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most overpowered pvp class


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Balancing PVP in a PVE game is exceedingly difficult.


Why? Because you need tanks, healers and dps to bring down a boss with 2M hitpoints in a 15 minute ops fight and at the same time you want these same classes to compete against each other in PvP fights that last maybe 10-20 secs.


It can't be done - at least not as long as NPC's are predictable dumb meatbags and cannot act more like players - this of course, would requires Artificial Intelligence, which is a whole lot harder to develop then, lets' say, expertise gear.


So, in games like SWTOR, you will always have classes who are OP and classes who are UP by various degrees.

No gear tampering and no nerfs/buffs will truly fix this.


It's very easy to know which class or classes are OP - those that are played the most, of course! :D


The class or classes that you consistently encounter in great numbers, warzone after warzone, those are the ones that are (currently) OP.


People can lie, but statistics doesn't.

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1) tank assassins


They stand alone as the only class that appears to me in my experience as possibly being OP.


Their ability to avoid damage via tank spec, heal damage via lightning and deal damage via lightning just seems a bit much to me. Combine that with excellent utility *stealth/push/speed* and it stands out.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I play a jugg, immortal spec and I am insulted by the lack of respect we are receiving in this thread. Pvp is all about dps? Juggs do a lot of things that simply do not show up on the stat sheet. Absorbing tons of damage, staying alive and keeping the other team from capping. Taunt, Aoe taunt and guard are game changing and can turn the tide of battle. Juggs dominate in huttball as well. One on one, immortal juggs who are well played should have no problem beating dps classes while healers give me the most trouble, just because of the limited dps i put out. Per game medals, i average between 6 to 10 depending on the game, total damage around 75-125k and protection ranging from 50k to 100k on average. Juggs are the Rodney Dangerfields of pvp, no respect.


LOVE the "average between 6 to 10 medals per game". The 40% differential really makes sense for a base average.


S E X Panther! Works 50% of the time, every time! :cool:

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That post was made before 1.2, where awards for medals were capped at 4 medal. So 6 to 10 medals in todays terms is more like 10-14 or so, which is good enough to show you did a decent contribution to the WZ.
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LOVE the "average between 6 to 10 medals per game". The 40% differential really makes sense for a base average.


S E X Panther! Works 50% of the time, every time! :cool:


*60% of the time, it works every time.


I'll play your game, but you should have called it PvP pecking order:


-Powertech: pyro and tank trees are boss in all situations

-Marauder: best def cooldowns in game dps rivaling PT's

-Assassins: tank, dps, hybrid, all boss, useful in all situations

-Operative: best heals, undying, though dps is forgettable

-Snipers: resilient as hell, anti-melee, crazy aoe and single target burst, hard to focus

-Sorcs: great utility, dps is still good, great for huttball

-Juggs: huttbal champs.... that's about it.

-Mercenaries: Good heals. Can do good dps if baby sat. Easiest to shut down.


I'm a little unsure if sniper's should be ranked higher, but this is my list of importance in a warzone at least. Of course pro players can be the top dog with any of these classes, but the handicaps still apply.


GW2 is sexy.

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i HATE the counter argument that "there isn't any OP classes, just great, average and bad players"


it's just as ignorant as saying there are OP classes


people need to understand these two go hand in hand


the fact of the matter of is...to avoid trolls and idiotic arguments like above, all you have to theororize is the following:


grab 10 GREAT players and let them play each class, this will throw the argument that there's "great, bad, average players" out the window


from there, you will realize that certain classes are lacking in comparison to other classes as far as group utility goes


i think i've played both ends of the spectrum, full BM assassin and full BM mercenary, and I can honestly say i easily feel like i can sway the outcome of a wz while playing my sin moreso than my merc, that's not to say that the merc is a bad class or i'm bad at merc, it's just to say that assassins can just do far much more (run ball in huttball, stealth cap/defend in voidstar, etc.) as opposed to merc (heal your allies, punt ppl off ledges)...and not to digress but once you start getting focused as a merc healer you're pretty much done if the enemy knows what its doing


frankly, when i'm on my assassin tank, i laugh and feel bad for mercenaries, they stand zero chance against me, snipers give me some trouble cause of the cover mechanic, punt/root, marauders give me trouble if they're really good/specced right, dps operatives are a joke (easy to beat), heal operatives are stupid OP (only class i'll say is OP right now, op heals), sorcs are 50/50, juggernauts are 50/50, powertechs are 50/50


marauders are also nasty, i don't care that they can bust out a ton of dps, but their utility is just too much, they get EVERYTHING, interrupt, stealth, 3 def cooldowns, hots in the form of dots, survivability on this class is through the roof...

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No class is overpowered if you work well in as a team.


This sort of comment is only partly true. Sadly it is being overused as an attempt to smother any reasonable discussion about game balance. You should read the comment that rotatofur posted two posts above yours. ;)

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Mara hands down, best defensive cooldowns, best burst, and the most interupts

Assassin with dps gear in tank, herp derp I have the best of both worlds!

Powertech, because their fire shi*t and dots never ever go away....even with cleanses...***...

Edited by ChilinNkilin
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No class in the game is explicitly overpowered, they ALL have their weaknesses and exploiting them is key to beating any of them. The game isn't designed to be balanced around 1v1, it's still worth realizing that


Operatives and Powertechs lack mobility (PT Tanks less so).


Rage Juggernauts have rage-management problems and animation delay issues and are squishy


Assassin dps are squishy and lack relative control compared to ops


Assassin tanks have poor escape mechanisms and energy management troubles.

Operatives/Snipers and Sorcs are squishy.


Marauders lack 3-d axis control.


Mercs lack an interrupt


Obviously, there are strengths within these classes that offset these weaknesses at times, but knowing them and knowing how the rotations that these classes use work is the key to playing against them. "Know thy enemy", if I may use the old adagio.


Wouldn't exactly agree here. Darkness gives you a shorter cooldown on Force Speed, Force Shroud, and Force cloak. If you're getting multi-banged from all sides, Shroud/Cloak/Force Speed away to Seethe up. This combo often allows Sins to stay alive for very long periods in a WZ

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lets start making a ranking of them by your experience. ill go first.


assassin - 2

sorcerer - 8

marauder - 1

powertech - 3

mercenary - 7

operative - 6

sniper - 4

juggernaut - 5


some of them are a little different in some scenarios for example an operative with surgical probe / surgical precision is very difficult to kill.


im not complaining i am an assassin as my main and i have a 50 marauder as well this is just my experience on class balance. discuss.


Fixed - All classes are assumed to be in the correct spec for PvP, with equal gear, equal skill between keyboard and chair and in 1V1 situations from start to end of encoutners

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Fixed - All classes are assumed to be in the correct spec for PvP, with equal gear, equal skill between keyboard and chair and in 1V1 situations from start to end of encoutners


Switch 1 and 2 and you're perfect.

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I find myself on the fence between the people who say there is overpowerededness (spelling mishaps on purpose here) and those who say they aren't. I'll be honest Im not amazing at pvp, most likely a happy average and haven't had the chance to pvp at 50 much (zez-kai-ell is pretty much a dead server) but between my marauder (lvl 50) powertech (pyro lvl 40) Sorc (lvl11) Assassin (lvl19)on zez and my sentinel (lvl 23) on canderous there are variations of how I feel on classes.


I agree, marauders/sentinels (considering they're about the same) area powerful class in pvp, when not worrying about fighting healers and or tank spec classes. Fighting multiple people or in a big ole shuffle usually means quick death most times. In most 1 on 1 situations, most likely a big win for me issue obviously is focus/rage management etc. but we hit hard. Although they get resists and some other nifty pvp abilities, I feel typically squishy, have a lower health pool, and not really having a stun ability is kinda frustrating. I feel like I have to do work in order to get medals and kills and junk.


Sorc: Haven't played much pvp obviously lvl 11 cant do much but I feel squishy :/


Assassin: If I can get behind someone, pretty much dead, again kinda squishy but viable and dont have to work so hard to get medals.


Powertech: I will openly say 10 out of 11 times on zez in the 1-49 bracket I will win on a 1 v 1 oppurtunity, its about 40/60 when its me vs. 2 others. It doesnt take me much to rack up 10+ medals a match and quite frankly I dont feel like im trying very hard to kill people or to obtain objectives. I also dont feel like a ragdoll and its kinda fun being able to shoot people from a distance and still be able to rock out with my dong out in close range.


Obviously based on my rants...the only 2 classes I have real experience with have the most said about them. I strongly feel that powertech's have an incredible advantage when used correctly to dominate in 1 v 1 situations and is fairly easy to rack up damage medals in a hurry (I think I have like 20-40 screen shots of me doing over 250K+ damage and honestly i didnt even try that hard). Again I really am not that impressive at PvP and I dont want to pretend I know much but I do feel that because of the ease of using my powertech that theres a good chance in pvp situations its a bit more powerful, perhaps even a bit too roll face for me

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Wouldn't exactly agree here. Darkness gives you a shorter cooldown on Force Speed, Force Shroud, and Force cloak. If you're getting multi-banged from all sides, Shroud/Cloak/Force Speed away to Seethe up. This combo often allows Sins to stay alive for very long periods in a WZ


one thing i find disgusting about sorcs/sages vs mercs/commandos is they get an aoe punt that roots enemies, and on top of that a sprint (that breaks snares/roots mind you) on a 30 sec CD...while mercenary gets 1 real punt that only snares the enemy


i don't understand what mercs/commandos have to offset this huge escape benefit for sorcs/sages

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Switch 1 and 2 and you're perfect.


Nah with the I win button they have and the dmg they do, 9/10 I'd put my money on the mara. WIth the RNG being responsible for Mr 1/10


*The I win button is fine, it's only an I win button at the moment with the dmg they do, so please don't start crying about it. :cool: Hint save at least 1 stun for when they get a nice red oval (not a circle now, or when they turn red, ze red oval) around them and run out of range (or try to :rolleyes: ) while you wait the 6 seconds for all of your nice abilities that go boom to come off CD :D This method was possible before they got some more dmg. :mad:


Also if they are jumpie jumpie spec'd and not dotie dotie they are easier (only a little) to kill, if they are dottie dotie, all they can see is numberssssss everywhere. :p


Again 1V1 from start to end of encounter.

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I have a marauder, pyro and assassin.


I can't rate others because I don't play them and they seem to die very quickly anyway.


1 - Pyro

2 - Mara

3 - Assassin


Assassin may not be able to kill as well but the versatility of pull while stealth, and force cloak + speed or fc + vanish is amazing.

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I hear its a good idea to post garbage like this, I mean why not give BW a reason to completely destroy more classes based on bad players ...


Seriously 1.3 will be something along the lines of

"Well sins/shadows weren't quite where we wanted them so were gunna go ahead and buff their dmg and defence by 100%".

"Healers are still healing for far to much so were just gunna go ahead and take armor away from them and leave them all with 1 heal on a 30 sec CD".

"Were looking forward to buffing up Mauraders/sents again as well, to bring them up to par with the new sins/shadows".

"Were happy to report all other classes are right where we would like them .... collecting dust on the login"


Keep crying the sky is falling because even when you think they will nerf what you believe to be OP they will do a complete 180 and nerf your class just because.


Yes I'm bitter

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