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Quick Question


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So with my imperial agent i went sniper for my advanced class. I don't really like it but i discovered that the lethality tree plays more like an operative, and at lvl 22 i don't want to re-roll. So i am loving lethality but now since i rarely use my true sniper abilities, should my main weapon be a sniper rifle or just a blaster rifle? THanks
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IIRC, Blaster Rifles don't have as much range? Or did I imagine that....


You might want to try other trees again once you're higher level, at level 22, neither sniper nor operative are very exciting.

Edited by chuixupu
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I know that the tree ball sucks right now, i still pull 150k damage and up with it, but i generally cant stand the other tree/s, trust me, What does IIRC stand for, i have no real use for the sniper rifle extra damage and range cause i rarely use it now.
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You definitely want the Sniper Rifle due to higher min/max damage. You can go with Blaster Rifle if you want but you gain NOTHING from it. It's not like it gives you better mobility or anything of the sort.
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