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Guys, TOR Is a new game, give it time.


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Can I ask you a general question?


Do you think people leaving and taking their business elsewhere is good for Bioware/EA as well as the game?


Yes. Because it is not as many people as you think it is, nor is it as many people as you seem to wish it was (maybe not you in particular, but some of the people around here).


The forums are not representative of the gaming population at large. Not here, not in WoW, not in any game that has a forum. Never has been.

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There are 215 servers including euro and asia pac. They supposedly have 1.7m active subscriptions (no idea how many of those are chinese bots but whatever).


That leaves on a perfectly balanced system about 7900ish active subscriptions per server.


What % of those people log in at prime time? Deffinitely not 100%, maybe 35%?

How many servers are over the 'balanced' number?

How many are under the balanced number?


How many people should a server have at prime time? Fatman seems to be a good yardstick that keeps getting thrown around and it's got upwards of 800 on fleet combining rep and emp fleet numbers at prime time, you can assume 3-4 times that number "everywhere else" in the game (space, wzs, ops/flashpoints, all the planets, etc) so maybe 4-5k online at primetime? that's close to double the 35% number which means just the population of The Fatman could account for 1 server being completely dead at primetime....

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Yes. Because it is not as many people as you think it is, nor is it as many people as you seem to wish it was (maybe not you in particular, but some of the people around here).


The forums are not representative of the gaming population at large. Not here, not in WoW, not in any game that has a forum. Never has been.


That is right, they aren't. Most people just leave when they are dissatisfied with a service. The people who typically care more are the ones who visit the forums.


Listen, I'm not saying this game is dead, or dying. But I don't think there is a single person here who will refute the claim that some servers just don't have enough people. Now, the number of servers this applies to remains a topic of debate, but I'm guessing its probably close to half.

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We'll give it time. All the time it needs.


While giving it time to mature, we'll be playing GW2. Just jump on those forums and let us know when time is up.


Speak for yourself.


I will be checking the forums though, just to enjoy watching all the rage and tears when it doesn't satisfy.


Who knows, I might even buy the game just to post negative things on the forums.



May 15 = Diablo 3


Prepare for another wave of mass exodus.





Yeah that game is going to RAWK!

Edited by Sparklehorse
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Appreciating These games have had years to iron out bugs and add content, but this game simply doesn't offer enough in ways of content.


To match up to these games you need to release similar amounts of content on launch date as what these games such as wow have now, not as much as what they had on their launch date, which was evidently years ago...


Because wow was the 1st behemoth of its kind (EQ and EQ2 didn't have the same calibre on scale of players) so nobody questioned a lack of content, nothing could content with it.


Hence we question why we play this game with the following:

Why would people want to play a game with a lack of content when other games offer up so much more right now?


Thats my view anyway, the games good all in all just not enough in it for me **for now

Edited by KiaThas
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There are 215 servers including euro and asia pac. They supposedly have 1.7m active subscriptions (no idea how many of those are chinese bots but whatever).


That leaves on a perfectly balanced system about 7900ish active subscriptions per server.


What % of those people log in at prime time? Deffinitely not 100%, maybe 35%?

How many servers are over the 'balanced' number?

How many are under the balanced number?


How many people should a server have at prime time? Fatman seems to be a good yardstick that keeps getting thrown around and it's got upwards of 800 on fleet combining rep and emp fleet numbers at prime time, you can assume 3-4 times that number "everywhere else" in the game (space, wzs, ops/flashpoints, all the planets, etc) so maybe 4-5k online at primetime? that's close to double the 35% number which means just the population of The Fatman could account for 1 server being completely dead at primetime....


The problem is that BioWare made an incorrect assumption and that lead to a lack of development in what has turned out to be a key area of interest:


The incorrect assumption was that the number of players that signed up at release would stick around for a reasonably long time after launch. They setup so many servers to prevent queue times just to login. I remember in the early days of WoW, in order to get online in time to be at a guild event, I had to sometimes sign on an hour or more ahead of time. With this in mind BioWare did the right thing having so many servers at launch.


However, because of that assumption they do not have server merge/character transfer functionality at this time. The situation is being worked on, but it cannot be done instantaneously without simply closing down servers and telling their customers "F you, re-roll or un-sub." This is one area where "give it time" applies. Granted it was BioWare's own doing but we know they are working on it.


Why? It's not like D3 is going to be any good. Besides, it's not even an MMO. If ME3 didn't hurt their subs, D3 isn't going to either.


Agreed, all those who rushed through SWTOR and are now complaining about lack of content, are just going to rush through D3 too :p.


Which leads me to my point. It seems that most of the complaints are about lack of content. The problem is that at least some of the blame falls on those who are doing the complaining. Why? Because no game at launch revolves around end-game; anyone who has played any other MMO at launch should know this. At launch, an MMO is about the journey; taking the time to enjoy the scenery, relishing in the individual story, taking the time to read all the skill tree options and deciding for yourself what you think is best, etc etc etc. If you were one of those players who got a character to 50 inside a week, you did it wrong. At launch the focus is on the foundation not the penthouse suite.


Now the argument from the other side will be, "but they should have anticipated us rushing through and getting to end-game." Has ANY MMO ever done that? Has ANY MMO ever glossed over the leveling process and had LOTS of end-game content? I do not know of one, and if one exists it's probably not worth playing.

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Ya, if they were fun. After abt the 3rd time through, there's not much there at all.


Love how you don't get social or LS/DS points in HM FP's but still have to spam your spacebar to speed the "experience" up.


Boo. Also, hoo.


If you don't like the game, don't play. Meanwhile those of us who DO like the game will have even MORE fun once we no longer have to listen to the bellyachers.

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People dont seem to realize that MMO's are always evolving.


Look at WOW. When it first release it was horrible, and to this day, people still complain about it, but it does have 11 million players and its going on its 7th year.


In a week or two, the first of many content upadates will be released, you gotta use a bit of patience.

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Which leads me to my point. It seems that most of the complaints are about lack of content. The problem is that at least some of the blame falls on those who are doing the complaining. Why? Because no game at launch revolves around end-game; anyone who has played any other MMO at launch should know this. At launch, an MMO is about the journey; taking the time to enjoy the scenery, relishing in the individual story, taking the time to read all the skill tree options and deciding for yourself what you think is best, etc etc etc. If you were one of those players who got a character to 50 inside a week, you did it wrong. At launch the focus is on the foundation not the penthouse suite.



Were 4-5 months into launch now, since release date, we've had an operation added, and a flashpoint, that's the most significant point to date. which offered no incentive to play


Which was in development about 9 months before release...


If it took so long to release such shabby content i fear the game will lose players due to lack of content at a substantial rate and bioware aren't being effective enough to counter it.


What worsen's this fear is the delay on 1.2, which seems to be the lifesaver, but doesn't actually offer much itself.


Im not usually this pessimistic or negative.

Edited by KiaThas
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That is right, they aren't. Most people just leave when they are dissatisfied with a service. The people who typically care more are the ones who visit the forums.


Listen, I'm not saying this game is dead, or dying. But I don't think there is a single person here who will refute the claim that some servers just don't have enough people. Now, the number of servers this applies to remains a topic of debate, but I'm guessing its probably close to half.


I agree, there are too many servers; Bioware should have learned from the mistakes of others and not given in to the ADD types who complained about server queues in the beginning. Mergers, however, are not the answer that Bioware is going to give. I know I wouldn't. Paid transfer, with some free transfers for the servers that are in severe dire straits, are an answer that doesn't hurt the games publicity and gives those people who really need it what they want.


It will not appease some, however, who will cry that Bioware is ripping them off for having a paid transfer service. WoW suffered some for this when it first introduced the same feature. It eventually dies down.


As for not saying the game is dying or dead, you are one of the few on the other side of the debate that doesn't automatically assume the game is dying because their server died. I applaud you for that, even though we disagree on the solution.

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I agree, there are too many servers; Bioware should have learned from the mistakes of others and not given in to the ADD types who complained about server queues in the beginning. Mergers, however, are not the answer that Bioware is going to give. I know I wouldn't. Paid transfer, with some free transfers for the servers that are in severe dire straits, are an answer that doesn't hurt the games publicity and gives those people who really need it what they want.


It will not appease some, however, who will cry that Bioware is ripping them off for having a paid transfer service. WoW suffered some for this when it first introduced the same feature. It eventually dies down.


As for not saying the game is dying or dead, you are one of the few on the other side of the debate that doesn't automatically assume the game is dying because their server died. I applaud you for that, even though we disagree on the solution.


The problem is that there are a LOT of servers in "dire straits". Free transfers from those servers would only result in those servers shutting down anyway. The only difference would be that they could keep those server names on the list for some poor sap to choose and then have to pay to transfer off of because the free transfers expired. That's GREAT for publicity.

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The problem is that there are a LOT of servers in "dire straits". Free transfers from those servers would only result in those servers shutting down anyway. The only difference would be that they could keep those server names on the list for some poor sap to choose and then have to pay to transfer off of because the free transfers expired. That's GREAT for publicity.


If they do offer free server transfers, people are going to be in for a shock. I don't think you'll be able to leave the low population servers for free. They're going to offer free transfers from high population servers (like Fatman) to low population ones, not the other way around.

Edited by amantheil
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The only problem people like me have with the game is the poor management of the games population by Bioware. There are at least one hundred too many servers.


Yep overnight they should just merge all the dead servers....:confused:


What makes me laugh more is you were probably one of the thousands of people complaining 2 months ago that you had a 2 hour wait to log in...:rolleyes:


Those servers were added to deal with the rush, it will take 100s of hours of coding to move You and all the other people, and your companions to another server. But then if they did it overnight and you lost all your stuff im sure you would be the first here to complain about it...!!


This game is fine, one of the best MMO launches in the last 11 years easily....Has more than enough end game content if you are not a hermit that sits on a P.C for 18 hours a day, and will be around for a long time to come....:)


PLEASE, To all the people that are not happy with it, Submit a ticket to recoup any sub time you have outstanding and F*** o** to to what ever you think is better....PLEASE !!

Edited by Nippon
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Yep overnight they should just merge all the dead servers....:confused:


What makes me laugh more is you were probably one of the thousands of people complaining 2 months ago that you had a 2 hour wait to log in...:rolleyes:


Those servers were added to deal with the rush, it will take 100s of hours of coding to move You and all the other people, and your companions to another server. But then if they did it overnight and you lost all your stuff im sure you would be the first here to complain about it...!!


This game is fine, one of the best MMO launches in the last 11 years easily....Has more than enough end game content if you are not a hermit that sits on a P.C for 18 hours a day, and will be around for a long time to come....:)


PLEASE, To all the people that are not happy with it, Submit a ticket to recoup any sub time you have outstanding and F*** o** to to what ever you think is better....PLEASE !!


A couple of things....


People, typically, would feel better about waiting in a queue to log into a high population server than getting into a dead server instantly.


Second, it wouldn't take hundreds of hours of coding to do character transfers. Worst case they are looking at pure man hours to physically move the data, best case they already have the tools developed that allows this on some automated level. Server merging isn't super simple, but it isn't nearly as complex as people believe. It is data migration, which is done thousands of times a day across thousands of companies.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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The people who complain on the forums and say this game is going to die blah blah blah are a very small percentage of the total population so the real players shouldn't be worried about anything.


Define a real player for me, because.....

  • I have taken several characters to level 50 and through end game content.
  • I have participated heavily in PvP.
  • I have participated in beta and gave a large amount of feedback.
  • I purchased the game.
  • I pay a monthly subscription for the game.


While I don't believe this game is going to die anytime soon, I have voiced my concerns on this forum. So I ask, who are you to discredit another? Regardless of their stance and if they "complain" or not.

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If day-night cycles and weather are what break a game for you, I pity you.




How is this different from every other MMO on the market? Rush through content, you have nothing to do. Quite simple really.


SWTOR is different from every other mmo out right now because there is actually a leveling experience that's amazing.

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But er, isn't this the first MMO Bioware and EA Have done?


LoL yes it's BW's first MMO.. so do they get the "Awww it's okie snowflake you can release a half done game and you still get a star"


Yes... do business that way.


The people who complain on the forums and say this game is going to die blah blah blah are a very small percentage of the total population so the real players shouldn't be worried about anything.


Yes, the total population of dead servers. So the real players (the ones that can't find groups or do WZ's other than Huttball due to low population) should rejoice at having nothing to worry about.


As was mentioned ealier, all those servers are there from the first month of release when the list of "FULL" servers was the majority of the server list.


Guess why they're not "FULL" now :p One hint, it's not because of people coming to the game!

Edited by Stadulator
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Just to give everyone and idea. About this time was when people were complaining in RIFT about low pop and dieing game and bugs and balance and blah blah blah. Rift seems to be doing very well now. I think SWtOR is at the same spot and its only a matter of time before the devs start booming. They need to learn from mistakes and how there system will accept changes.
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I tend to disagree. This is the largest and most polished MMO ever released. That doesn't mean it's bug-free, it only means that compared to anything that came before it's damn well done.




LOL @ Largest / Most polished MMO release. This game is SO far from polished its pathetic. Bugs from ALPHA that were reported in ALPHA are still rampant. Features from alpha/beta removed to feed us later as "patches". Im sorry but i think that Trion's Rift BLEW this away if you compare launches. Heck, Trion does hot patches and fixes multiple times a week. They dont wait weeks or months to fix stuff, they have a GREAT dev team who is vocal about everything. Sadly the game just wasnt it for me and i hoped this would be but its not. Aion is not free to play with 3.0 going live next week, most likely will take my time and effort back to them for now.

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Define a real player for me, because.....

  • I have taken several characters to level 50 and through end game content.
  • I have participated heavily in PvP.
  • I have participated in beta and gave a large amount of feedback.
  • I purchased the game.
  • I pay a monthly subscription for the game.


While I don't believe this game is going to die anytime soon, I have voiced my concerns on this forum. So I ask, who are you to discredit another? Regardless of their stance and if they "complain" or not.


I think what he means is that the people happy with the game are playing, the rest moan about it here. I only post either while im on a long loading screen (yes Tatooine im looking at you) or just before I log off for the night to get my beauty sleep.


People rarely risk entering the murky swamps of official gaming forums unless they want to gripe too. You don't see, if ever, people coming here to praise, only to prattle.

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