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If you could be Republic with your BH would you?


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I suppose it'd be a nice option. As for the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter not working for either side, in -some- aspects thats the way the story can play out, though nearly all classes can say lines like "I work for no one". But to actually implement neutrality would take a lot of work on nearly ever aspect from dialog to PvP and what not.
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i think if there wasn an option a for the BH at the end of hutta to go to an enclave that is based with the republic or one that is with the empire it would of been really cool



so you get to pick your faction so to speak, same could of been done with smugglers.


for me i prefer the republic factions, but i like the look and "feel" of a bounty hunter better then trooper.

Edited by Hizoka
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"cooler skills/attacks" may generally be true, but I absolutely despise the animation for rocket punch. I had planned, before launch, to play a Powertech, but once I saw the animation I deleted the character and rolled a Juggernaut.


I would love for them to implement some way to cross factions permanently in the future. A LS Sith, for instance, going full jedi.

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"cooler skills/attacks" may generally be true, but I absolutely despise the animation for rocket punch. I had planned, before launch, to play a Powertech, but once I saw the animation I deleted the character and rolled a Juggernaut.


I would love for them to implement some way to cross factions permanently in the future. A LS Sith, for instance, going full jedi.


i have a love hate with rocket punch... it is a bit too street fighter, but its better then stock strike.

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I think it would have been a nice touch for a force-neutral aligned faction as a 3rd faction option, ran from Nar Shaddaa perhaps as their base of operations rather than their own fleet, the GTN for them already exists as the Hutt Cartel.


The risk is that playing as a neutral faction needs to not undermine either of the other 2 too much, so it might need some form of a gating mechanism.

Edited by SkuzBukit
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no....... but i do think bioware missed a perfect opportunity with both BH and smuggler to do something totally unique, two playable classes that are not loyal to either faction, think of the story and pvp options that could present.




And if you play through all the quests, many many times you get the option to say "I dont work for the Empire, I work for cash"


So, why the hell am I stuck on Empire side ?,


It make no sense, Bounty Hunters work for Cash,


So, why can't I choose my side ?


So, why can't I change my mind half way through ?


So, why am I forced to play "emo driven" manic depressive Empire side just because I want to play Bounty Hunter ?,


The notion that only Empire would have Bounty Hunters is absurd in the extreme,


Of course the answer to all that is Biowares lack of imagination, and a game punted out way before it was ready for release, I think we have EA to blame for that, not Bioware.


Let me work for whoever I want to work for, let me punt around, mix it up,


Would it really be so hard to write a class story around that principle, No.


Would it break the Game, No


Would it require extra time and work, Yes, and there's your answer.


I would go Republic with my BH in the blink of an eye, it would not even get a second thought, I am sick to death of "emo empire"



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Giving the smuggler the choice to be either empire or republic would give IMPERIAL agents the same options, because it is its mirror class, but hell, where is the sense behind an empire loyal imperial agent going to the republic?
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Giving the smuggler the choice to be either empire or republic would give IMPERIAL agents the same options, because it is its mirror class, but hell, where is the sense behind an empire loyal imperial agent going to the republic?


Of course, they could have admitted that both Empire and Republic have intelligence agents (SIS what?), and that both have troopers.

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BHs as a whole look cooler (in terms of skills/attacks) then troopers, if you could be a Bounty Hunter that worked for the republic instead of impire would you?


Are you yiffing kidding me? No seriously? BH hunter cooler than trooper? No no, wait, some mercenary crap with blasters is cooler than military bada.ss with a huge friggin assault cannon? You, sir, need to get some taste. Yours is beyond terrible.

Edited by VincentWolf
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i think if there wasn an option a for the BH at the end of hutta to go to an enclave that is based with the republic or one that is with the empire it would of been really cool


It would be cool, except for the fact that the Republic frowns on and is reluctant to use Bounty Hunters at best, or at worst is openly hostile to the class.


Granted the BH philospohy (somewhere between independent lawman and an assassin for hire who sometimes captures instead of killing) and the Smuggler are both perfect fits for a completely neutral faction alignment, able to work on both or all sides, and this is something I would love to see implemented, with some kind of SIS agent class brought in as the mirror to Imperial Agent, and an Imperial Trooper as the mirror to the Republic Trooper.

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It would be cool, except for the fact that the Republic frowns on and is reluctant to use Bounty Hunters at best, or at worst is openly hostile to the class.


Are you forgetting about.



The bounty hunters hired by the republic who kidnap Torian, in an attempt to lure your bounty hunter into a trap?


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Why I agree in a matter of lore, in a pragmatic sense, this argument is the same as "why can't BH's use carbine's". it's a matter of game mechanics. BH is essentially in game terms the empire trooper, and the smuggler is the republic agent. Of course one could also argue that the Empire has troopers and the republic has agents, but then why mirror classes at all? why not just make 6 base classes (force warrior, force wizard(for lack of a better term), trooper, smuggler, BH, and agent, and then choose your faction from there, and have the adv classes branch off from that choice? Wait, now I really like this idea.
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I would absolutely. I consider myself neutral already, not an agent of the Empire. The Empire is just a client to me.



Maybe they could have the option to switch sides in an expansion. If you go light side you side with the Republic on the last story quest already.


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Are you yiffing kidding me? No seriously? BH hunter cooler than trooper? No no, wait, some mercenary crap with blasters is cooler than military bada.ss with a huge friggin assault cannon? You, sir, need to get some taste. Yours is beyond terrible.

no no no you sir need to realize not everybody likes the same things, not make everyone agree with what you like.


as for the question...hmm i think i would go Republic, alas the reason i play Empire is because of the BH, for me jedi=sith i could`ve gone either way but BH has priority.


pls don t dare say the Republic would never hire BH`s(played a republic toon past coruscant), that`s something they would say to the masses but in secret they`d do anything to get the job done, i mean senators hire thugs & criminals for backstabbing for their own needs, i mean why wouldn`t they want to hire a professional.

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H*ll No.


Well, maybe if I could tea bag some of the COWARD imperials we have on our server.


It's quite depressing how few imperials will actually group on ilum while it's still available, and often when they do, many will flee from a fight.


The epic glory days of an Imperial horde doing battle against larger numbers of republic is over.


I'm glad I had the chance to play with some great imperial world PvP brothers and sisters while it lasted, even if it was lag city.

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A neutral faction would be cool, or a story in which Smuggler/BH played both sides of the fence occasionally. And for those citing storyline issues and 'the republic would never hire a bounty hunter.' lol. Like someone else said, maybe that's what they'd say on the campaign trail, but in reality they'd do whatever it took. And there's no good reason not to hire BHs if you're already hiring smugglers, as they are both of questionable morality and generally move in the same circles (the only difference being that the archetypal smuggler for SW was a good guy, and the archetypal bounty hunter was a villain).


Choice to go to the republic though? Absolutely. I'd love to bring righteous vengeance down on some of the annoying, whiny, cir.cle jerking (that's considered profanity? really, bioware?) imperial players on my server.

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