus that requires a companion either.

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The Jedi Dress Designer .... cus I am guessing the theme could then be a character that fights brilliantly but doesn't look like a monk. A class built around style and exquisite taste and a love of great looking threads. I mean the character would stand out a mile amongst all the brown sack cloth.
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An entertainer class that gives out buffs that improve the longer someone watches the entertainer perform


Somebody please shoot me if this ever happens. This is a game that focuses on combat not something like role playing classes like an entertainer.

Edited by Darianth
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I think some of the original races/species chosen for the game are kind of boring considering

all of the character-types in the SW universe. This is due to the story mode, romance, and technical constraints.


BW has to ask itself what is more important... Story mode for the game vs. SW lore. If Story mode is the most important then mainly every playable species will be a re-skinned human being... If lore is more important than you should be able to play as more different alien species (or even droids perhaps) with different proportions (yoda species, wookie species, etc).


I'm not to thrilled about playing a humanoid with blue skin or red skin. It saves a lot on the tech side but makes the lore and art of the SW galaxy disappointing.

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