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My crew skill missions aren't proceeding to the next tier..


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the 60- diplomacy is the issue, level up diplomacy and you'll get higher level missions. i assume the levels stated are an estimate of where you will get to at what level.


but if you dont have higher missioons in diplomacy, from what i have seen make dipomacy level higher seems to be the solution.

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Ok here is how it works each ten points in your crew skill is relevent to your level starting from level 7. So when you get your crew skill to 100 you may then do the next tier of missions. It has nothing to do with your level. The 17-24 is the level of items that you will recieve.
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There are no tiers in the crafting skills. Your crafting skill 1-400 determines what items you can gather for the gathering skills. But the gear or crafted item is based on usable charater level. So if you craft a level 25 item your character cannot use it until level 25. Normally about every 20 points in your crafting skill will get you new items to craft. Just go see your craft skill trainer to get the next item schematics (they will cost you some credits and get more exspenive will your skill increase), or buy rare ones from the GTN.

Now your gathering skill points will determine what you can harvest. Scavenging for example, if your scavenging skill is at 10 you can only scavenge desh piles, once you get over a 30 skill you can scavenge the next "tier level" item. The item you try to harvest will tell you the skill points you need to be at to be able to collect that item. This goes for all your gathering skills.

As far a mission skills, you can only go on those skills that are available to your in your menu. If you purchase a mission skill at the GTN then its use is based on your mission skill points. Your sjkill points have to equal to or higher than the number next to the mission point level to use and they, i believe, are only one time use. but they get you unique items.

Edited by Skarac
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My character was level 19, and my Underworld did not advance to Tier 2 until I hit 66. It may be 65 as I was at 64 points and I was only offered Tier 1 quests and I gained 2 points to get to 66, so not sure where the cut off point is.


Anyway, keep leveling the skill, it will advance at some point.

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I'm having this issue too. My Underworld Trading skill is 53, but I'm still stuck on the first tier of missions. Do I just need to keep leveling it?


EDIT: Yes, I had to keep leveling the skill. I've been grinding it for the last little while and I unlocked the next tier.

Edited by AdmiralOnasi
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This crew skill system should have indicators at the tier changes.. honestly, there's no rhyme or reason as to what you're working for.


I need materials for Artifice that Archaeology can make and there's no indication when I'll be able to make it. :confused:

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1. Nice necro

2. They REALLY need to replace the lvl range shown in the dropdown with the grade of the mats/items you get. Maybe level range in parenthesis after that

3. 400 points divided by 6 tiers. You can expect to gain new tier every 66 points, on average. (and from what I remember, it does work out somewhere around that, + or - 10 points.)

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