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most overpowered pvp class


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Powertech is mobile in an assault spec? Really? You didn't mention that it is reliant on having dots/stun. Powertech is nothing if you have smart healers who WILL take dots off people, by the time that happens, you have full heat and will not be a threat. Well, maybe not powertech, since they get 8-10% better heat control compared to vanguard's ammo.


PT seems pretty damn mobile to me, plus they snare with their primary use ability. As far as purging the dot and not having a problem controlling the damage....***. They spam the friggin dot untill it procs the bolt so if you cleanse it they will just re apply it. Now I agree that will make them burn some heat, but I have yet to have a good PT run out of heat killing me while i spam my cleanse and heals on myself with hots running as well. I have a 15 percent increase to runspeed while in combat and it is impossible for me to escape them, thats some pretty damn good mobility to me. The only thing I can do to counter is kick them in the nuts cleanse and hop into stealth, unfortunately this only lasts untill they find me again. And they always find me again. If by some chance I do make it out of their pwnage range I will get yoinked back in. 1 vs. 1 I can deal with a PT in a limited capacity, but a well played Pyro PT with the dumbest of dumarses just auto attacking me and I got 0 chance.

Edited by Fexhie
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I've seen alot of complaints about Mercinarys with tracrmissile, lightning spam sorcerors, Vangos, Trust me, everyone thinks evrything is OP


In truth... if there wasn't a sort of "rck paper scissors" thing, PvP woud be VERY boring.



Comign from a tracer using Merc like me, LoS is a PAIN to deal with on ALL warzones.


I also PvP as a Vanguard, and I can tell you this, I've never had worse trouble with stuns than I have now.


PvP has a certain challenge to it BECAUSE some classes have advantages over the others. If you're having problems with that Tracer spamming merc? watch his cast bar, you see Tracer hit? run behind a random box or wall. Vanguard? EASY Kite him. Yeah they have a gapp closer.. that you can pop out of. But they can't keep you close forever. Operatives? stay with a group. Snipers? They cant take a huge amount of amage coming at them all at once.



It all boils down to team work really. Thats what PvP is about, its like that on WoW, its like that on Guildwars, it's like that here.

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PT seems pretty damn mobile to me, plus they snare with their primary use ability. As far as purging the dot and not having a problem controlling the damage....***. They spam the friggin dot untill it procs the bolt so if you cleanse it they will just re apply it. Now I agree that will make them burn some heat, but I have yet to have a good PT run out of heat killing me while i spam my cleanse and heals on myself with hots running as well. I have a 15 percent increase to runspeed while in combat and it is impossible for me to escape them, thats some pretty damn good mobility to me. The only thing I can do to counter is kick them in the nuts cleanse and hop into stealth, unfortunately this only lasts untill they find me again. And they always find me again. If by some chance I do make it out of their pwnage range I will get yoinked back in. 1 vs. 1 I can deal with a PT in a limited capacity, but a well played Pyro PT with the dumbest of dumarses just auto attacking me and I got 0 chance.


They have normal speed, if you go pyro, you have no movement modifiers that make you faster.


Next, the purpose of taking the dot off is so they reapply it. That costs roughly 1/4 action, so two of them would be 1/2... At 1/2 you they have a 3/4 replenish. Assuming that they didn't use any other cd's. Oh, right they probably did, in which case they are going to be much less action. Why does this matter? The replenishment of action decreases the more it is used, the more it is used, sooner or later they can not use any more cd's or they need to manage their damage, thus deterring them from doing high damage attacks.


I assume you are an op/scoundrel, if you have a problem with pyro/assault vanguard/pt... you are doing something VERY wrong.

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They have normal speed, if you go pyro, you have no movement modifiers that make you faster.


Next, the purpose of taking the dot off is so they reapply it. That costs roughly 1/4 action, so two of them would be 1/2... At 1/2 you they have a 3/4 replenish. Assuming that they didn't use any other cd's. Oh, right they probably did, in which case they are going to be much less action. Why does this matter? The replenishment of action decreases the more it is used, the more it is used, sooner or later they can not use any more cd's or they need to manage their damage, thus deterring them from doing high damage attacks.


I assume you are an op/scoundrel, if you have a problem with pyro/assault vanguard/pt... you are doing something VERY wrong.


I play my class very well. Pretty much everyone on the enemy side knows me and I am always target number 1 in warfronts, i can be across the map in huttball from the ballcarrier and they will let him score to come after me. This is not me trying to toot my own horn this is me saying I get attacked a LOT by everyone. I know my class very well, and I know the game very well. There is no other class at the moment that gives me any problems other than PT. I have a feeling that it would not be the same with vanguards because of ammo usage is way faster than heat. I also don't know of any van's who play assault for a living and are good at it. I know a few who have dabbled but mainly play other trees for survivability. I honestly dont think a vanguard can do sustained damage as well as PT's can. EDIT: I mean in the pyro/assault build not in the other trees


As far as your replenishment of action statement goes, perhaps you did not read my post where I said they don't seem to have problems killing me before I even have a chance to cleanse a 2nd time. So your pointing out information I already know and that I already wrote about.


I am not saying all PT's in pyro cause problems for me. I think a lot of them either do not have the proper stats/gear and set bonus's or they just have no clue how to properly press buttons. I am talking about PT's in Pyro who know play the class very well, on my server I know of 2 who still play and 5 that have played total. There has been a huge increase in the number of people playing pyro PT but overall they are pretty crappy and don't cause me any problems.


The original comment about PT not being moblie enough had a lot of inferences about how

screwed they were b/c they lose contact with the target, I assumed this was in reference to them not being mobile enough to keep up with the target. If you are saying they have no movement speed increase then sure, like a lot of the classes in the game they don't have any cool movement modifiers, my comments were more based on the fact that they dont friggin need them. Although they do get some kind of charge don't they? THat imo would be considered a big improvment on mobility than a class like gunsilnger or commando who have absolutely no movement modifying abilites.


The only people on the entire post imo who know what the hell they are talking about have posted simply that PT is ridicuous and they are the only class that they fear. If you notice there was about 4 people who have said this. So obviously some people agree with me. And IMO these are probably some of the better players. People complaining about marauders and tank assasins being OP need to get a clue. Both these classes are manageable they just have nice survival abilites, which don't matter when your a healer or you are healing the target.

Edited by Fexhie
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merc(healing spec) is the most overpowered by far. They cant die as a matter of fact, you can't even shut down their ability to heal others. If you're beating on them they can still keep their teammates at full hp and themselves.


Sorceror healers almost as bad.



the other classes i dont have any major complaints about.

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merc(healing spec) is the most overpowered by far. They cant die as a matter of fact, you can't even shut down their ability to heal others. If you're beating on them they can still keep their teammates at full hp and themselves.


Sorceror healers almost as bad.



the other classes i dont have any major complaints about.


I agree that merc/mando are incredible healers, but its b/c they have some really good cooldowns that they are so hard to kill. Once those cooldowns are done they can rollover pretty easy, it is just getting those 2 million hp out the way thats hard. Sorc's wear cloth so they are pretty squisy even with all the tricks up their sleeves.

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I play my class very well. Pretty much everyone on the enemy side knows me and I am always target number 1 in warfronts, i can be across the map in huttball from the ballcarrier and they will let him score to come after me. This is not me trying to toot my own horn this is me saying I get attacked a LOT by everyone. I know my class very well, and I know the game very well. There is no other class at the moment that gives me any problems other than PT. I have a feeling that it would not be the same with vanguards because of ammo usage is way faster than heat. I also don't know of any van's who play assault for a living and are good at it. I know a few who have dabbled but mainly play other trees for survivability. I honestly dont think a vanguard can do sustained damage as well as PT's can. EDIT: I mean in the pyro/assault build not in the other trees


As far as your replenishment of action statement goes, perhaps you did not read my post where I said they don't seem to have problems killing me before I even have a chance to cleanse a 2nd time. So your pointing out information I already know and that I already wrote about.


I am not saying all PT's in pyro cause problems for me. I think a lot of them either do not have the proper stats/gear and set bonus's or they just have no clue how to properly press buttons. I am talking about PT's in Pyro who know play the class very well, on my server I know of 2 who still play and 5 that have played total. There has been a huge increase in the number of people playing pyro PT but overall they are pretty crappy and don't cause me any problems.


The original comment about PT not being moblie enough had a lot of inferences about how

screwed they were b/c they lose contact with the target, I assumed this was in reference to them not being mobile enough to keep up with the target. If you are saying they have no movement speed increase then sure, like a lot of the classes in the game they don't have any cool movement modifiers, my comments were more based on the fact that they dont friggin need them. Although they do get some kind of charge don't they? THat imo would be considered a big improvment on mobility than a class like gunsilnger or commando who have absolutely no movement modifying abilites.


The only people on the entire post imo who know what the hell they are talking about have posted simply that PT is ridicuous and they are the only class that they fear. If you notice there was about 4 people who have said this. So obviously some people agree with me. And IMO these are probably some of the better players. People complaining about marauders and tank assasins being OP need to get a clue. Both these classes are manageable they just have nice survival abilites, which don't matter when your a healer or you are healing the target.


Getting charge means you can not be pyro. It is just too high on the defensive tree of pt/vanguard.


Mara/sin are a much more viable class than pt. Both classes do as much damage as pt, pt may do better if they didn't have a lower action ceiling.


It just depends on what kind of damage your class does. If your class's biggest hits are ranged/melee attacks, you are going to struggle with assassins. If you have no ability to get away, you are going to have a lot of trouble with mara.


BTW, pt mainly does ranged attacks, which high defense can easily negate. I realize that everyone and their mother swears pt does all elemental attacks, but that simply is not the case.


You take away a pt's dots, they will not do damage, that is a fact. Smart players that know this game inside and out have already figured that out.

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I agree that merc/mando are incredible healers, but its b/c they have some really good cooldowns that they are so hard to kill. Once those cooldowns are done they can rollover pretty easy, it is just getting those 2 million hp out the way thats hard. Sorc's wear cloth so they are pretty squisy even with all the tricks up their sleeves.


merc/commando healers flat 33%+ damage reduction due to heavy armor is the main culprit, though their talent that makes their bubble cause their moves to be uninterruptable is just as bad.

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I play my class very well. Pretty much everyone on the enemy side knows me and I am always target number 1 in warfronts, i can be across the map in huttball from the ballcarrier and they will let him score to come after me. This is not me trying to toot my own horn this is me saying I get attacked a LOT by everyone. I know my class very well, and I know the game very well. There is no other class at the moment that gives me any problems other than PT. I have a feeling that it would not be the same with vanguards because of ammo usage is way faster than heat. I also don't know of any van's who play assault for a living and are good at it. I know a few who have dabbled but mainly play other trees for survivability. I honestly dont think a vanguard can do sustained damage as well as PT's can. EDIT: I mean in the pyro/assault build not in the other trees


As far as your replenishment of action statement goes, perhaps you did not read my post where I said they don't seem to have problems killing me before I even have a chance to cleanse a 2nd time. So your pointing out information I already know and that I already wrote about.


I am not saying all PT's in pyro cause problems for me. I think a lot of them either do not have the proper stats/gear and set bonus's or they just have no clue how to properly press buttons. I am talking about PT's in Pyro who know play the class very well, on my server I know of 2 who still play and 5 that have played total. There has been a huge increase in the number of people playing pyro PT but overall they are pretty crappy and don't cause me any problems.


The original comment about PT not being moblie enough had a lot of inferences about how

screwed they were b/c they lose contact with the target, I assumed this was in reference to them not being mobile enough to keep up with the target. If you are saying they have no movement speed increase then sure, like a lot of the classes in the game they don't have any cool movement modifiers, my comments were more based on the fact that they dont friggin need them. Although they do get some kind of charge don't they? THat imo would be considered a big improvment on mobility than a class like gunsilnger or commando who have absolutely no movement modifying abilites.


The only people on the entire post imo who know what the hell they are talking about have posted simply that PT is ridicuous and they are the only class that they fear. If you notice there was about 4 people who have said this. So obviously some people agree with me. And IMO these are probably some of the better players. People complaining about marauders and tank assasins being OP need to get a clue. Both these classes are manageable they just have nice survival abilites, which don't matter when your a healer or you are healing the target.


so...everyone who agrees with you is awesome, but the vast majority of people who think assassins/maras are OP are nubs.


for your own safety, please get off your high horse.


not to mention "fearing" a class would imply 1v1, which does not matter unless you are a stealther.

Edited by Ryotknife
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so...everyone who agrees with you is awesome, but the vast majority of people who think assassins/maras are OP are nubs.


Congrants, you have just summed up pretty much every thread of on these forums since the game went live.

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Getting charge means you can not be pyro. It is just too high on the defensive tree of pt/vanguard.


Mara/sin are a much more viable class than pt. Both classes do as much damage as pt, pt may do better if they didn't have a lower action ceiling.


It just depends on what kind of damage your class does. If your class's biggest hits are ranged/melee attacks, you are going to struggle with assassins. If you have no ability to get away, you are going to have a lot of trouble with mara.


BTW, pt mainly does ranged attacks, which high defense can easily negate. I realize that everyone and their mother swears pt does all elemental attacks, but that simply is not the case.


You take away a pt's dots, they will not do damage, that is a fact. Smart players that know this game inside and out have already figured that out.


there is so much wrong in here.


1. you can get storm AND HIB spam

2. you cannot take the dots away. sure you can dispel but you have your direct applieable dot + the proc one from your bullets. both can be applied permanently while you cannot dispel alll the time. you'll always have 90% uptime of dots on your enemies even without the many many dots others are putting on the targets.

3. depending on the build most of your damage is ignoring armor. this is not the case with an ironfist like build though, but in tthis case you are damn tough.

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I think it is more of the player then anything. I think marauder defensive cool downs need to be tweaked since they become immortal while they are up but once they are down they die fast.


For PVE I use a jugg tank and PVP I have a tank geared and spec ***, a healing op and might make a maurader or jedi version.

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lets start making a ranking of them by your experience. ill go first.











some of them are a little different in some scenarios for example an operative with surgical probe / surgical precision is very difficult to kill.


im not complaining i am an assassin as my main and i have a 50 marauder as well this is just my experience on class balance. discuss.


Hardest to kill/counter: Forum QQers who cry because anything that killed them must be OP to kill such a l33t player.

Followed closely by: Anyone who plays in a team - not neccessarily a premade group, but the ones who don't behave like this is a game of "let's try to herd cats".

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so...everyone who agrees with you is awesome, but the vast majority of people who think assassins/maras are OP are nubs.


for your own safety, please get off your high horse.


not to mention "fearing" a class would imply 1v1, which does not matter unless you are a stealther.


No, this is purely based on 8 vs. 8 warzones. Top 3 Rep healers on my server can be in the match and the PT will still burn through people like paper. That is why I hate playing vs. them. And that is why they are scary.

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They take the longest to down of all the healers, don't know if I would use the word hard to describe anything in this game.


of course they take longer to kill, because they heal themselves. but while they do that, they don't do any damage, so aside from it taking a little longer than usual, its a free&easy kill...

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sorcs cannot get 5k crits against any 50 toon with expertise, especially not now with the surge nerfs


Only way I've gotten a 5k crit since surge nerf as 31 madness sorc. was from Death Field Crit + Expertise Adrenal + Power Relic upon a low-geared DPS specced classes with guard ability up on another squishy player, and I have to hit both the guarder and the guardee and hope the guard takes a big chunk of the damage (in addition to targeted damage) from the person they're guarding. Getting 5k damage medals has certainly become rare.


Other than that, yes, it's impossible for me to deal 5k+ damage to anyone individually (although I still get some very high damage from chain-shock crits (particularly when a target has a full stack of tracer missile armor debuff and happens to be a squishy target such as marauder/sent, operative/scoundrel, sage/sorc without bubble) totalling ~ 4200-4400 damage, but chain shock is only 45% chance and the damages are considered seperate.

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A marauder/sent CAN kill 2 quick enough (if they are noobs) but he has to be a GOOD marauder a marauder known in the server to be good in that case YOU SEE HIM COMING his invisibility last 4second and i doubt he will waste it to approach...


so if u are NOT SLEEPING you have enough time to say in ops:


and people know to send at least 1 to check


with a shadow when they can sneak in and they can kill 2 as well honestly but the time to react and call help is LESS THEN HALF!!!!




2 marauder = they can be seen easily and call for help

2 shadow = they can sneak hin stun one for long time kill quick the other and while 1 cap the other keep the remaining busy


As for hutball if u stop someone easily he is just BAD at his class end of story you cannot avoid beeing pushed away u cannot avoid beeing pulled away


sorry i dont see ur point you describe rare occasion and exception to put urself on pair of the "normal" things of a shadow can do with 1 button


so in rare occasion you are as cool as a shadow but he does it with no effort and all the time you "may" do it if all ur cooldown are ready you pop this and that.... please look at what u wrote and how can that be OP having to do all those things to reach a similar result of a 1 button?


I wasn't saying Mara was OP'd, was replying to your post about Mara/Sent being less objective-oriented. I was detailing what one specific spec of Mara could do to function as a good defender (carnage). Hell, even Annihilation Maras' Speed-boost increased via spec Predation is a huge objective-based group buff that shouldn't be ignored (however, it will be transferred to the carnage tree with 1.2).

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Not fighting two equaled geared and buffed people. At least not fast enough for a decent team to get someone over to stop your cap. In lvl 50 pug matches it is so easy to melt someone simply because of gear differentials.



There are other classes that do what you describe way better. If any one lets a Mard/Sent pickup the ball from center and walk in it, that is a fail team. You should be pushed, pulled routed in the lava, acid or pit. If I see a Sent or Mard guarding the score when I have the ball, I go leap, push, score. A sents routs aren't going to keep a decent team from scoring, because you can't push them off the ledge.


If the other team is letting you spawn camp in void star they are doing it wrong, or all either under geard noobs


1.) I think I mentioned it being dependant on the AC's of the defenders. Certain classes are extremely short-lived (regardless of gear difference) to the burst damage a carnage Mara can dish out.


2.) I never stated that carnage mara/sent was the BEST hutt-ball defender, and they shouldn't ever be on the defending side for exactly that reason. I was mearly point out that carnage Mara CAN function efficiently (due to have 3x 3s roots) as a defender. Furthermore, a good Mara will always wait until resolve is full and still have undying rage ready prior to charging upon someone on the enemy's side if they have the ball, and typically the goal is to kill a class without incredible CC to be your target to force charge upon (namely, Sage/Sorc, Merc/Commando, Mara/Sent).


3.) I never said spawn camp. I merely mentioned that I wait near the spawn for them to exit so as to use AoE stun, apply roots, and force choke a chunk of the enemies exiting so as to buy time for your teammate planting the bomb. All of which you can accomplish even if YOU are the undergeared person.

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gunslingers/snipers get no stealth. We dont get heals either. great damage and range is not as great as you think.. no different then any other ranged shooter. and very immovable class... our damage comes from kneeling(cover).


P.S. in fact.. PULL has a longer range then our firing range which is BS


just about every class of the 4 have an overpoweredness to it. what we should look at more is what trees that are totally useless and underpowered.


ty for the stealth correction, and I rated sniper/gunslinger as least op, they dont seem to have anything that makes them too powerful, just nice overall dps, hence why they arent even in the top 5.

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GS/sniper should be able to see stealthed players on minimap when they are in cover :)


that would be cool, tbh I see sniper/gunslinger as the weakest class in the game, and their counterpart spec operative/scoundrel strongest. primary reasons being:



Sniper/gunslingers have to attack from distance to be truly effective, easily countered - walk out of range, they have to stay still in cover to do real damage, again easily countered, they have some long channel times on skills, causing less obvious "lolwtfburstdamage?".


Operative/scoundrel, stealth faceroll people with stuns/knockdowns that are far too long lasting, and far too effective, added with very high, consistant burst crit damage, heals that replenish their hp pool, and supreme stealth escapes, they are definitely the king 1v1 class endgame, a team of 8 operatives spamming knife skills and stunlocks is my worst nightmare.

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ty for the stealth correction, and I rated sniper/gunslinger as least op, they dont seem to have anything that makes them too powerful, just nice overall dps, hence why they arent even in the top 5.


Sniper/Gunslingers shine when there are multiples. They synnergize very well together, but tend to be just squishy dps in mixed groups - especially if the group is mostly close-range/moderate ranged. They can be frustratingly powerful if there are 3 in a group, however.


Albeit, even if solo, you shouldn't ignore them. They can dish out very potent dps with a quickness.

Edited by SinnedWill
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