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Is it better to just wait for 1.3 before creating a new character?


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After reading this, as well as other write-ups regarding 1.2, It has came to my conclusion that the more.....interesting Legacy experience bonuses comes in 1.3, not 1.2.


I was holding off of creating my next character until 1.2 hits but now I am thinking about just waiting for 1.3.


What do you think?


How long off is 1.3?

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why the HELL do I want the ability to reset my skill tree in the field?


Really? I really hope this isn't Biowares solution to wanting dual spec.


"Hold on guys, let me reset all my skills and reset my tool bar for tank spec."

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why the HELL do I want the ability to reset my skill tree in the field?


Really? I really hope this isn't Biowares solution to wanting dual spec.


"Hold on guys, let me reset all my skills and reset my tool bar for tank spec."


Dual-Spec won't come until 2013.

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why the HELL do I want the ability to reset my skill tree in the field?


Really? I really hope this isn't Biowares solution to wanting dual spec.


"Hold on guys, let me reset all my skills and reset my tool bar for tank spec."


It is optional.


Why the hell do I need some practice dummy to try to simulate a human character? I don't, so therefore I won't buy it.


Really simple. :)

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After reading this, as well as other write-ups regarding 1.2, It has came to my conclusion that the more.....interesting Legacy experience bonuses comes in 1.3, not 1.2.


I was holding off of creating my next character until 1.2 hits but now I am thinking about just waiting for 1.3.


What do you think?


How long off is 1.3?


Instead of me reading an ign arcticle which tbh I cba to do, why don't you quickly explain what is coming in 1.3 that you think makes it better for rolling a new character.

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It really depends. Have you been through your faction of choice a million times? Do you want a specific race that isn't available for you alt's class?


If no to both, make it now. If yes to the second one, wait for 1.2. If yes to the first one, wait for 1.3 because oh god I am not touching my Mercenary until I can give him an XP boost.

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Thanks for the replies!


After thinking about it last night, I decided that I will just go and create my next character when 1.2 comes out and enjoy the new features that it brings. By the time 1.3 comes out, it would probably be in about 3-4 months and in that time span, I would have probably grown tired of playing with my new character and 1.3 would give me a great starting point to create my next character after that [4th character overall] and like 1.2, 1.3 would give me another fresh experience and so on.


Say what you want to say about SWTOR, one of the great things that this MMO does that no other MMO has ever been able to accomplish is giving the player a reason/incentive to creating new characters and leveling them to max level. And people want to say that SWTOR doesn't do anything innovative.....

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Dear Bioware,

Why was I not sent an in-game message saying "Hey, your entire skill tree is about to be reset!" The key phrase being "about to be" and not "already"... Had I known that my entire skill tree for my War Hero lvl50 INQ was about to be reset, hey, maybe I would have, I dunno, WRITTEN IT DOWN? TAKEN A SCREENSHOT??? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


WARN your customers before you do something like that. I told a buddy of mine you guys were tempting fate releasing 1.2 day-before Friday the 13th. I can't believe I was stupid enough to spend $175 pre-ordering the CE box for this game now that I know how Bioware doesn't respect their players enough to disseminate VITAL game information IN-GAME. They don't put cigarette warning labels on the back of stop signs, they put them on packs of cigarettes.


It took me a couple of hours making decisions about where points were going to go, deciding how my INQ should be spec'd out to match my particular style of play. This is strike 2. Strike 1 was how game update 1.1 kept crashing my $5000 pc. I'm so PO'd right now, I couldn't give a damn how cool Novare Coast is going to be... I HAVE TO SPEND AN HOUR OR TWO REDOING MY SKILL TREE.


This being my first MMO, I'd like to leave an open question to the forums: was the community abused this callously in WoW or that LOTR game, or that Star Trek game that flopped?



Tony Snodgrass

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