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No Auto Attack- good or bad idea


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Kinda stupid to make you spam the 1 key IMO. It reminds me of Bards in early EQ where you had to constantly juggle 3 songs. Good players could do it, but it was carpal tunnel syndrome waiting to happen.


Nobody welded that ability to your 1-key.


Map it to a spare button on your mouse instead.

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So all players who are in MMO's which have one are bad players? You donot choose to "use" auto attack if it is a feature..it happens automatically. It can be useful if you are fighting a mob and lag or disconnect. If it was a option to turn on in TOR, I would do so in a heartbeat.


My point was those who depend on or just use auto-attack only.

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I'm not even going to bother arguing whether auto-attacks mean that the game is playing for you or not, simply put if anyone thinks the existence of an auto-attack = no skill in a hotkey MMO they're totally clueless.


That said I personally do not miss traditional auto attacks but it does lead to a potential problem insofar as limiting design options for different types of buffs/debuffs which we're already experiencing in the game. No auto attacks = no attack speed increases, decreases and other slight adjustments that the "traditional auto-attack balancing lever" provides. Remember though that auto attacks do actually exist in TOR in an indirect way (companions), you can even quote Amatangelo on it. Wonder why alacrity and accuracy are such junk stats in this game? A large reason is the lack of traditional auto-attacks to increase their value (granted in a rather artificial way).


That's not to say it's impossible to design interesting stats without auto-attacks in an MMO, it's just that they haven't really explored these interesting options yet. This is fine we're still in early Tier 2, but it (interesting stats) is something I'd personally like to see sooner, rather than later.

Edited by Poirot
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