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Possible new classes

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I actually made a thread a long while ago with some new Class ideas.


As i sit here in the queue for normal mode Cademimu. I've decided to post a class idea that's been floating in my head. Techblades, TechStaves only see use on companions and enemy npcs. Sniper Rifle and Assault Cannons only get used by one class.


Republic Version: Republic S.I.S.

Weapons: Blaster Rifle, Vibroknife

Main Stat: Cunning and Aim (Balance of Both)


Advanced Class: Dead Eye

Weapons: Sniper Rifle, Vibroknife

Pure DPS


Advanced Class: Secret Agent

Weapons: Techstaff, Vibroknife, Shield Generator



Empire Version: Imperial Soldier

Weapons: Blaster Rifle, Shotgun

Main Stat: Aim and Cunning (Balance of both)


Advanced Class: Heavy Gunner

Weapons: Assault Cannon, Shotgun

Pure DPS


Advanced Class: Black Operative

Weapons: Techblade, Shotgun, Shield Generator



This lets the Republic and Empire side get to make use of Sniper Rifles and Assault Cannons and gives Techblades and Techstaves a purpose outside of Aim Tank/DPS companions.

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A mele trooper would be neat like those guys in the red robes and the electrostaves they are the royal guards dudes I would love that

Seconded, I've wanted the Dark Honorguards to be a class since I first saw them. Senate Commandos as their Republic counter, maybe. Advanced classes could be a melee tank/DPS, and ranged healer/DPS, to build off their bodyguard role.


Hell, maybe the Dark Honorguards have some minor Force powers, and the Republic equivalent can instead be Force Adept.



The story, however brief it may be since I'd see BioWare going the Death Knight route (start at a later level), for them could be that, as the Empire is rebuilding in KotFE or later, a new contingent of royal guardsmen are commissioned to protect the up-and-coming leaders of the Empire, perhaps with their "graduation" being hunting down and killing the leaders of the old Dark Honorguards.


Edited by Rodyn
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Never read all the messages, so these may be repeats:


1. Some type of Handmaiden class.

2. Some type of Dathomir Witch

3. Mystic

4. Imperial Guard

5. Rebel

6. Revanite? As a class.

7. Some form of Vibrosword user.

Edited by Scorpiova
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I'd love to see new classes tired to the expansion. Failing that, though, I'd love a mercenary class, faction neutral. Can use ANY weapon, depending on what specialization you choose.


Maybe have influence on each faction, but advancing your Imperial influence would negate your Republic influence (to an extent), and vice versa. I also loved the bounty idea. Having neutral bounty hunters able to track down people who angered one faction or another would be incredibly entertaining :)


I'll also add neutral smuggler to the mix. Maybe, when one faction is notified of a player choosing to defect, they hire a smuggler to 'smuggle' him/her into their space. In reality, it would just be removing the bounty from the players' heads, but it's an interesting counterpoint to the bounty missions. And, theoretically, the bounty hunter and smuggler could square off occasionally over a target.

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I'd love to see new classes tired to the expansion. Failing that, though, I'd love a mercenary class, faction neutral. Can use ANY weapon, depending on what specialization you choose.


Maybe have influence on each faction, but advancing your Imperial influence would negate your Republic influence (to an extent), and vice versa. I also loved the bounty idea. Having neutral bounty hunters able to track down people who angered one faction or another would be incredibly entertaining :)


I'll also add neutral smuggler to the mix. Maybe, when one faction is notified of a player choosing to defect, they hire a smuggler to 'smuggle' him/her into their space. In reality, it would just be removing the bounty from the players' heads, but it's an interesting counterpoint to the bounty missions. And, theoretically, the bounty hunter and smuggler could square off occasionally over a target.


good luck with that, might as well just ask for a million dollars...both equally likely to be true.

necros aside, odds of them releasing new classes is zero, new AC's potentially, but more likely also near zero.

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