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most overpowered pvp class


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In all honesty, coming from someone who spends a lot of time pvping...


Please keep in mind these are in warzones and not 1v1

Pre 1.2



(healing merc)






(non healing merc)


Post 1.2





(healing op)



(nonhealing op)



As we both agree heal mercs gets removed from the game with 1.2 I wonder why you put merc in general higher on the list after 1.2. Both DpS trees got totally shafted as well. Average DpS reduction of 6-7% and even less survival.

Edited by Niconogood
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Lmao, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever read.


***ANY*** Non Merc/Commando will facemelt a TM/Grav spamming Merc/Mando (period).


They have no interrupt but guess what, YOU DO. Interrupt them and it's game over, they have no other tools in their kit bag.


Ah. This is the kind of thing I see from a lot of people, it's an indicator they don't have much experience going after bounty hunters. I play a 17k Vanguard with interrupt refresh talent, so riot strike can be used every 6 seconds. I can tell you from going after arsenal mercs day in and day out...they will kill me every time unless their gear is gimped. First of all by the time you even realize they are firing at you, you are down 6k hit points. Even if you do interrupt tracer, they will knock you back and snare you (I usually get knocked back twice per fight), firing off another two tracers in the process which should almost kill you. They also have other attacks to kill you with besides tracer, but they don't use them because tracer is so OP and trust me they know it. Having a 1.5 second attack that often crits for 3k is to me the most OP ability in the game. Tracer ignores armor which is what makes it so OP. Unless you play against them you don't understand just how OP they really are.

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2) assassin

3 bounty hutnter

4) sorcerer


outrageaously overpowered, so any average player can easily down everybody else in wz.


obviously, all of the l2p answers of this topic are coming from players of one of those class afraid of the nerf they really deserve.


op class making people unsub? so true!


This from a person whom in another thread can't figure out how to play his class (saying they suck in PvP), and then coming here and saying they are in fact OPed.




[thread=387333]Click Me![/thread]




Obviously, all the qqers of this topic are coming from players who are just really bad at PvP and seek to blame the class and not themselves.

Edited by Sholagar
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I have a hard time with some assasins, I have no idea what spec.

Not comparing against a kill i just simply cannot harm them, i wll take roughly 10/15% of their hp then i usualy die, i use every relic/stims and shields possible.


I am mainly a tank spec Vanguard in BM/champ dps gear so i am not looking to kill anyone solo without help ( it does happen sometimes).

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lets start making a ranking of them by your experience. ill go first.











some of them are a little different in some scenarios for example an operative with surgical probe / surgical precision is very difficult to kill.


im not complaining i am an assassin as my main and i have a 50 marauder as well this is just my experience on class balance. discuss.



this is totaly wrong right now as the game stands this is the order.


operative <--- still able to nearly 1 shot heavy targets with the same gear

powertechs/maurauders <---far to much burst dps

mercs <---- might be defensless but there damage surely aint

sorce/assasins <--- to much untility and CC abilitys

juggs/snipers <--- only have 1 decent ability and it hits to hard



this is pretty much how it goes in the sense of balance right now and this is for people that know how to use there class instead of expecting to beat people by using 10% of their class's abilitys.

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Always depends on the battle-composition...as a melee( especially marauder) Sorcerers are the most op class for you ( talkin´ bout bubble, catwalk knockdown, bubble), while I think marauders extremely hard to kill as a mercenary....but overall I think the sorcerer has the most tools, so I would say they are most op (and annoying...damn, every freakin idiot plays them)
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Always depends on the battle-composition...as a melee( especially marauder) Sorcerers are the most op class for you ( talkin´ bout bubble, catwalk knockdown, bubble), while I think marauders extremely hard to kill as a mercenary....but overall I think the sorcerer has the most tools, so I would say they are most op (and annoying...damn, every freakin idiot plays them)


I'm sorry, but did you just say that Sorcerers are the most OP class from a Maurader's point of view?


You are aware that OP stands for "Over Powered" not "Free Kill", right?


The ability to use terrain to escape does not make a class over powered. Sorcerers are skirmishers. If you focus them they HAVE to run away or else they almost immediately die.

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No class in the game is explicitly overpowered, they ALL have their weaknesses and exploiting them is key to beating any of them. The game isn't designed to be balanced around 1v1, it's still worth realizing that


Operatives and Powertechs lack mobility (PT Tanks less so).


Rage Juggernauts have rage-management problems and animation delay issues and are squishy


Assassin dps are squishy and lack relative control compared to ops


Assassin tanks have poor escape mechanisms and energy management troubles.


Operatives/Snipers and Sorcs are squishy.


Marauders lack 3-d axis control.


Mercs lack an interrupt


Obviously, there are strengths within these classes that offset these weaknesses at times, but knowing them and knowing how the rotations that these classes use work is the key to playing against them. "Know thy enemy", if I may use the old adagio.

Edited by Dracosz
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Every class excels against certain other AC's and this can further be broken down to state that each spec can be countered by certain player actions and or AC specs. However, there are serious issues with two tracer missile/grav round (not the actual classes of merc/commando, just the value of armor reduction, debuff duration, and the fact that everyone benefits from the armorbreak) and leg shot (5s root, 15s cooldown, root is supposed to break on damage after 2s but doesn't appear to - again, sniper/gunslingers aren't OP'd, but this skill can be). The biggest issue with these two attacks/debuffs isn't the fact that they are debilitating from a single person using them, it is what happens when there are multiple people using these same skills upon the same person (i.e. multiple stacks of armor debuff, or in the case of leg shot: perma-root - I've been rooted for 30+ seconds until death without being able to take a single step due to multiple snipers - if you happen to be a melee class, this will render your unable to do anything - and though I've heard that leg shot can be avoided, I notice that I still get hit by it often enough despite the fact that I may have activated defensive cooldowns giving me a total defense chance ~72% via predation, sabre ward + defense chance). Personally, I've never had significant issues with multiple stacks of Juggernaut/Guardian armor debuffs - they seem to reduce armor far less significantly and their armorbreaks can be evaded with defense chance.


I play a Madness Sorc., Carnage Marauder, Tank-sin, Parakeet P-Tech, Marksman Sniper and on all of my classes, both of these attacks from mutliple users of the attack result in devestation (ok, so my Sniper doesn't notice the root issue so much, but I notice its abusability when I use it in conjunction with another sniper on my team).

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Most of you are asking the wrong questions, and so giving the wrong answers. PvP in this game isn't paper-rock-scissors, because --- in its current incarnation --- PvP is less about killing other players and all about winning objectives. The incredible utility of stealth, combined with the fact that all-stealth teams really won't lose much at all (stealth healers, stealth dps, stealth tank), makes the op and assassin OP for serious competitive play come 1.2.
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the list changes depending on your AC


for me i laugh at tank sins' in dps gear


and for those of you laughing at mando combat medics you must not have a single good one on your server.



Power Tech with the HIB spec is the only spec i fear in the game and on my server there are only 5 people that know how to play that class sooo... theres 5 people on my server that are speced to 3 shot kill me.


so my list of top 5 specs that i fear would just be names of people :)

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Ok, more serious post time. Overpowered in what? Most people seem to think "Can beat me in a 1v1 consistently" is the only criteria for overpowered. I don't think any class is particularly overpowered currently. Some classes and specs definitely underperform, and those should be buffed up appropriately. Nerfs are negative, and a cycle of constant nerfing like bioware seems to be falling into is a bad idea because it pisses people off. It's probably just psychological, but I don't get mad when another class that needs a buff gets it, but I do get upset when I get nerfed.
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Most of you are asking the wrong questions, and so giving the wrong answers. PvP in this game isn't paper-rock-scissors, because --- in its current incarnation --- PvP is less about killing other players and all about winning objectives. The incredible utility of stealth, combined with the fact that all-stealth teams really won't lose much at all (stealth healers, stealth dps, stealth tank), makes the op and assassin OP for serious competitive play come 1.2.


I concur.

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No class in the game is explicitly overpowered, they ALL have their weaknesses and exploiting them is key to beating any of them. The game isn't designed to be balanced around 1v1, it's still worth realizing that


Operatives and Powertechs lack mobility (PT Tanks less so).


Rage Juggernauts have rage-management problems and animation delay issues and are squishy


Assassin dps are squishy and lack relative control compared to ops


Assassin tanks have poor escape mechanisms and energy management troubles.


Operatives/Snipers and Sorcs are squishy.


Marauders lack 3-d axis control.


Mercs lack an interrupt


Obviously, there are strengths within these classes that offset these weaknesses at times, but knowing them and knowing how the rotations that these classes use work is the key to playing against them. "Know thy enemy", if I may use the old adagio.



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they made Sentinel/Marauder OP in 1.2 to lower the ammount of CC in game is the class with less CC/PUSH/PULL/SQUASH/LUNCH/KICK AWAY...


once we will have 4/5 Sentinel-Marauder per warzone we will have less CC problem eheheh

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Overpowered would meen a standard pvp player that can win a 2v1 against other average players.

I have only won one 1v2 as a Trooper vanguard (shield tank spec) they must have gone afk :)

But regularly get pwn by sith inquisitors in 1v1 and 2v1 and NO there is no l2p issues i assure you.


so my list is



All the rest seem fairly matched imo.

This may change after ive rolled a inq to find out there secrets.

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they made Sentinel/Marauder OP in 1.2 to lower the ammount of CC in game is the class with less CC/PUSH/PULL/SQUASH/LUNCH/KICK AWAY...


once we will have 4/5 Sentinel-Marauder per warzone we will have less CC problem eheheh


Mara/Sent isn't OP in 1.2 - it is DIFFERENT. Some boons, some banes in all trees. All 3 specs will play slightly different from the way they play right now.

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I play a jugg, immortal spec and I am insulted by the lack of respect we are receiving in this thread. Pvp is all about dps? Juggs do a lot of things that simply do not show up on the stat sheet. Absorbing tons of damage, staying alive and keeping the other team from capping. Taunt, Aoe taunt and guard are game changing and can turn the tide of battle. Juggs dominate in huttball as well. One on one, immortal juggs who are well played should have no problem beating dps classes while healers give me the most trouble, just because of the limited dps i put out. Per game medals, i average between 6 to 10 depending on the game, total damage around 75-125k and protection ranging from 50k to 100k on average. Juggs are the Rodney Dangerfields of pvp, no respect.


Don't pay any attention to the scrubs in this thread its hysterical.


This thread screams I can't kill someone so I'll cry OP.


Immortal Juggernaut is by far the best PVP tank in the game and will be one of the best Rated warzone classes and almost certainly a must or should have.


Anyone saying they suck has literally no idea how to PvP and came from WoW.



And DPS Geared tankasins?!?! Your LOL AoEDPS is gonna get rolled over too.


I sincerely laugh at your Shadow strikes and instant cast force lifts.

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I would say that the only class that is truly broken is the Merc/Commando hybrid healer/damage build. I don't know the exact spec but it goes just far enough up the healing tree that they can single target heal themselves pretty much forever and they can do just enough damage that they will eventually kill anyone who they fight against solo. You need at least 2 players with perfect interrupts to take one down but solo they're impossible to beat.
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Overpowered would meen a standard pvp player that can win a 2v1 against other average players.

I have only won one 1v2 as a Trooper vanguard (shield tank spec) they must have gone afk :)

But regularly get pwn by sith inquisitors in 1v1 and 2v1 and NO there is no l2p issues i assure you.


so my list is



All the rest seem fairly matched imo.

This may change after ive rolled a inq to find out there secrets.


I thought the entire purpose of playing a tank-spec is for survivability, not DPS? In which case, it should make perfect sense to you that you would lose 1v1 to any class that is capable of attacking your soft spots (making them one of the classes you're vulnerable to). Furthermore, a tank-spec (with the exception of shadow/sin) doesn't dish out much dps, and should never really be solo, so tank vs. 2+ situations aren't your strength. In fact, you shouldn't be alone at all as a tank-specced VG - always roam with at least a DPS or a Healer to actually function in your spec and utilize all of your abilities instead of coming here and crying "overpowered" due to losing because:

1.) You fought a class that excels against you.

2.) You weren't even playing your class correctly.


"NO there is no l2p issues i assure you." Um... what? You're crying overpowered about something, claiming this despite the reasons above? Sure, you might think you don't need to l2p because you can beat other AC's/Specs 1v1 despite being a tank-specced VG, but you really shouldn't be having many solo encounters at all as your AC/spec.

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"NO there is no l2p issues i assure you." Um... what? You're crying overpowered about something, claiming this despite the reasons above? Sure, you might think you don't need to l2p because you can beat other AC's/Specs 1v1 despite being a tank-specced VG, but you really shouldn't be having many solo encounters at all as your AC/spec.



People don;t understand this concept of performing a role or job in PvP. Everyone just wants to tank/heal/dps in one class and thinks its the "right way" cause you can get a lot of medals in warzones.



Balanced groups > Hybrids


Its these same people that also farm DPS numbers in huttball and interrupt CC on the regular usually. Basically vocal baddie pugs.

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