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most overpowered pvp class


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BM geared well played Marauder/Sentinel's are extremely dangerous right now. They are so annoying and can stick to people like glue...or better yet napalm burning any thing they want down at the moment. Unbelievably they are getting buffed next patch while other classes are getting nerfed. Its going to be swell.
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Anyone here trying dueling all classes as their class to offer actual insightful input?


A lot of opinions here.


Its sad how a mass opinions on a forum help the devs to consider that as a fact.


I would like to see a video of a commando, gunnery spec face an operative. I think that is imbalanced.

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BM geared well played Marauder/Sentinel's are extremely dangerous right now. They are so annoying and can stick to people like glue...or better yet napalm burning any thing they want down at the moment. Unbelievably they are getting buffed next patch while other classes are getting nerfed. Its going to be swell.


I think the devs are trying to pigeon hole the winning classes.


Everyone should be rerolling for 1.2 legacy, and incase you did not get the memo... you should roll maruaders!


Also play them quick enough before the next patch when we balance another class to be the flavor of the month.


I thought the flavor of the month was suppose to be a small imbalance, and not a major... if the maruaders are already a great class 1vs1, then buffing them more should be interesting indeed.

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Anyone here trying dueling all classes as their class to offer actual insightful input?


A lot of opinions here.


Its sad how a mass opinions on a forum help the devs to consider that as a fact.


I would like to see a video of a commando, gunnery spec face an operative. I think that is imbalanced.


Meh, I'm not sure dueling would be all that informative, at least not if you are planning on doing group PvP. Certain class specs aren't really good for 1 vs 1 fights but they add a lot to group situations -like pure healer or tank specs for example. Fighting a healer in a duel is much different than fighting a healer with group buffs, that's guarded, when you are taunted and have a dps class shooting you in the back, you know?


Plus I'm not sure the devs really need mass opinion when they have data. I'm sure they don't want lots of people getting frustrated and quitting but I doubt they take every opinion as fact.

Edited by MorgonKara
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Meh, I'm not sure dueling would be all that informative, at least not if you are planning on doing group PvP. Certain class specs aren't really good for 1 vs 1 fights but they add a lot to group situations -like pure healer or tank specs for example. Fighting a healer in a duel is much different than fighting a healer with group buffs, that's guarded, when you are taunted and have a dps class shooting you in the back, you know?


Plus I'm not sure the devs really need mass opinion when they have data. I'm sure they don't want lots of people getting frustrated and quitting but I doubt they take every opinion as fact.


The problem is you have pointed out is that in a group setting classes are more influential with each other increasing the ouput as a group.


The problem with that is, that if a person is not fmailair with that, or is not being guarded or healed then the classes in a group, or semi group setting will affect peoples opinions of how their classes are balanced. Then we, or the devs have to assume that the buffs such as guard, and wards etc are obvious enough that people will notice them that when they see them theya re iconic enough to notice a difference. Thus, if they notice a change, the more they notice the difference the more they will understand the advatage/disadvatages.


However, the buffs are not obvious. So people a lot of the time will base thier opinions on things that they may not understand.


Then, as you said certain classes are not 1vs1... that makes no sense.


All classes should be 1vs1 or at least close to 1vs1 status that will the right timing, or environment they can have a chance to win. For certain classes it looks like zero chance to win against another class. Also, a lot of the warzone ques require random people, so having a team be so integral to winning and balancing the classes seems wrong as well.


I am having a bad experience with teams as of lately. I dont mind going solo, but I cant.


In a team, we lose raids/ops/HM FP becuase of others etc, and now in pvp the same situation. Its becoming tiresome that even in pvp I cant stand my ground to shine at something for the effort I put in. In some cases I do well, but being completely shut down by another class is not cool at all.

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I don't know what to tell you. People that know how to work as a team are going to do better than people that do not, no matter what. If you play in a group PvP setting like you are solo and you don't work with your team you're not going to do well. C'est la vie -that's PvP.
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I keep hearing people saying Marauder are harder to play so it's normal they are more powerful.


Are you serious?


Like some other here, I tried to play every class to 50 so I can verify if something is true or not.


And trust me, Marauder arent harder to play then most other class. Sure if you compare to Sorc/sage, they are hard. It's not a feat.


But compare them to scoundrel, GS with LoS, Tank Vanguard and guardian. They aren't harder then any of those class. I have as many keybind on my Gunslinger then my Marauders.


Play a Sabotage Gslinger and tell me you don't have to micro manage cooldown and use 20-30 abilities.



Now if you compare those 2 :


With my marauders, I can win 1 vs 2 most of the time, and leave with a good chunck of health. If I'm doing well, I can win 3 vs 1 sometime.


No other class I play can do that. And please guys, don't judge your marauders before you get good gear. They are gear dependant, once they have them, they are on a different level.



And all of this, is pre 1.2 :)


Edit : Can you guys tell me what's your situaiton on your server? On mine, since the 1.2 patch note got out, we have a Wave of new Sentinel. Its crazy in those Warzone :D

Edited by kardiamond
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I dont think the classes are OP but I do believe the Protection and Healing are OP in this game causing staltemates if both sides have protection and healing going on. But if only one side has it going on its an immediate missmatch and the proof is evident in the stats at the end of the game.
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I dont think the classes are OP but I do believe the Protection and Healing are OP in this game


Only if dpsers are intellectually handicapped. However considering that is the crowd that DPS often draws this is the case most of the time.

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and any class that can take the elements of huttball out of the equation like consular/inquis are too op.


the elements should kill you or be almost fatal, not just be avoided by a lame shield ability.



that's all.


I agree with this wholeheartedly it's the primary reason so many people hate huttball.

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If you mean OP as in OVER PLAYED... then yes SI. Only reason Imps ever steam roll is when the team is made up of 75% SI's. (Which is 90% of the time).


Well that should be a handicap not a bonus though, unless of course the class is OP.


If a team is almost all 1 class their should be gaps, but sorcs/sages are jack of all trades and masters of several.

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Only if dpsers are intellectually handicapped. However considering that is the crowd that DPS often draws this is the case most of the time.


Damn that was harsh. If you have two to four healers constantly healing each other it becomes ridiculously powerful combined with protection. DPS drops for the other side quickly. Its an obvious problem and if you dont see that the intellectually handicapped is you.


There is no need to be rude about things. Maybe a couple of years of growing up is in order.

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The most overpowered class is the guy who offloaded his death to you. That is, you see this guy losing badly in a fight, and then he uses some trick to escape the fight so that his pursuer killed you instead. You either have to become one of those guys or you will always be worse than they are just because you're eating the deaths that should've gone to another guy. Operatives and Sorcerers tend to excel at doing this, which makes their class appear to be more overpowered than it should be relative to their power, though this is applicable to all classes. Basically the more time you spent running away, the more overpowered you'd appear on leaderboard because you're actually lowering everyone else's production.
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Sounds like you're doing something wrong. Tank spec Assassins/Shadows can put out quite a lot of damage, and not just from aoe skills.


Not to mention the insane damage they can dish out if equiped with dps gear while running tank spec.


Imo the damage penalty should be higher than 5% and I would suspect that will be something on Bioware's radar for future tweaks. If it's not then it should be. Compare the damage output of Shadows and Assassins combined with their high survivability with the noticeably lower damage of tank spec Powertechs/Vangaurds, Juggers and Guards.





I would agree with this. I think "overpowered" is far too strong a word. There are minor balance issues that will need to be tweaked, and we'll no doubt see them almost every update for a while to come as they take in ongoing feedback on the classes.


You guys have no idea what you are talking about. I have a BM geared Tankasin and yes I can 1 v 1 any class but its because of survivability and self heal..Not because I have some mythical OMG dps crits! LMAO.. you prob got hit by a dps spec assassin and assumed it was a tankasin. Tankasins burst has to be set up. Its not on command.



Also If you are making a judgement call based on WZ #s then you are again mistaken. Tankasins have AOE spam and survivability so they will score well in Wz's.


And no im not bad..Im very very good.. But I also do very well on my sent sorc and sniper. Try dueling ...Its a great tool to help you get better in game.

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This is a myth. I really haven't had any issues with my Marauder or Sentinel, I'm sure some players may have an issue but really it is not an overly difficult class to play well.




What is a myth?



I can guarantee that a Sorcerer is both easier to play, and more powerful than a Maurader (group play).



Now, I have no problem with some classes being harder to play. In fact, I prefer playing the Maurader, and enjoy that most Mauraders I come across are average at best. But the Sorcerer class is borderline 'face-roller' material compared to a Maurader.

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No OP classes in PVP, just great, average and bad players.




Play a Guardian and even though our class is said to be subpar, I can hold my own. It's all about how well you get to know your class. It's like your girlfriend, you have to know everything about her ;].

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In all honesty, coming from someone who spends a lot of time pvping...


Please keep in mind these are in warzones and not 1v1

Pre 1.2



(healing merc)






(non healing merc)


Post 1.2





(healing op)



(nonhealing op)



^ I agree with this.

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while ill say no class is OP to all classes i will say people with the ability to cc while still staying in stealth have an outrageous advantage. i have literally been cc'd 7 times in a row by the same stealth guy before he grew the balls to leave stealth. (i could use my cc break but he would just restealth and cc me again) leaving me screwed. so i had to wait for him to get bored.


now im not saying they have the advantage when attacking, like in voidstar anyone who thinks about how to stop the cc and cap will realize pretty quickly all u have to do is stand by the pillars and face the door. (making the walk to long for 1 person to cc and cap)

but the whole cc'd constantly by 1 stealth person defending a door while he calls for backup is pretty ridiculous.


im not qq'ing, but being able to cc without breaking stealth is definitely over powered in pvp

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