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Should brackets be added with cross server warzones?


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Like 10-19, 20-29 etc. Adding them before would make que times terrible, but come cross server, it becomes more viable. So should they be added or would most be happy just leaving them as is?


I'm leaning towards having level brackets.

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When game-wide queues arrive, bioware should probably create a class balancing algorithm that equals the # of classes/specs per warzone, instead. That would go much further in creating fair-play in pickup unranked matches than balancing levels. The number of high level noobs is staggering.

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No, we don't get to know people on our servers as it is, no need to separate people.


This never made sense to me.


Either your server is big so there are too many people for you to know, which means your queues are already fast so you don't care (I'm in this boat) or your server is dead so you probably do know everybody, just your warzones pretty much never pop.


Either way cross server doesn't matter to you. Except if it makes the queues longer for group 1, I would be rather annoyed. Many of us rolled on the most populated server on purpose to get quick queues.


I always thought rated warzones should be cross server. The idea of rating is to, well, rate everyone. You can't crown a top team if you only have it by server. Instead you have to put the server name next to the teams and then have them all go at it. It's like sports, the goal is to be the best in the world, not just the best in your state or nation.

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