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What Causes the Static Barrier Bug


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Does anyone happen to know what bug/game issue is preventing static barrier from being cast on someone? Does anyone know if there is a way to prevent this from happening, or a work around? Its really bad in pvp, and down right horrible in flashpoints/operations.
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Does anyone happen to know what bug/game issue is preventing static barrier from being cast on someone? Does anyone know if there is a way to prevent this from happening, or a work around? Its really bad in pvp, and down right horrible in flashpoints/operations.


Been around and reported on since Beta.

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I have been able to duplicate it on command. The only place I can do so is in the Black Talon flash point. If you Static Barrier another player, then they take the elevator to another floor, if the static barrier debuff falls while they are transitioning to the other floor then for some reason the game seems to believe they still have the debuff. You may have noticed that the bug only happens after a transition, either to another floor inside an instanced area or going into an instanced area. I have never been able to duplicate it in an open world area like the elevators on the Imperial Fleet.


I generally try not to cast Static Barrier when I know a transistion is coming, but if I do, just transitioning back and forth again seems to clear it.

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I have been able to duplicate it on command. The only place I can do so is in the Black Talon flash point. If you Static Barrier another player, then they take the elevator to another floor, if the static barrier debuff falls while they are transitioning to the other floor then for some reason the game seems to believe they still have the debuff. You may have noticed that the bug only happens after a transition, either to another floor inside an instanced area or going into an instanced area. I have never been able to duplicate it in an open world area like the elevators on the Imperial Fleet.


I generally try not to cast Static Barrier when I know a transistion is coming, but if I do, just transitioning back and forth again seems to clear it.


I think that this is almost exactly what happens. I remember having it happen in BT more than anything else.

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My wife's sorceror and I (assassin tank) just did some tests. Found that if I, as tank, used Blackout with the debuff on, it made her unable to do it. One of many reasons it bugs, I know.


However, I also found that if I was clear of the debuff and used Blackout once it was ready again, then came back out, she could use it. So blackout whilst clear of the debuff seems to clear up the bug.


It doesn't fix the entire problem, but it might help to know that some stealth mechanics can be used as a faster workaround.

Edited by Coehl
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