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Rated teams should NEVER MM vs Unrated


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Alot of this issue will be solved once more ppl are queing. Right now on the ptr there is a limited amt of ppl so thus this issue will arise. Once this goes live I would argue that the good teams will quickly rise and it will be not unlike the arena system in wow; where you have say 1% of the game pop battling it out for world wide domination. :p


on many servers 1% of the population would hardly be 1 full team...atleast not 1 full guildteam

i agree 8 mans should not be put up against pugs

Edited by donlep
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Maybe not fair, but it is necessary. Far more subs will be lost by segregating the queues, then will be lost by slowing down pop rates that much. Ive witnessed this happen in a previous game I played.


Either way sucks; both ways will ultimately lead to longer queue times. That's why they should not further divide the queues until they increase queue population (by mergers, cross-server WZ, or whatever).

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I would be 100% fine with this if something was done with server populations and/or cross server queues. Honestly 3/4 of the servers are barely going to be able to do rated pvp matches with 8 people.


My server is probably going to have to set up times for ranked pvp.


you're one of those who didn't want to wait in long login queues in the launch week and picked a less crowded server?


well, now you have long warzone joining queues :)

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Premades should have the option to submit an advert on some kind of cross-server "throw down the gauntlet" advertising board so similar minded premades can view and filter the board adverts by "rank" value of the group, and decide if they want to accept their challenge or not. Edited by -Alma-
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Whether you like it or not it has to be done or queue times will border on the ridiculous. On my server there are maybe 4 guilds that will field full or near full pre-mades when 1.2 goes live, and they are not all always on at the same time. Until cross server queues come out this is a necessary evil.


If I get into a match against a premade I'll leave and get no penalty immediately, seeing as I'm queuing for non-ranked. Have fun!

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A rated premade team should NEVER be matchmade against an unrated or a solo rated team. How is this even being considered? It is unfair for both teams. Basically you are inflating the rated premade's ELO and giving the solo/unrated players a frustrating pvp experience.


No one wins, as a rated premade player I would rather be stuck in queue forever. Implementing the ranked system like this pretty much makes your rating mean absolutely nothing. Please reconsider this...


This is pretty accurate. For some reason they seem to think that it's acceptable to crap all over solo queue's or non-ranked players to give the pre-made a game. It's not. I don't care one iota whether or not someone else is having fun. I care that I'm having fun. If they choose to play 8 man pre-made ranked and can't find games that's their prerogative. As I mentioned above, I have no intention whatsoever of playing ranked warzones when they come out in 1.2. Any game I get into a pre-made I bail on. It's not worth the time it takes for me to play it out. And seeing that it's not ranked for me, I'll lose nothing and have no requeue penalty. I'm not interested in playing a game where it's me and a bunch of randoms versus an organized team. Ever. There's no one going to guilt me into staying. I'm not ruining the game for anyone. The developers are ruining the game by choosing to allow it to happen. And if they ever implement a requeue penalty for non-ranked, I'll just choose not to play warzones in this game.

Edited by Niil
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The ranking/rating is meaningless anyway since it is just a video game played for fun.


People who are desperate enough to crave the false praise heaped on a high rating but aren't skilled enough to actually achieve it will find a way to buy it.


Grind to win, buy to win. No diff, same ***** different name.

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Ranked WZ queues should never play against unranked. How would BW even award points for winning an unranked game? It would be analogous to 50s getting BM from fighting 10-49s, meaningless.


Am I missing something? This seems like a no-brainer.

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I can feeeeel the anger coming in 1.2, give in to your hatred.


Seriously. People are complaining about getting matched against a premade of 4 now, now it's going to be 8.


It's going to be like this:


Player 1: "Waaaah, waaaaah, waaaaaaaaaaaah! Unsubbed, you filthy *"#%"#!"


Player 2: "Lol broskis, we're just like the best PvP guild ever, with high ratings, sunglasses and umbrella drinks. NOBODY stomps PuG's like us lol"


Me: *Popcorn*

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The realistic solution to the problem?


Don't implement the Ranked Warzones until you have the systems in place to support them. Calling it a "necessary evil" is not an excuse.


The 1.2 approach of throwing everything (and the kitchen sink) that they can into the mix and hoping some of it sticks is a recipe for disaster already.


If you do not have the population to support Ranked Warzones, then do not implement them until cross-server queues are available. It's desperation, it's negatively impacting the enjoyment of players, and it's uncalled for. Of course Bioware is performing a political CYA act with the labeling of this patch as "Pre-Season," but what does that mean? Only that they want to be able to point to the name when it blows up and use it as an excuse.


If you see it as a necessary evil, fine. Don't get upset at others who are not so forgiving. Once you begin charging for your product, the 'grace period' is over. You need to get things right. Your leeway for cutting corners is gone. Other industries and their customers don't tolerate it - why should we?


Again - if the systems (Cross server queues, etc) to make Ranked Warzones work and not infringe on the enjoyment of others are not in place - do not implement them. Hiding behind labels like 'pre-season' or 'necessary evil' is disingenuous and insulting to people on both sides of the spectrum.

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Pre season is a glorified special olympics and until cross server queues come out anyone taking it as anything other than a gear grind is delusional.


So "preseason" must be bad and anti-fun by default?

Edited by GrandMike
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So "preseason" must be bad and anti-fun by default?


Oh definitely not.


I'm looking forward to actually queuing with 7 mates and not having to worry about some of the trash I'm forced to play with on a daily basis.


I plan on getting into the whole rated thing and taking on the various teams on our server and see how everyone comes off against each other.. but at this point, with the way the system matches teams/solo players, I don't see the actual number rating have as much value as I see being placed upon it.

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What is the problem here ?


They clearly stated that if eventually rated premades will be queded against unrated premades, they will both get rewards depending on the type of queue they join.


The Rated Premade - gets Ranked Rewards after the game

The Un-Rated Premade- gets Unranked Rewards after the game


It's a win/win situation. What's the problem here ?!?!?!

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So "preseason" must be bad and anti-fun by default?


Must be? No. Will it be in this case? For those that do not have premades, yes. My main beef is that I play at odd hours and it freequently ends up with 5 (or less at times) vs 7-8. After the update, the ones constantly outmatched due to more numbers will get 0 rewards and the ones that win will get 7-8 medals for finishing so fast.

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What is the problem here ?


They clearly stated that if eventually rated premades will be queded against unrated premades, they will both get rewards depending on the type of queue they join.


The Rated Premade - gets Ranked Rewards after the game

The Un-Rated Premade- gets Unranked Rewards after the game


It's a win/win situation. What's the problem here ?!?!?!


What makes you think the rated premades will be going against other premades? They also clearly stated that if other premades could not be found or did not have enough people, that pugs would be tossed in the mix.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Since you casual/don't have time to play and get gear types have already had concessions made for you in terms of nerfs to classes, triple valour and gear that is easy to get I would of thought you would relish the chance to teach us "nolifers" (people that play pvp) how to play pvp properly since our gear is a crutch?


Thought you played pvp because it's fun?


What you mean is you don't like a challenge.


I pvp with like-minded souls because I like to play other players. They could be a team of noobs or a premade. Does not really matter because I play pvp because I really do enjoy it. With queue times as they are, I don't see they have a choice until cross server pvp comes so you will have to do what we do when changes are made to the game that we are not that fond of - man up and get on get on with it.

Edited by PloGreen
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because the ranking matters? the best gear doesn't take ranking. You can afk the ranked matches and come out with the same gear as 8 hardcore/professional/asian/gamers.



Think about it lol.


No you can't because if you get 0 or 1 medal, you get 0 rewards, even if your team wins.

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