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Tells Between Servers


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Hail all...my express apologies if this have been brought up already, but I was wondering if there is a way to send tells to players on other servers? I know we could on some other games and was wondering if anyone has learned anything about it here.


I wanted to ask this sooner, but during regular beta testing it was not a major need {for me}...but with queue times etc...it may be a nice feature to hop on one server and shout to a friend from another to better coordinate.



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There is a way to send tells across servers.


What you do is roll a character on that server and whisper said person then go back to your other server.....


Job done.


Apart from that ... no.


Cool. While I have not tried this...I recall this artifact from ago old SWG days. Granted in that game you could specify a server and character to send a tell to. If you are getting this effect in this game then there must be a legit way to do it.

Edited by Urantia
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my posts started because of the fact the first person to answer you did so with complete undisguised sarcasm, and you seemed to miss it entirely. this continued with each of my posts.


i'll try to make it clear here.


there is no way at all to send a tell between servers. if you want to message someone on a specific server, the only way to do it is to have a character on that server!

Edited by mightygaz
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my posts started because of the fact the first person to answer you did so with complete undisguised sarcasm, and you seemed to miss it entirely. this continued with each of my posts.


i'll try to make it clear here.


there is no way at all to send a tell between servers. if you want to message someone on a specific server, the only way to do it is to have a character on that server!


Okay. Yeah I missed the sarcasm for sure...the joys of text at times. Cool...I did not think there was, but just wanted to make sure. I personally feel it would be a nice feature. I also offer my apologies for any misunderstanding. the funny thing is...even with sarcasm I have seen the effect he descibed in another game lol. Thanks for the reply :-).

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Okay. Yeah I missed the sarcasm for sure...the joys of text at times. Cool...I did not think there was, but just wanted to make sure. I personally feel it would be a nice feature. I also offer my apologies for any misunderstanding. the funny thing is...even with sarcasm I have seen the effect he descibed in another game lol. Thanks for the reply :-).


no apologies needed, i was the one being a pain lol there are very few games where this works, though if memory serves, sony games it does, so everquest family, and possibly galaxies.

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