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Self-cast key


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There is one already, it's called something like "Target Self Modifier". The bad news is that it's just like other keybinds in that you can't bind Shift, Alt or Ctrl to it as one might want. To get that you'll have to program your keyboard layout to act like F.E. Alt and Home were swapped. Edited by tkinnunzero
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Not missing. Default is mapped to home. As the previous poster mentioned, you cannot map to shift, ctrl or alt. Z or X work well as they are in the same general area and as default just have you either toggle your weapon or sit down.


wow, default is mapped to Home? What kind of keyboard do the BioWare developers play on? Z and X really don't work because they are used for keybinds already. Guess I'll have to use third-party software!


lol gg

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I just moved the bind to mouse button 4. Or is it five. Eh... my trackball has two extra buttons next to the left button. page back or forward I think they are called. The top one for targeting me or my companion, the bottom one for targeting other people in the party. Now... if only they had a way to make it target only PLAYERS, and not NPCs... Getting real tired of trying to heal someone and instead healing some friendly NPC.
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Why not press F1 to target yourself? Or if you want to heal, just... heal. If you don't have anyone selected, you'll heal yourself.


I came looking for this today and glad for the info.... To answer your last question I will have to refer to my own mistakes. Was healing and had the tank targeted started taking damage so i held down shift and started healing.... THEN BAM I was dead and so so so confused. Even after 3 years of playing no MMOs it was just reaction. Bummer deal I have to do alot to get back my alt button : (

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