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Force Choke


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Wil someone weigh in on Force Choke? For the last week I have noticed it doesnt work 90% of the time anymore. I dont know if its bugged or if players have figured out how to break it. I am clicked on an enemy and use force choke and even though my animation comes up, they just walk away. It never does any damage or lifts anyone up any more.
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Wil someone weigh in on Force Choke? For the last week I have noticed it doesnt work 90% of the time anymore. I dont know if its bugged or if players have figured out how to break it. I am clicked on an enemy and use force choke and even though my animation comes up, they just walk away. It never does any damage or lifts anyone up any more.


As a Jedi Shadow, I believe we have an ability called Resilience that lasts 5 secs and 100% chance to avoid force attacks. Or could be their resolve bar is full when you're doing it.

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Wil someone weigh in on Force Choke? For the last week I have noticed it doesnt work 90% of the time anymore. I dont know if its bugged or if players have figured out how to break it. I am clicked on an enemy and use force choke and even though my animation comes up, they just walk away. It never does any damage or lifts anyone up any more.


Some clarification questions:


1. are you specced for Force Choke to be unchanneled?

1a. are you moving before the channel is finished?


2. do they have full resolve bars? i.e. the bar that circles the player's picture, is it full white or receding white?


3. when are you attempting to use it? Some AC's have abilities that make them immune to CC for a short time such as a Jugg can spec to be immune to CC for 4 seconds after a Force Leap, if you are attempting to choke them then it will fail.


4. Tab targeting is a nightmare and sometimes the person in front of you may not be the one you have targetted, is it possible that sometimes the person you thought was going to be affected wasn't because of the targetting issues?


5. this is an issue you are having in PVP yes? It's in the PVP forums but thought I'd make sure. If NPC's are ignoring your Force Choke that needs to be reported immediately.

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Dunno if its a bug, but sometimes i get choked and the guy moves around and starts beating me before the choking ends.


If not a bug this must be some kind of exploit or hacking.



That is not a bug, exploit, or hacking.


Juggs/Guardians can spec into an ability that allows their choke to do its business without having to channel it... so it is possible to get choked and have the guy moving around, beating on you, or using a different channeled ability such as Ravage/Master Strike.


Marauders/Sentinels can't do that... only a certain spec of Jugg/Guardian.

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Also, if there are any other players around that have a clue, they'll use their interupt on you. Really annoys me when I'm being force choked and 3 of my tyeammates just attack the guy doing it instead of interupting :/
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Also, if there are any other players around that have a clue, they'll use their interupt on you. Really annoys me when I'm being force choked and 3 of my tyeammates just attack the guy doing it instead of interupting :/


well interrupt only works against channeled spell/skill and tanks can make it so its not channeled...so thats not gonna work agains them :p but the others sure.

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Also, if there are any other players around that have a clue, they'll use their interupt on you. Really annoys me when I'm being force choked and 3 of my tyeammates just attack the guy doing it instead of interupting :/


I don't interrupt or trinket force choke; I save it for Ravage/Master Strike. Maybe I'm doing it wrong /shrug.

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as some ppl have mentioned on this post removal of the force choke is quiet possible senario or you are trying to use this skill when resolve is full or reducing(and only gaining .5 a second choke)


there are some very good posts on the forums explaining resolve cant be bothered looking for it to post but worth a read if your not sure ur attempting cc correctly.



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