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Update my systems ram to 8gb?


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Hey folks,


I'm thinking of updating my systems RAM to 8gb, but I'm not sure of the difference it will make. Could anybody give me an answer?


My current specs are:

i7 processor

4gb ram

GeForce 425m 1gb

Windows 7


Thanks in advance :)

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I have a;


Phenom II x6 1090T

4gb Ram

Geforce 450

Windows 7 64bit


The game runs almost perfect on full settings with the exception of ilum (when is was busy) I a have not seen the need to upgrade to 8GB yet, however Ram is so cheap if you dont mind installing it, you might as well...:p



Edited by Kaesoron
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Unless you're actually running out of RAM, adding more won't help very much. You can check peak usage for an application in Task Manager while it's running, as well as physical memory usage for the system.


The game uses a 32-bit executable, so it tops out around 2GB of memory usage. Technically they can use up to 3GB in 32-bit mode, but not on WinXP at default settings, so to be safe most games cap their memory allocation at 2GB.


In short, no, I don't think it will help with runtime performance. It may help loading slightly, if the OS can cache more of the game's files in memory.

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I'm not a great authority on this sort of thing, but I have 6GB and everything I play runs great. I have heard from other people that 8 is about as high as you can go before it stops making any difference, so if you got 8 you'd probably be set for just about anything.
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Updating your RAM is never a bad idea so if you can do it then do do it




Hey folks,


I'm thinking of updating my systems RAM to 8gb, but I'm not sure of the difference it will make. Could anybody give me an answer?


My current specs are:

i7 processor

4gb ram

GeForce 425m 1gb

Windows 7


Thanks in advance :)

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