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If BW added new classes.


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With expansions comes new content and sometimes in MMO's we see new classes.

So i was wondering "what class(es) would you like to see in Swtor.?" and with what type of abilities would your class have?


Ive always wanted to see a space pirate, ive read about them in books, seen some on the clone wars Tv show and i love the whole idea of a group that plunders and is independent, not really fixed to a faction.

I'd love to see more orbital abilities, like the sniper has their Orbital Stike and some some more ranged rifle users.


What class would you like to see in SWtor.?

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I think this game deserves better than "Here is your stupid reskinned content, race and class kid, now get lost and keep payin'" routine... No amount of race or class can be enough since there are a lot of other exciting things we can actually do.
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I think this game deserves better than "Here is your stupid reskinned content, race and class kid, now get lost and keep payin'" routine... No amount of race or class can be enough since there are a lot of other exciting things we can actually do.


Stick to topic.

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honestly we dont need new classes as much as more advanced classes aside from an imperial/republic version of BH/Trooper, and Agent and smuggler BUT those would just be copy and pastes as far as class goes! what i'd love to see are actual advanced class additions! Stuff like a melee BH/Trooper, and the like...not sure on specifics also LOVE to see a tera-kasai master class as well... all in all are lots of classes BUT i'm way more interested in them fleshing races out and getting us some actual iconic races... like trando and mon cal
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If you are able to take a pass on a whole class story it could be any race!


e.g. a wookie story would be dumb and does not work simply because of the voiceovers, also who should put an effort into a gungan class quest story.


They could just add some races for ALTs which mirror your main class character.. or add playable companions and add races there.. something like that, which does not need story.


Although I´d like some short class quests as an expansion like:


Yoda class: Teach padawans in form of minigames

Droid class quest: Research/puzzle quests without combat but with complicated riddles - choose from 5 types of droid bodies (Also the minigames from the april fools video would actually be nice to have)

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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We don't need classes. We need Races.


First up: Togruta.


Followed by: Whatever, just Togruta first. My Consular is cool as a Twi'lek, but her backstory was MADE for a Togruta.


you mean simply new races for the existing class stories? Well that should not be that much of an effort... putting some squid head on the humanoid bodies and play... why not.

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I would like to see a class entirely reliant on little bots and robots, like a Tech Officer or something.


Think Doc's little floating healy robot, but everything the class does is done by little tech things that you call down from the sky, or pop out of nowhere. Not entirely pet based, as they wouldn't have a permanent presence though. I would also like it to use those little flamethrower pods that make the circles on the ground.


I am told that there is a profession in game that offers some of this functionality, but I see Star Wars as a very tech heavy universe, so am kind of surprised this doesn't already exist as a class choice.


But if not, maybe some kind of blade expert, without lightsabers, instead using Rakkata swords etc, and using the force to swing them, instead of wielding them directly.


I would also like to see support classes too, like bards and such.

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An Officer class. Not too unlike the operative, but with a bigger emphasis on "pets". Now I say "pets" because people will understand what I mean when it comes to that.

The "pets" would acctually be troopers that behave a bit like companions, but you have several, and they dont count towards the cap for a group. They also dont have as many skills as a companion, and they dont hold any aggro so they dont replace acctual companions and players in any way.

Their purpose is to, when active, provide buffs and some basic skills like mild amounts of healing and extra firepower. When one dies the group loses its buff and obviously it cant use its abilities.


Basically the class would be an officer in charge of a small squad of troopers.



Id like to see something like that.

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What class would you like to see in SWtor.?



Given all the Advance Classes and speccing options, I'm actually struggling to think of a new class type to add, as they've already covered pretty much all the bases.


The only thing I can really think of is a pet-master classe...... but, of course, with companions already in this would be difficult.

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But if not, maybe some kind of blade expert, without lightsabers, instead using Rakkata swords etc, and using the force to swing them, instead of wielding them directly.



They could do that, but I really don't see how they could seperate them form the Guard/Jugg/Sent/Mara and Assassin/Shadow classes.


It would be very difficult to not make them basically the same as one of those, only without lightsabers.

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Im glad this came up again. I made a post like this a while back that got some GREAT responses with detailed descriptions and so on.


Here is a link to the thread




Therein you will see stuff like MY suggestion for the Thug/Berserker


Class Ideas:


Thug / Berserker: Melee based non-force user.

Races: Human, Cathar, Twi'lek, Rodian, Cyborg, Chiss, Trandoshan

Armor: Medium Armor (possible tank AC with heavy armor)

Weapons: Uses vibrosword, vibroknife, techstaff, and other melee weapons.

Style: Utilizes brute strength and dirty fighting techniques to win in battle.

Stats: Strength as a main stat.

Faction: Easily placed into both without any retcon

Resource: Rage


Starting area1 - 10)

Republic: newly repopulated quarter of Coruscant

Basic Story: Starts as newly recruited thug for the newest crime syndicate on Coruscant.

Upon completion of prelude heads to upper levels for chance at redemption and becoming a feared warrior for the republic


Imperial: Either another part of Hutta or a previously un known level of Nar Shaddaa

Basic Story: Pumped full of stims at a young age used as a kill-bot for ruthless gang when a vision, dream or moment of clarity offers a chance to turn on captors and fight your way out of the living hell you find yourself in. Eventually being taken to Drummond Kaas as bounty, then being used as servant of death to your new master, a corrupt imperial agent.


EDIT FOR: I was just thinking how cool it would be to dual weild vibroknives and use special weakpoint targets to do massive damage. OR the tank spec would use Electrostaves. yeah that would be cool. Like a morning star weilding paladin from D&D

Edited by Tadshackles
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I'd love to make a Droid Race/class that can join either side.



You start the game's story as a droid that realizes over the first 10 levels that you were once a living being. Depending on your choices (light or dark), you end up joining either the Empire or Republic after the starter area. And then, the story revolves around you finding out you and your team were murdered so you could be used in this new Droid program. Your journey would have you searching out your other team mates (also Droids used in this experiment) and the "who done it" would be different depending on which side you're playing on.


The ACs would be a DPS/Tank build that uses Vibroswords in Melee and then a DPS/Healer that uses Blaster Rifles/Heals at Range.



They could get the guy you voiced HK-47 to do the voice overs.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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If they add Wookiees or Transdoshians, I wouldn't be surprised if they give them unique classes as well as stories. They could probably have some of the current species to the classes with a different story (At least part) and VO.


Transdoshians could be a hunter class - ACs Ranged Firepower, Traps and Devices

Wookiee could be a Warrior class - ACs Ranged (DPS, Tank), Melee (Tank, DPS)

Edited by JerokTalram
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Wishful thinking would be for BW to make an Open Space portion of the game with various Pilot classes attached to their Starfighters. Otherwise I honestly can't think of any other Star Wars iconic class that they haven't already given us. More and more I'm beginning to think Advanced class additions will be the future for this game.


Content-wise the game is set up for it. You have 4 hangars on every planet, including Fleet, to support only 4 classes. You can get around the hassle of changing all that content by just adding advanced classes to the game instead of entirely new classes. Having a Jedi Rogue advanced class would be cool. Stances would be different. Maybe even carry his/her lightsaber backhand style like Starkiller.

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A "squad leader" type class that specializes as a support class instead of a tank, healer, dps.


Maybe let their main thing be to have a pet out in groups and 2 out in solo situations.


That's just a big problem with a lot of MMO's now. It's all tank, dps, healer...there's no support classes. A tank, healer, dps, and a support class should be an ideal group. Maybe make FPs a bit harder and up group sizes to 5.


This isn't going to happen though. The game is too new and no races or classes will be made for a long long time. They still have to get out of the red from development costs and have a profitable product before they spend that kind of cash upgrading it. Maybe they already have, but I doubt it. They probably have at least 400-500 million invested in development, servers, production, etc. I really doubt they've made it up.


Couple that with people dropping subs and other anticipated games coming out, I think they'll be lucky to break even on this game. They've had 4 months to fix the game since it was released and hardly anything has been done.


As much as I looked forward to this game I'm sad to say it's just not the success many people thought it would be. It's fun the first time though (for some classes anyway), but faction imbalance and low populations kill level 50 content (even more for Republics who have trouble find groups for FPs at 50 due to extremely low Republic populations).

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