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Why can't we craft lower level purple/cyan/magenta crystals?


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It seems like all the craftable "rare" crystals are only available starting at around level 47 and up to 50.


How come there are schematics that allows you to craft say.....a level 20, 25, 30, or 35 purple crystal for people who are actually still leveling their characters and might want to have one of these crystals to.

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Because BW sucks and wants to make any non standard color seem like über loot.


I hope there is a more "reasonable" reason for this because currently, crafting color crystals seem to be very linear. You cannot craft certain crystals unless it is for the L47+ range and by that time, a person might as well just gain that higher crystal through PvP.


Example, if it was available, my Sith Warrior would have used a purple color crystal from the very beginning since Korriban, but that wasn't possible. Now that I am L50 and I can now purchase a purple crystal either through GTN or the Geologist vendor, I don't see the purpose when I am just a few commendations away from buying a PvP lightsaber that comes with a purple color crystal.


Right now as Artifice, I am just going to focus mainly on other areas like Relics, Enhancements, and Off-hand generators and what have you because it seems like I can always have a market whether it be someone who is level 20 or level 50.


What is the use of only making color crystals be L49 or L50 [craft-able] when by that time, people would just focus on getting PvE/PvP gear which would already contain such crystals?

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Magenta is the highest craftable crystal and you have to be 50 to be able to get the mats for it, so having to be 50 or close to it to use it makes sense. All the other "premium" colors are not available until level 50 as well, either through the vendor or already slotted in items you get from raiding/pvp. They are like this so that they remain "premium" items, not something you see all throughout the game. Edited by Remulan
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Magenta is the highest craftable crystal and you have to be 50 to be able to get the mats for it, so having to be 50 or close to it to use it makes sense. All the other "premium" colors are not available until level 50 as well, either through the vendor are already slotted in items you get from raiding/pvp. They are like this so that they remain "premium" items, not something you see all throughout the game.



Again, so what is the use of crafting these when they can already be attained through L50 PvP and PvE gear?


An item can still be "premium" but be used by a level 15 character. I have came to the conclusion that crafting premium crystals for lower levels is just a lost cause. I will continue to craft lower level as well as higher level red/green/blue/yellow color crystals that are of the purple quality. Besides, with the color restrictions being removed in 1.2, I think there would be a nice market for Blue/Green crystals on the republic side and Red crystals on the Republic side.


I will also focus on Relics and Enhancements but when it comes to the "premium" color crystals, I am just throwing in the white towel.

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Again, so what is the use of crafting these when they can already be attained through L50 PvP and PvE gear?


An item can still be "premium" but be used by a level 15 character. I have came to the conclusion that crafting premium crystals for lower levels is just a lost cause. I will continue to craft lower level as well as higher level red/green/blue/yellow color crystals that are of the purple quality. Besides, with the color restrictions being removed in 1.2, I think there would be a nice market for Blue/Green crystals on the republic side and Red crystals on the Republic side.


I will also focus on Relics and Enhancements but when it comes to the "premium" color crystals, I am just throwing in the white towel.


This is a reason why they are hitting crew skills with the 1.2.. Lack of reason to do them when you can get better from a vendor.

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I hope there is a more "reasonable" reason for this because currently, crafting color crystals seem to be very linear. You cannot craft certain crystals unless it is for the L47+ range and by that time, a person might as well just gain that higher crystal through PvP.


Example, if it was available, my Sith Warrior would have used a purple color crystal from the very beginning since Korriban, but that wasn't possible. Now that I am L50 and I can now purchase a purple crystal either through GTN or the Geologist vendor, I don't see the purpose when I am just a few commendations away from buying a PvP lightsaber that comes with a purple color crystal.


Right now as Artifice, I am just going to focus mainly on other areas like Relics, Enhancements, and Off-hand generators and what have you because it seems like I can always have a market whether it be someone who is level 20 or level 50.


What is the use of only making color crystals be L49 or L50 [craft-able] when by that time, people would just focus on getting PvE/PvP gear which would already contain such crystals?


I oversimplified my response but I think the real reason is color crystals are one of the few "carrots" they can dangle over us so therefore the non standard colors are gonna be much harder to get. A white or blue-black crystal should mean that you just like those colors not that you have a lot of credits or raid alot.

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