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The Hacks are strong with this one !


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Everytime I go into VoidStar there is always 1 person who can cap the door at lightning speed and unbomb a door even with the whole other team on him/her without being interupted.

This does not happen just once or twice but almost everytime we do Voidstar are the Alderaan turrent zone ...........


1. Does Bioware check for 3rd party tool users ?

2. Do Bioware even care ?


The people who seem to being using some kinda speed hacks are still playing weeks after a friend of mine reported them , and still able to cap doors and turrents with np at all even with groups of people on them .


I am not going to name names or even the server but really it is getting out of hand .

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on bassilik droid 2 on 3 wz someone is using hacks.. there are some players who are well known on hacking, more, we have videos when they are doing it.. and of course they were reported, and guess what.. Bioware did nothing to stop them! This guys are still playing.
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So why not report them yourself to? if multiple ppl do something tells me maybe it would go quicker?


IMO reporting shouldn't really be needed as:


1. The hacks are extremely easy to find, which means BioWare should have no problem investigating how they work and come up with possible countermeasures.


2. Given the extensive and thorough metrics available, BioWare should be able to construct a way to detect the use of hacks as they occur and automatically insta-ban or at the very least auto-flag those players.


Personally, I'm more into PvP than PvE and the amount of hacks available for pretty much all aspects of PvP is just ridiculous.


Hopefully BioWare will be able to rid PvP of at least the majority of these disgusting elements.

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