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Something about this game...


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when open beta hit, everyone was talking non-stop. stupid stuff really. barrens chat X10..trolls galore. people saying how much the game sucks or how it is a wow clone. this continued on to launch. so, what i did is close the chat window. im assuming this is what everyone else did. it is distracting when your trying to listen to your storyline.
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Yeah its random like that. Sometimes I shout at 30 people without a respons and last week I had a nice conversation with the only other person on Quesh.


To be honest, sometimes I just want to solo and sometimes I like to chat so I cant really blame anyone for doing either.

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Something about this game seems to discourage socializing. You can be in a zone with 40 or 60 players, and the General chat is completely silent. You can ask a simple question, and nobody will reply. You can say hello or make a joke, and not even crickets. This has been the case on multiple servers. I don't get it. What is it about this game that makes people not want to chat with other players? Is the story that involving? Is it like watching a movie where you're not allowed to talk? :confused:


lol well when im not listening to quests ill talk in general obviously, but its the same thing in my house if im listening to quests and my roomate comes to try an talk to me i shush him until the quests over, he doesnt understand that if i finish a quest but didnt listen to it that i cant go back and do it again, (unless i hit escape before it finishes)

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Something about this game seems to discourage socializing. You can be in a zone with 40 or 60 players, and the General chat is completely silent. You can ask a simple question, and nobody will reply. You can say hello or make a joke, and not even crickets. This has been the case on multiple servers. I don't get it. What is it about this game that makes people not want to chat with other players? Is the story that involving? Is it like watching a movie where you're not allowed to talk? :confused:


Sometimes I think it's due to players who are new to MMO's, coming from single player games etc, and have not got the hang of chatting in general chat, other times I think it's due to everyone being in a hurry to get their quests done etc, but there are also times when general chat is very busy. Ive seen what you are describing but its not something that happens all the time on my server at least.

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when open beta hit, everyone was talking non-stop. stupid stuff really. barrens chat X10..trolls galore. people saying how much the game sucks or how it is a wow clone. this continued on to launch. so, what i did is close the chat window. im assuming this is what everyone else did. it is distracting when your trying to listen to your storyline.
I shut my chat window because I keep clicking on it while in combat.
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Unfortunely all mmo's are like this, go figure. Even wow with its supposed 25 million subscribers is the same way. With that said they really need to clean up the chat windows and emotes. Edited by Sobur
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LOL, I've yet to see 40-60 people in a zone outside of fleet............


Agreed...on Space Slug, there's rarely more than 20 people on...and that's an evening. I'd say the few times I see it reach 40-60 is MAYBE a Saturday night. Don't know about the other servers, but Slug has definitely dropped.


And the General Chat has dramatically dropped. I'll admit, I don't start up lots of conversations, but it's almost total silence.

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Unfortunely all mmo's are like this, go figure. Even wow with its supposed 25 million subscribers is the same way. With that said they really need to clean up the chat windows and emotes.
It's also a seven year old MMO. Meanwhile, stories of Barrens chat seem more lively than actual time spent in-game in TOR.


I think its because of the ease with which solo questing is accessed, and the fact that solo questing is over rewarded. It is just so much easier to keep your head down and plow along alone than it is to take the time to get a group together, especially in light of the fact that even if you get the group together, you're woefully under-rewarded as compared to what you could have gotten from solo questing.

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For me, I pretty much tuned out when all I saw was "LFG DPS <insert non-hard Heroic>."


I kept thinking "If this person is a higher level than I am, why are they spending an hour or so trying to get a group together for a Heroic I can solo-and I suck at playing!"


I also hate game mechanics where, to play with someone else, you need to be a certain "template."


I have no idea if I'm playing my "role" right-I'm just playing as a Consular-so I'm a little intimidated to join a group where a certain role is "needed" in a Heroic that isn't really that hard.

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Top Reasons Why Game is Anti Social


1) No Trade Chat Linking the Planets Together which makes it hard to recruit people to raids, trade items etc. on smaller servers.


2) No chat bubbles, having to type in General for everyone to see or using the /say breaks immersion


3) Low Server Population


4) It was quite social at launch though, over time however that trend has died hard.

Edited by Icysunx
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Reasons why people don't speak much in GC:


- Guild members speaking between themselves in GC.


- High number of trolls depending on server or people talking about real life stuff which takes you out of the game ("Man, they killed Dale in TWD", who cares ?).


- The game brought people who were SPRPG fans to the MMO genre (Kotor and ME fans) who are used to play a game without chatting all the time.


Personnally, I only speak to friends/guildies or when I have a question or an useful info to share. If I want to chat with random strangers, I'l go in a chat room.

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Too many immature people play these games so if you do use the chat in even a respectful or relevant question etc you always have some person come in with the comments just to be an a ss,thats why i think many of us avoid it tbh.
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You spend 50 levels with no real requirement to group. You spend 50 levels where the servers are sharded into oblivion, so you rarely see your own faction LET ALONE see the opposite faction.


SOOOO...one would expect General Chat to be silent.

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less general chat is a good thing. you are not missing much.


Unless you enjoy watching the great unwashed exchange cliches.


BW could script zone chat dialogue for each area , say about 8 hours worth all based off chat logs from other games and you Would Not know the difference. It would satisfy your need to observe innane banter.


In fact, what most of you are doing in game is reiterating the same dialogue over and over and over.


Easiest way to observe this is to pay attention to the repeating patterns of discourse in pvp. I've watched the same conversation in chat occur ad naseum in pvp areas in multiple games ( here , WoW , elsewhere)


The average player , most of you , are only capable of so much originality , very little really.


Most of what you believe is communication is actually people repeating common cliches based on certain triggers.


You are awaiting the appropriate moment to interject your " Derp " comment and so is everyone else.


This is the video game discourse you are missing

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ppl loves to chat.. just make sure the topic is relevant like : finding datacrons, world boss discussion, starwars lore discussion and heroic or flashpoint discussion..



ppl hate to see : ePeen PVP boast, Chucknorris lame jokes, WoW talk, Othe MMO talk, Trash talking SWTOR..



so be mindful on what you topic you start in general chat.. unlike the forum here, the general chat population will crush you if you try to pull the stunts like saying doom n gloom or WoW better than SWTor nonsense in general.. thats why all the trolls converge in the forum because they cannot troll the general chat without getting their behind handed back to them so fast they think they entered hyperspace..

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LOL, I've yet to see 40-60 people in a zone outside of fleet............


Well I rerolled on another server and you see pops that high quite often. I haven't even tried The Fatman, but that server has a lot more than the one I rerolled on.

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ppl loves to chat.. just make sure the topic is relevant like : finding datacrons, world boss discussion, starwars lore discussion and heroic or flashpoint discussion..



ppl hate to see : ePeen PVP boast, Chucknorris lame jokes, WoW talk, Othe MMO talk, Trash talking SWTOR..



so be mindful on what you topic you start in general chat.. unlike the forum here, the general chat population will crush you if you try to pull the stunts like saying doom n gloom or WoW better than SWTor nonsense in general.. thats why all the trolls converge in the forum because they cannot troll the general chat without getting their behind handed back to them so fast they think they entered hyperspace..



There is no conversation. Only once in all the time I've played have I had to ignore someone. That was for trolling Fleet chat. The person was just being ridiculous with the blatant trolling.

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Something about this game seems to discourage socializing. You can be in a zone with 40 or 60 players, and the General chat is completely silent. You can ask a simple question, and nobody will reply. You can say hello or make a joke, and not even crickets. This has been the case on multiple servers. I don't get it. What is it about this game that makes people not want to chat with other players? Is the story that involving? Is it like watching a movie where you're not allowed to talk? :confused:


NWN1 lobby worked better then the current chat system they have. the game functions as a single player game, its is not a true MMO though.

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For me it is the whack-a-mole button mashing frenzy required for combat. I don't have time to type anything and odds are if I was in combat I probably missed anything said in general chat because of the combat spam. EQ was much more chat friendly because of the slower pace in combat but, MMO's seem to have gravitated more towards having to have 30 or so combat skills at your fingertips and having you mash all of them rapidly to be successful.


This is a major factor. In a 4 man heroic as a healer I literally wiped the group last night. Why? My cat was being bad and climbing on the aquarium, so I leaned over to shoo him. That was all the time it took to get behind on shielding/healing. I didn't even get up.


The combat is paced like an action/fighting game, only it is paced like an endless mmo.

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only time i look at the general chat is when i'm looking for people for heroics.. because i'm on the only populated euro server and there's just too much of "my country rules and your sucks" in the general chat there.


Well I think every MMO has all that nonsense, and has people who turn off or ignore that chat. This game just seems to be more severe. An extreme lack of communication even on highly populated zones.

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On the Imp home world, the general chat was dead. And this one guy and I started "singing" our A-B-C's. It was fun.


Which is why BioWare gave us a ignore feature. :cool: If I see such sillyness as what you two did in General chat...you instantly make my ignore list.


On the topic of this thread;


The game is very casual friendly and deeply story driven and such which makes the players get focused into the game. Most of the time I am too much involved with my quests to pay much attention to the chat in General channel...turning it off even if it is too busy with non game chatter.

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